Woah, you went over a lot! I have to say, when I started a year ago, @emancipatedhuman told me to grind it out, get better, and to not get discouraged.
Unfortunately, I did get discouraged and distracted and ended up taking 10 months off! I am back, hot and heavy now but I hate to think of how much I hurt myself taking that break. Out of the people I was following and those following me we were very active and we were all getting a couple steem per post (when it was at $0.15!!).
@samsiedenstrang and I ended up hiking and camping nearly every week and instead of blogging about it we just plain forgot about steemit (looking back I think the difficulty with esteem at the time was a large reason for it).
Great article! Thanks for sharing your tips - it is greatly appreciated.
While @taskmaster4450's article is as always deeply insightful and inspirational, your story of losing out 10 months is a stark reminder of what one might miss out if one doesn't get onboarded to Steem as an active member now. The sooner you are in, the bigger you are done the line.
That is a huge statement and one I agree with. Time is awastin' as they say.
I believe everyone will enter the crypto world, sooner or later. The ones who ignore it now will wish they didnt. It will be one of those situations where they could have started accumulating tokens via by engaging in their utility only to find they have to start at a later date.
SP is only going to get harder to acquire. The ones who are in now will stand to gain a great deal not only from the appreciation of the token but the fact that SP can still be acquired in decent numbers.
Imagine how hard it will be when payouts are .1 SP per post...it will take a while to build up to 1000SP.
Those who are there will be whales in the eyes of the newer people.
This is a very powerful message for anyone who gets discouraged. The fact remains that a 10 month hiatus starting now will mean that one is further behind 10 months from now than they are today. As the blockchain keeps growing, if one does not keep pace, he or she is only going to look at it as a missed opportunity.
Like was said, you cant cry over spilled milk but you can get active realizing that the next 10 months will probably see more STEEM growth than the last 10.
We are glad you are back....thank you for sharing your message.
Agreed. I thought my taking a month off was bad enough. What matters now is that @ericwilson recognizes Steem for the opportunity that it truly is and puts in the work to grow with the blockchain. The compounding effect you mention, @taskmaster4450, is like a video game boost in a way - once you learn how to leverage it, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool.
Hey @ericwilson glad you are back. Don't look back at what could have been man, just keep on truckin' forward. See you around.
Exactly! No use spending time worrying about the past, you got to worry about the things you can change, absolutely.