A of all, awesome
B of all, you're getting 50 MORE steem from upvotes about using steem for that
C of all, why are you bothering with the LTC part of that whole theoretical transaction? You can buy BTC on coinbase and trade it for steem on bittrex. That's what I do. Am I doing it wrong?
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BTC has slower transfer speeds then LTC and more fees typically. So I like to know when I purchase the coin I can move it fast and cheap then make the other trades before the market changes. That is why I use LTC over BTC.
I get the desire for speed, but fee-wise, there's no incoming transfer fee on BTC at bittrex, and coinbase is wonderful for having no outgoing fee. And you have to pay an extra fee on the btc:ltc conversion at bittrex, so that's why I don't use ltc. So... it's trading that fee for speed, I guess, yeah (I do prefer LTC to BTC, and wish I could make a direct LTC:STEEM conversion with low fees.
You have the miner fees on BTC on the transfer from coinbase to bittrex.
Even using pro.coinbase.com? I never noticed! I need to pay more careful attention!
coinbase can't control what the miners charge for recording the transaction. When the miner fees were crazy high is when I paid attention. Now it's habit to use LTC.