When its hard to make real connections with people, money is all that matters in this place tbh. Recently, louisthomas had one of his videos flagged to $0. It was only then that he posted saying that hes “losing faith in steem.” Meanwhile hes been earning a lot of money here for a long time by cross posting his videos here with minimal effort.
Im so sick of everyones fuckin bland ass personalities here. Im sick of and embarrassed for the unfunny memes that our community creates. Im sick of how i rarely come across anything here that makes me genuinely laugh or intrigued.
I used to be heavily into rap battles and was on a message board for it. The community was wayyyyy smaller than steem but everyday I came across the funniest posts and memes that literally made me cry from laughter.
The most interesting blogger was that guy yallapapi or whatever his name was. But the insipidness of most accounts here made him stop posting.
We're all losers (including myself) who are hoping that this place could one day make big moves. Im a loser. Youre a loser. And whoever else reads this is also a loser. Money is all that matters here.
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