No, I pointed out that if your reason was in order to find the natural price in the marketplace, what you are supporting is directly opposed to doing what you say that you want.
Put bluntly, which is the lie? What you tell me that you want or what you tell me that you support?
It's pretty simple. One of those things has to either be not true or your understanding of it has to be invalid.
Maybe you don't understand how direct down pressure from a competitor in the guise of regulation distorts free markets? That's possible. I suppose that could be true.
Maybe you don't fully grasp how your support for what Bernie is up to is causing actual price levels to be distorted in his favor? That could happen. That could be true.
Maybe you're lying to me in public about what you actually want. Wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happened; people are often very guarded about their actual intent when they talk about public policy. That has to be an option that I accept is on the table.
Or you're lying about actually caring about price signaling and you have an entirely different set of beliefs which motivate the actions you support at core. Definitely wouldn't be the first time that that happened. It definitely won't be the last time that happens to me. But it seems like the sort of thing that it would be a good time to drop to have an actual, meaningful discussion.
I've said a lot of things. I've demonstrated a lot of things. I've answered all of your questions. I give you plenty of material to actually grab onto one point and spin it out into actual discussion.
But that's not what you want. And I determine that by looking at what you've done.
So I'm going to walk away from this discussion now, knowing that, fully believing that, either you are not engaging in good faith or you have absolutely no understanding of what it is that you're doing and no interest in gaining it.
See, I'm not engaging in Proof by Verbosity. I'm just looking for honest debate, with supporting facts, an absence of strawman methodologies, upfront self representation.
Maybe I've made a mistake. If so, I fully apologize. I expected far too much. That's on me.
Blah blah blah.
That's the best you got? What are you, in sixth grade?
Seriously. Hold up your end better. Be a better representative for the ideas you choose to espouse. Be someone other people can respect.
This is not how you get there from here. This is a piece of friendly advice: if you actually care about any of this – act like it. At least pretend to.
You can be better than this. This may be a delusion that I am firmly holding to, but it's by choice.
Do better.