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RE: The artists of Steem

in #steem6 years ago

I never even realized autovoter was down...

That probably tells you how much I am 'on the ball' , in regards to rewards etc, for my blogs.
I write my stuff, and hopefully it gets some up votes/recognition.

(although my war gaming is taking quite a bit of time at the moment - but that's another subject that I hope to be writing more about soon..)

If I could write about my wargames, my campaigns - and war gaming in general, and some military history thrown in - to make $10 a day....ahhh... bliss..
(Oh, and some more fiction...)


It is a niche area that not many might be interested in directly. Perhaps it takes finding the right audience from somewhere. Discord groups?

Yup, it's nerdy alright..I have avoided wargame 'clubs' after my first 6 or 7 forays into them, back in the day- they are full of nerds, mate ! ... lol..
(And I avoid discord at the best of times - so one full of wargamers...? ...mmm).

Which all loops back nicely to the topic of your thread...I'm whining.....I'll stop now..