This guy is mentally unwell and is a compulsive liar, as in he literally makes stuff up to try to suit his agenda. Please take him with a grain of salt.
Also, please, do not take his investment advice seriously.
Fair warning, this is an extremely unstable user. Would advise to avoid, dude is crazy.
After getting a few personal threats from him, I decided to dig a little. He has been in jail previously for being on drugs, smashing stuff up in a store while screaming racist stuff, then fleeing, then resisting arrest/assaulting a police officer/throwing bodily fluids at an officer. Needless to say, if you interact with this guy, which I'd advise against, try to keep it minimal.
Not even reading the psychobabble wall of text.
Go buy some Steem with all of those millions of crypto dollars that you claim to have and restore your account. If you do that, I might begin to reassess my current stance on you being a psychopath/compulsive liar/totally unhinged. That is, if you can abstain from being a physically violent rampaging racist that gets taken to jail like you've done previously lol.