At one time they had a max payout limit of 30sbd (i pissed myself laughing when mehta blew a wad upvoting a share there and lost a fortune!) but now I see its been raised to 600. Surely if they can have payout limits applied, and applied at a more reasonable level like the 30 or even 20, then this fixes everything?
And how is this different to steemhunt for instance? Thats just specialist sharing of stuff to buy?
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That guy does some funny stuff if you've ever followed him around bid bot Discords.
600 STU seems ridiculous. I do feel the 20-30 STU range seems more reasonable.
I still stay clear of discord, it confuses the life out of me!

sorry, its 300max but it definitely used to be 30.
I suppose that's done for the possibility of a trending discussion.
Some promotional services choose to not vote on content from @dmania, etc., but I don't think a significant number will opt for that approach.