If it were possible for me to write a detailed and fair review about each of those applications, I would.
The truth of the matter is, @dtube is lame. I have never gotten it to work and it would appear that engagement is extremely low on that platform. I'm not sure if it's worth going through the effort of recording and then editing. I have seen others who do quick vlogs, which might be a better approach. Alas, it's bad, but not (pseudo) decentralized crap yet.
Synopsis: Lame. But, not bad if you want some votes since only curators consume your content.
While we are on the subject of videos, let's never talk about @dlive ever again. I hope they burn in crypto hell for all eternity. How's that Lino bull crap working out for ya?
Synopsis: mostly dead.
I've seen many people take part in @steemhunt, and I do get the occasional "oooh" when I read some of the Hunters' finds. They have a moderation team that are tasked to approve entries. Also, they have experimental placeholder SMTs on their platform. As for satisfaction, I was hoping to read more funny "Amazon reviews", but that has not happened yet.
Synopsis: not funny enough. Only moderators check quality, or read your posts.
Then, we have @tasteem. If you want a corrupt framework with little to no internal regulation, this is the place to be. It's so garbage that I don't even know why they have big delegations. On a 10-point scale, one being lowest, @tasteem is on "patching up holes with white list".
Synopsis: cesspool of people reviewing places they've never been before.
Am I being unfair? Of course I am! These are my opinions about these applications and I have given my perception of them. Some people love them to death, but I see most of them as diamond-in-the-rough (that's me being too nice).
Overall synopsis: better than @dlike.
My experiences with the video and live broadcasting apps available have not been too good. Getting the correct video format has been strangely difficult for me, but I discovered if I upload the video to dropbox before uploading to dtube or dlive, it works. Maybe... nobody on... dev team had... an iPhone? 😳
Live broadcasting platforms tethered to a laptop make me sad.
Periscope without Steem makes me and Steem sad.
I know it’s not easy for them to create apps for this platform. Good QA is hard to find these days.
I use an iPhone myself, but in retrospect, it seems to make sense to use Android, or other operating systems.
Alas, that's what we are stuck with...
DApps are the future of the blockchain, and the more choice the better but like everything where there are rewards, there will be greed and cheats. Thats how it is sadly.
They create use and engagement. This is good, for all of us and the future of the blockchain :-)
Hope you're keeping well fella :-)I actually like @dlike for its potential. It could be a mix of pinterest and pocket and a simple way for people to share their own photos. It could be a great resource to follow stuff you're interested in and has filters already for you to filter out what you dont want to see...I know its a little bit messy at the moment but the devs there are lovely genuine people who are working hard with very limited resources and backing from the 'establishment'. They have a beg, steal and borrow delegation from regular people who have delegated what they can. Note the delegations to steemhunt which I personally think is worthless and to dtube which should be brilliant but is pants and various other DApps. As for @dlike, and evennthe DApps I dont like, the best thing is they give regular people, who, with all the will in the world are never going to be great, or even good bloggers the chance to earn a few rewards and its that which makes them a top asset of this blockchain. Steem the blockchain is supposed to empower people and especially for the people from less wealthy nations they are a godsend, they promote inclusiveness and variety on the blockchain. Steem is so much more than Steemit (thank god) and anyway, if it gets too scammy, we got your crew to help us all out !
Posted using Partiko Android
After some run-ins with @steemcleaners, @dlike is willing to explore decline payout options for people that just want to share interesting things without any commentary.
There are just too many people willing to abuse curation trails or bid bots on a shared link. I would be okay if the link was the work of the person who shared it, but more often than not, that's not the case. They can't even bother with an up-to 500 character note like Pinterest when they toss a random link to be voted on.
But like you said, there are positives and people can choose to flag them into oblivion if they are bad enough.
Hope you are doing well too. Thanks for commenting!
At one time they had a max payout limit of 30sbd (i pissed myself laughing when mehta blew a wad upvoting a share there and lost a fortune!) but now I see its been raised to 600. Surely if they can have payout limits applied, and applied at a more reasonable level like the 30 or even 20, then this fixes everything?
And how is this different to steemhunt for instance? Thats just specialist sharing of stuff to buy?
Posted using Partiko Android
That guy does some funny stuff if you've ever followed him around bid bot Discords.
600 STU seems ridiculous. I do feel the 20-30 STU range seems more reasonable.
I still stay clear of discord, it confuses the life out of me!

sorry, its 300max but it definitely used to be 30.
I suppose that's done for the possibility of a trending discussion.
Some promotional services choose to not vote on content from @dmania, etc., but I don't think a significant number will opt for that approach.
😅😅 I tried Dlike a few times but didnt really see the benefit? Cant see how it adds value but maybe im missing something
It's a dud dapp.
It's basically, "hey, pay me for sharing other people's work!" It's the equivalent of a door opener at an automatic door.
Yeah I came to the same conclusion - well not every Dapp is going to change the world I guess! I just dont see the point its like hey we could just post a link to a website from out Steemit blog anyways, so really it does nothing!
They can improve it. Even if it's more like Pinterest, they need to incentivize people to not just vomit out links.
Last time I checked, they were willing to work on decline payout option on their end for users who just want to share links straight up with no content added on the sharer's side.
It wouldn't be a bad way to have engagement then.
Yeah that was my impression - I didnt really enjoy the platform at all. Will be interesting to see where this one goes, but I am skeptical
Thanks for points this out to me, I will be writing my review.
Most of these are basically noise on Steemit. DTube, in my opinion is even worse. They delete videos after 2 months due to server space which means (1) they are not distributed, but keep your videos on their server and (2) they are creating a trail of empty yet highly paid posts in the data. In my view a $20 post should be worth $20 when created and should continue holding this value. I'm moving to BitChute, although currently Steemit doesn't allow BitChute videos to be embedded, so I have to make links instead. (Fine with me, I'm not wasting my energy with DTube ever again.)
People always flock to what they perceive is the best service. So, I never feel bad for those guys.
"The truth of the matter is, @dtube is lame. I have never gotten it to work and it would appear that engagement is extremely low on that platform. "
Agreed. Alt media is having a hard time with censorship and shadow bannninng with Youtube. Steemit and Dtube doesn't have the real human (not robot) traffic compared to simple easy to use working platforms like Real Video, Gab Video and Bitchute which most free speech advocates have already adopted.
It's kinda sad because most alt media platforms want to moneytise their content to keep them going.
"let's never talk about @dlive ever again. I hope they burn in crypto hell for all eternity. How's that Lino bull crap working out for ya?"
Not understanding why Dlive deserves hate. They are perhaps the best working Steemit app out of them all and they're a proper business. It will be the first blockchain related (centralised or otherwise) streaming platform to take on Twitch and Mixer. Lino doing well is a good thing as Steemit needs competition. SMT's and EOS are not going to happen.
Yup, @dtube is just weak.
I do have to point out this post is a case of #badreviews, so I do exaggerate things. One of them being the "hate" for @dlive. To be frank, what they did was a business decision.
It should have been another wake up call to STINC that their platform is not up to par.
Back to the point of being centralized. Does it have to be blockchain-based? It seems silly that people have begun to slap blockchain on everything like the latest fad. That's just my opinion.
Blockchain paying related content like Steemit is important for a new paradigm. We should not be controlled by sponsors or corporations for what we should be paid for our content. That's a new human given right.
I'm not bothered if it's centralised but these new companies cannot be bought out by some Bilderberg company and destroy good things as Youtube and Skype was. If Lino can do what Steemit hasn't then great. If it makes Steemit Inc do some work then even better.
We shall see how that plays out. Influence can always be exerted, directly or indirectly. The only difference is that people like us will at least have a bone this time.
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This is free upvote first when you follow @haccolong this post has been upvoted by @hoaithu's Curation Trail.
I sure did not expect that to come that quick. lol
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