@berniesanders Welcome to the discussion. I am sure you have the means to ruin this account; no doubt. Nothing I could do about it either.
I have made no false claim and simply pointed out inconsistencies in the image you provided. I left alternative solutions in my article in regards to a site glitch, incorrect algorithm applied by that site etc. I never directly accused you of anything and left it for the readers to make their own decision. In fact I explicitly stated that what I found was proof of nothing. I just noted that the image did not mathematically validate or fit the standard format of that site.
If you would like to talk about it. Lets do so.. If you are just going to destroy this account then that is a shitty thing to do, somewhat abusive and nothing I can control anyway.
I also stated in other articles that I believe @haejin was getting what could be considered over the top rewards for his posts. Regardless he apparently provides a service that users like and they are free to up or down vote as much as they like as is the system here.
I also wrote that I see hypocrisy in what your are doing by collecting $15,000 USD through the process of creating multiple posts complaining about the high earnings of another members posts. I suggested that perhaps in your righteous quest for the little guy you could lead by example and could defer those equally ridiculous rewards back to the rewards pool.
I just found that the issues with the photograph in your post warranted further investigation. I have posted about you and @heajin equally and actually laid out an excellent post detailing the points of both camps a few days ago. Give it a read:
I know you don't care, your a whale, control a bot army etc. . I congratulate you on your success, your foresight in regards to this platform and the wise choices you made to get to this point.
That said, stepping on a smaller member just trying to make it, and that can use the steem dollars is just not a nice thing to do. In fact it actually hurts and just takes food away from my family for using my time to post an interesting article instead of doing something else.
You know perhaps you should read my introduction post.
You will see that I'm a person just like you, have a family, a new daughter, thus far cancer survivor all the good stuff.
So if you want to run me from the platform you certainly have the power to do so. I make no quarrel with you, nor can I control you. I pointed out problems with an image. I did not alter the image to suit the needs of my article. I went with the information you provided to judge another member and decided to examine it and not just take it at face value; nothing more, nothing less.
If you would like to post that it was a site glitch, you use a mac instead of a PC etc. .then please comment as I have no evidence to the contrary. I have no idea what caused the inconsistencies in the image. But If you would like to hen peck this article for factual errors on my behalf please do.
If you would like to make a post calling me a fucking moron, useless lying, no good, ignorant cocksucker with a hard on for you; you can do that as well. Even if I had the power to down vote it, I would not as those would be your opinions and you are welcome to them. I would debate on the issue as factually I may be ignorant at times, but I unequivocally like vagina and could provide substantive evidence to prove my case in that regards.
Also what is the point of destroying unrelated articles or articles related to a fund that will benefit all steemians at some point.
Steemit Quest For One Million. Time required to build a $1,000,000.00 Steemit Account
Sorry you feel the need to do this wish you the best and hope you had a very Merry Christmas.
Also while were on the topic if you could simply comment and remove the downvotes that strip earnings from me it would be appreciated.
If you read through some of my content unrelated to what has pissed you off. You will see I'm actually a pretty good writer, bring solid perspective and create the type of content Google likes to see and that benefits the platform. Thanks, I await your civil response.
― Abigail Van Buren
It was a glitch: https://steemit.com/steem/@dragosroua/steem-supply-update-removed-ads-interface-cleanup-bug-fixing
Can we please allow:
ok....thank you for your time, I love you all, please continue as before
Thanks for Sharing @moeknows, ok now that we know:DJ
And a six day old post showing it by the creator of the site. Should have checked and asked from @dragosroua
My job was to simply point out an observation and bring the point up for debate, nothing more nothing less. I made no accusations one way or the other. The community did its job and may have solved the issue.
That aside, the proper way to handle it was to debate the issue, not act like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum and go about threatening people, threatening to destroy their accounts, flouting "I have the means" which I take as "I have money fuck you". To that end I am glad this article served it's purpose one way or the other, both in possibly bringing to light the reasons for the discrepancies I noted as well as further illuminated the lack of leadership and people skills bernie consistently demonstrates.
I disagree. Your framing of the post is leading the audience towards a conclusion of guilt through a false front.
If you notice, most of the comments on this post are coming from relatively newbies who have very little understanding of how the platform operates or of its history.
@berniesanders has played a vital role in this community since it has begun regardless of how people have disagreed with or portrayed him. If that isn't the sign of a leader, I don't know what is yet, he never claims to be your leader, you have put him in that role. He is doing as he sees fit.
What is good is that the post was essentially nullified and a retraction can be posted to let people know more publicly.
While he may have done good and may continue to do so. He likewise demonstrates abusive tenancies in regards to bullying other members etc. Hell he may be the bees knees of Steemit and that is just dandy.
But you cannot be a hypocrite and advocate for the platform on one hand, posting pics of the rules for acceptable flagging etc and then turn around and break those rules with the other. Was he within his right to flag @haejin; yes most definitely. Did he post an image recently depicting the acceptable reasons for flagging? Yes. Is rewards dispute listed as acceptable? Yes.
Is disagreement of opinion listed? No.
I never professed him to be my leader. In all truth I would not follow the man through the express lane at Wal-Mart. He positioned himself on that pedestal through his proclamations of doing what is right for the platform, leading the way, making a difference, helping the little guy by saving the rewards pool from its pillagers. Yet on the other hand he essentially spammed 5 posts about the same thing, no new content, nothing substantive that added to the debate and likewise attempted to walk away with $20,000 USD; which I found to be somewhat hypocritical to say the least.
He at this point, I do not believe give two shits about members and is more concerned with building "his brand" (his words not mine) and profiting from his vote bot. That is is ultimate objective as I see it. To keep that platform at a level wherein people keep pumping quarters into his slot machine in return for votes.
Honestly it is rather ingenious to a point. The whole rando concept and its consistent contribution by people hoping to buy a cheap vote up. That is his enterprise and what his focus seems to be at the moment. I have no issue with it as it is within the rules of the system here and looks to be an profitable entrepreneurial endeavor. As I am sure he has invested in its success, he is going to use his popularity, power and any other means at his disposal to continue building that machine so as it continues to pay him dividends.
Bernie is a smart guy, no doubt. But a bit on the transparent side as well. Rando is his business and he is going to work to build it, even if it means breaking a few eggs (crushing the little guy) or buying up dissenting opinion (downvoting those that disagree).
Disagreement of rewards is listed in the reasons to flag but even those are guidelines.
I think that people are confused by this whole platform and figure that it is some garden utopia where fairness reigns supreme and everyone deserves the same in a safezoned environment.
You may even be surprised at where those 20,000 dollars in value ended up. Do you think he did it for the money? Do you think that he is concerned about his own post earnings here at all?
I disagree with all upvote bots but unfortunately, the only ones who can stop them are the ones using them, not the ones creating them.
If you think that Rando is his only business, again, I would think you mistaken but, this is a 'to each their own platform' in the end.
I am looking to one day someone analysing all of the BC data and seeing exactly how people behave and how their influence helped or harmed the platform.
I am glad that you have taken the time to answer well though, few do.
Bernie is likely not an Anglo Saxon (nor whatchamallit, British Muslim?), I had that impression earlier - in continental European use, the comma replaces the colon/dot. However it would surprise me if he pixel-changed (one digit of?) that number, it looks more like the result of some hasty freeform arithmetics gone wrong. Nobody's perfect ;)
Btw I'm wondering if anyone here is still interested in crypto ?
No body is perfect, but is there anything wrong with British Muslims?
How can you be sure that there are no perfect bodies ?
Are you trying to bully me with the help of British Muslims ?
I can see that you like to provoke people like @berniesanders to then complain that he downvotes you. That is an interesting way to spend ones time.
I did not mean to provoke you in any way, I am Muslim, and was just wondering from your comment what you meant by referring to British Muslims in that way, it is not good to judge or label people, but whether you like them or not it is not my problem, it was just a question :) I am really sorry for any misunderstanding I have caused. Peace be with you.
Being a Muslim excuses you, I had taken you for a Social Justice Warrior, a species that tends to raise my aggression level - you never know on this network.
Are you by any chance one of the people who initially came here for the analysis, or did the effusions of conflict attract you ? Technical question, sort of.
I would already be gone if not fascinated by the phenomenon of how smoothly the people here switched from one subject to a completely different one, never breaking stride.
It's almost as if they were hanging around for the conversation.
Oh definitely, I actually heard about @haejin before knowing what steemit is, he was mentioned on the "trollbox" of hitbtc exchange by @scarlet7 , that was around august, I only came here for the Analysis , then got dragged to this drama since @haejin was a morning ritual for me and the past few days things have been very bumpy thanks to mr dramaqueen @berniesanders. Now I am trying to fill this morning void by somewhat helping in this current situation, but it seems like meeting new steemians here is bearing more fruit than trying to help in this situation, also trying to follow other TAs lets hope that goes well :)
Yes, that sounds familiar... Haejin is enlightening but he stumbles when things get choppy (as in times of war, human psychology changes - meaning extraordinary happenings tend to exaggerate fear reactions, I think we experienced that).
The best channels I found on youtube besides Haejin are these two.
They're not as intuitive for sure, but both are extremely interesting and detailed, and they make a wonderful addition to this one, should it ever come live again.
I can assure you, you have not seen my perfect musculous body. Me neither.
@pawsdog and @ktr ditto! well said! let the decentralized community speak for itself! @haejin Thankyou for all you do. You are a great mentor and I recommend all my friends to you as guidance in the markets and learning the trends.
@pawsdog you’ve got yourself a new follower. Top post, all class with that reply.
Thank you...
@pawsdog and @ktr ditto! well said! The community will speak for itself! @haejin Thankyou for all you do. You are a great mentor and I recommend all my friends to you as guidance in the markets and learning the trends.
Well said.
Could someone please help me out answer my question im new to this steemit reward system.
To my understanding the reward is determined by the followers with upvotes and resteem?