There is a lot of money coming into this space right now and unfortunately a lot of ignorance about which coins are actually truly valuable and why.
In this video I'm going to go over why the Steem token is undervalued and why it is likely going to sky rocket over the course of the next few years. It's about a half hour watch, but if you are really looking at investing in the Steem token you should understand the why and what makes it so valuable.
Token Cap / Emission / Liquidity / Market Cap
-Not capped
-9% inflation dropping by .5 a year to flatten out at 1%
-262 million total supply, 63 million liquid
Payout from Proof of Stake or Masternode?
-However numerous ways to make a return often MUCH higher than PoS coins 20% plus
-Delegating Steem Power and Vote Power
Value Proposition
-Use social media, something everyone is familiar with, to reach mass adoption and get users into crypto
-Now between 30-40 employees and a community building apps
Project Maturity
-Live functional blockchain for over a year and a half
-600,000 accounts, 60k active users, Many dev projects
-Steem Power provides the ability to earn returns and influence on the steem platform
-Easy to get started and use the technology without a lot of knowledge
Scalability / Transaction throughput
-Currently one of the most used blockchains and still not even close to capacity
Consensus Protocol
Special Features
-Steem Power protects tokens
-Lots of ways to make a return on investment
-Lots of highly disruptive applications being built on it
Some of my other recent posts:

Really great video. I will reference this in the future.
Thanks, appreciate the support.
Great video, Steemit is an amazing platform that will end up changing the way people interact on the internet.
This is why I have never taken a cent out (besides paying for my steemfest ticket).
Bitcoin is crap. Obsolete, only high because of the dumb money as you say. So many better cryptos out there.
The future belongs to coins with uses, like Steemit. The rest are bound to fall as Warren Buffet has said, "When the tide goes out, you find out who has been swimming naked."
All I know is that it's going to be some awesome sight seeing because there's going to be a lot of naked people!
Thanks a lot for presumably trusting my resteem!!
Great video and really well explained. U got another follower and looking forward for your next post. Steem to the moon!
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
I agree. Despite the room for improvement that is evident within steemit as a blogging platform, it is no longer the stand alone proof of concept for the potential of the steem blockchain. We now have utopian, dtube, dsound, etc. The forthcoming launch of smart media tokens will further expand the steem based ecosystem and the crypto world's appreciation of it. The breakout to start 2018 is a sign of positive things to come, in my personal view.
To propel further adoption of steem, I would really like to see Steemit Inc market the SP delegation feature more aggressively. I recently just learned about it and I've been a member of the platform for half a year. It should be made easier to grasp and utilize by the everyday user, as it is akin to the promise of passive cash flow that Proof of Stake implementation will afford ethereum holders later this year; by allowing users to delegate their idle voting power and possibly earn a return for doing so, an entirely new market has been spurred whereby others can compete for SP delegation.
Great comment. It's definitely a hidden secret and most in the crypto space have no idea the kind of returns available to those invested in the platform and the markets that have come up around that value. If they did this thing would already be through the roof.
Agreed, it's a feature that is truly a hidden gem at the moment. And it's precisely for that reason that I don't quite understand why it hasn't been more loudly proclaimed as a distinctive offering of the steem blockchain by Steemit Inc.
SP delegation affords users the chance to be rewarded with a steady cash flow in exchange for essentially committing to holding their steem as SP. In so doing, it actually serves to reduce the amount of steem that can be traded on the internal market and on exchanges. This indirectly supports the value of steem and sustains price rallies due to its influence on supply and demand: the supply of steem becomes more limited and the demand correspondingly grows as more users seek to purchase it in order to power up and delegate!
So while the steem blockchain has a predefined inflation rate, that can be mitigated by more users holding steem as SP. What better way to encourage this than to highlight SP delegation? It has further fostered a free and competitive market here on steemit whereby voting services, steem based platforms, and general users all compete to be SP delegatees; one quickly realizes that there are differences in what these delegatees are willing to pay to borrow your idle voting power (and what they intend to use it and the earnings from it for) and delegators have the flexibility to delegate it out accordingly.
delegation tool after stumbling upon it. It should be made simpler to both find and utilize for all users. I'm still adjusting to it and have more to learn.I would hope that in future updates of the platform itself, the delegation tool is built into user wallets. When I first learned about it myself just recently, I had to do some digging on how to actually tap into this best kept secret. I ended up using @justyy's SP
@raised2b Hey, could you undelegate your SP to @ryacha21
He is leasing 30k SP from @minnowbooster then using that to VOTE Up his own 7 Day old comments on random posts at the last minute. Scroll his comments to around the 6 day mark or just go to; he has a lot of self love on his own old comments.
HE IS DOING IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. He is farming the pool.. If you could help it would be appreciated..
Learn more about this sack of monkey spunk here:
Thanks for the heads up, I removed the delegation.
No problem, thank you for the response and being receptive.. take care..
Awesome video and info. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets excited when the market is coming down.
As a recommendation for your YouTube video (which can be a solid resource for people searching for research material), I'd consider adding more keywords to the title and the summary so it comes up in more search hits. This would be a good video for newbs to see.
Are the Steem transactions/transfers apples to apples with BTC/LTC/ETH? Is an upvote considered a transaction on Steemit?
Thanks for the tips. I'm horrible at actually trying to promote any content outside of Steem :)
On the transaction front. Every thing done on the blockchain is recorded as a transaction. Every transfer, post, comment, upvote, flag, etc... it's not a direct apples to apples comparison as far as each transaction representing a token transfer, but as far as blockchains are concerned it's the exact same thing, an update to the ledger. A blockchain doesn't care about what's being added to the ledger only that something is being changed and confirmed. It's only us humans that give any value to whatever that transaction represents. Every change requires consensus and is added to a block and thus represents a transaction.
But your point is worth noting for those that are interested in viewing it from the perspective of a token transfer to token transfer comparison.
damn bro! just watched the video, thank you for refreshing my memory on why steem is so fucking awesome! I am definitely going to be investing more on steem once the sale of the house goes thru..
did u say on dtube that you get paid immediately? you dont have to wait the 7 days?
Glad you liked it!
On the Dtube front, it has the same rules as Steem because it's built on the Steem blockchain, so you still have to wait the 7 days for payout.
Ok, i thought so but something in ur video thru me off.. anyhow, ive sent like 5 people ur way since to watch the video, prolly will send a few more today. Urs is much more informative than mine. Lol.
Yours was awesome too! The more we can spread the word the better. Some people I'm sure don't want to watch me ramble on so it's nice to be able to send them to your post :)
Ive been sending so many people ur video! Lol.. i think its crazy we made our posts on the same day about the same thing.. great minds think alike..
Great minds think alike! lol. I did a little article today explaining a bit of difference between steem and steemit because appearently nobody has read the whitepaper?!?. Yours was a much more imformative article! lol. im gonna watch the video tomorrow morning because I'm sure I need a brush up on the steem network and all it has to offer! :)
Yeah, Steem is so misunderstood by the space and is killing it on all fronts. Just speaks to the lack of research being done by those just throwing money at the flavor of the day. That'll change though, it always does. True value always wins in the end.
Yeah, truth is most the people in the cryptosphere havent ever read a whitepaper! How many of them just follow heijin and dont know a thing about what they are investing in?! Lol.
But yeah, as soon as my house sells im buying alot more steem, im just hoping the price doesn't spike before that! :/
you are right steem it undervalued. thats why I am grabbing more and more steem I will sell steem after touching 100$. now please don't say I am a fool. lets see in 2019 second quarter
I definitely don't think that's a foolish number if the Steemit team is able to execute on the vision.
Your Not a fool at all. i think it will $100 by q4 2018 ;)
This should be on :) nice video
Yeah, I'm still not a big content producer so Dtube doesn't make a lot of sense for me yet given the fee structure and that it doesn't have embedded streaming. It's still getting better by the day and I'm sure I'll be using it more at some point down the road.
A very large number of people join steemit platform every day.
Every newcomer, putting more money into the steemit pool with him.
Regardless of external output settings.
I really believe that we will only see increases in the value of the currency.
It's certainly growing fast right now, we'll have to see how well the Steemit team can execute on removing the few remaining barriers to adoption. If they can hit their target, things will definitely take off.
Totally under valued however you need people to build the systems for every day use on top of steem not sure thats going to happen like it has for bitcoin
It's simply a matter of time. Markets always come to where the people are and the numbers already show that Steem is already the most used blockchain in the world and is growing far faster than any other project out there.
We already have numerous platforms that have been built on the blockchain and it's less than two years old. Bitcoin has been around for 9 years now. I'm really curious to see what Steem is going to look like at nine years old.
Very nice comprehensive post. This year is just going to be huge for steemit when we will reach the 1 Million User Account in May/June this is going to skyrocket. I also heared about the lightwallets that will come out to get people started even faster.
There is definitely a lot coming this year. Hard fork 20 is going to be the key feature that opens up the flood gates and allows instant account creation, at that point it's game on.
Great video, good luck @raised2b
Steem has the highest amount of transactions out of all other altcoins.
Not just altcoints, all coins.
Yes, all coins!
I couldn't agree more! Thanks for the post.
Steemit is an excellent social media, secure, valuable, young. When substantial people begin joining it will add much more value to the community! Much love! Followed!
Wow ! Beautiful analysis !! This is realistic my friend !! Great effort !!
Agree with your view ! Hope this will spike soon !!
I agree that there is a lot of potential! Let's hope it will be steady!
concur. In spite of the opportunity to get better that is obvious inside steemit as a blogging stage, it is never again the remain solitary verification of idea for the capability of the steem blockchain.
We now have idealistic, dtube, dsound, and so forth. The expected dispatch of shrewd media tokens will additionally grow the steem based biological system and the crypto world's energy about it. The breakout to begin 2018 is an indication of constructive things to come, in my own view...
To drive advance appropriation of steem, I might truly want to see Steemit Inc advertise the SP assignment include all the more forcefully.
I as of late simply found out about it and I've been an individual from the stage for a large portion of a year. It ought to be influenced less demanding to handle to and use by the ordinary client, as it is much the same as the guarantee of detached income that Proof of Stake execution will bear the cost of ethereum holders in the not so distant future.
by enabling clients to appoint their sit without moving voting power and potentially procure an arrival for doing as such, an altogether new market has been prodded whereby others can go after SP designation.
Seems like you just rephrased my comment using a computer program. The English is completely broken. Not cool. Post original thoughts instead.
Yes I realize my friend...
Plagarism is not tolerated on this platform. I encourage you to spend the time to voice your own thoughts. I'm sure they are of actual value.
Actually I don,t understand ..Next time follow this catagory...
I think you do understand. You clearly took @syncubate's post and simply reworded it and tried to pass it off as your own. That is plagarism and is not tolerated on this platform. I'm sure you are more than capable of actually voicing your own thoughts and opinions and I really hope you realize that is where the value of being a part of this community comes from. What you are doing is removing value from the platform and hurts the community in the long run. It's short sighted and selfish.