LOVE and FOOD are Meant for Sharing NOT for Wasting...
by @reko
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Dumpster diving

Latest Update:
Willys is one of the supermarkets that throw away most food every day...

Green washing campaign by Willys stating "Together against the food waste".
My trusted old bike broke down so now I'm using an even crappier one that I found in a container...
Lizzy always lends a helping
As youcan see another great haul...mission accomplished!

Current Free Food in Stock:
Root chipsPommes Pinnes
Dried Cherries
Liver pâté
Greek Yoghurt
Organic BBQ Chips
Oat milk
Gooh (pre-made food)
Cottage Cheese
Sugar snaps
Head cheese
Crème fraîche
Sun dried tomatoes
Sweet buns
Roast beef
Past Treasures:

Dumpster Diving - Behind the Scenes.
Was a cold and snowy night here in Gothenburg...
Mission accomplished... ;)

Why do I Dumpster Dive?
- Bring awareness on how much food is wasted with our current system...
- Save the abundance of food that is wasted and share it...
- Minimizing costs enabling me to be less dependant on Fiat and can Power Up 100%...
- Great regular exercise and good karma... ;)
Thursdays Weekly Meet-ups:
Join my Discord Chat & May the Steem be with you!

Wow this is beyond words. U r doing a very great work. Anyone will ordinarily feel dumpster diving is beneath them, but your purpose behind this transcends every form of self pride.
This is a movement worth joining, changing the world one dumpster at a time. Cheers
You're thriving bro! Way to go!
Thank you @artzanolino! Great portrait!:)
Wow! This is EXACTLY the kind of problem solving I am excited to see. Down The rabbit hole!! People are so bitter at having to participate in a society regiment that wears them down that they would rather throw food away rather than see someone eat it 'for free'. :( I know many places lock their dumpsters, I like in San Diego and even our apartment dumpsters have locks (though I 'forget' to relock them often hehe). What kind of legal trouble do you get in if you get caught? Can you get tickets or worse (theft charges) ? I bet it varies by city, but what have you run across. I know many people are so rabid and bitter that they really want to punish people.
Also, unrelated question but i'm new so Im still trying to figure all of this out... how does the article have more votes than views? Either way, this is the kind of stuff we need to see trending so I'm glad it has so many .
Some votes are paid for using MinnowBooster and SmartSteem services.
Has met police and employees many times and no problems just telling them how it is...I'm there to free the food!;)
Food is life and people should stay full good job keep it up
thank you...agreed!^^
steemit is about 1000 nairia but to our advantage if you can buy bitcoin and convert to sbd you gain more think well guys
Really great job. Everybody come forward for food charity.
nice sharing dude about food... keep it up..
I love food
lol me2!!^^
I searched my country at trashwiki, too bad there isn’t any. Great job you are doing there, you are doing lots of favor to the world.
Unfortunately, in my country the phrase "Together against the food waste" sounds like a joke, because of stupid politicians, bulldozers destroy the food
That is incredible how much food is being wasted. Thank you for letting people know.
its good and informative
Thank you
Whoa! That's a lot of food from dumpster diving, how do all these food end up there? I mean they're still good right? Nice job @reko , lizzy does look happy
You are really environment saver.
This is a chance to think about my food shopping style again..
Thank you :)
Intressant! Gör du det här på heltid? För övrigt kul att se fler svenskar på steemit. Kämpa på!
jao de kan en la säga, kommer fokusera hårt på detta framöver....var i Sverige befinner du dig månntro? :)
Bor i Nyköping med familjen. Upptäckte steemit i slutet på förra året och startade ett konto nu i början på januari. Känns mycket mer spännande och inspirerande än övriga sociala plattformar. Var bor du någonstans då?
eller hur!!:D Bor i Göteborg i ett litet kollektiv på 5 pers som alla är här dock inte lika aktiva som mig;)
kolla in @markwhittam en annan svensk som är mkt inspirerande på många sätt!:)
Det ska jag absolut göra.
Bless you for doing this.
I've been donating to local homeless shelters and food banks for years, especially when I lived in Florida and had an abundance of yard food that was way too much for us to eat without help.
Our two large pink grapefruit trees alone put out an abundance of fruit every year, and our chaya bushes were massive, and threatening to take over the county!
There is a charity here in the States, Second Harvest, that attempts to do what you're saying here, by repurposing the food that would otherwise be thrown out by grocery stores and restaurants, and directing it to the people most in need.
They do a great job, along with scores of smaller local charities, but it is the tip of the iceberg, and there is still an obscene amount of food being wasted each and every day.
We need a sea change in awareness. Thank you for being a spearhead.
Good, Follows: @robinmeza460
Great man
cute pup !
sharing each other is the happiest life. you have shared a science with steemit users in the world. thank you for sharing.
Great haul!! I wonder what the organic BBQ chips you collected sell for in the store...I bet a fist full of fiat.
I keep coming back to look at all the food and it is literally making me cry. 😢 We make life so much harder for eachother for no reason. It seems like every time good meaning scientists or inventors solve a problem we are so quick to reshuffle society so that the solution is never really implemeneted. I know so many people who fight with their partner, or cant see their kids, ir just suffer from debilitating anxiety or depression just to try to eat. And its being fucking thrown away by the truck loads. Sorry to be so negative, its just really hitting me today . Love the decentralized farmers market. Also, can I share this on my facebook or would you rather keep it here on steem?
Some people find it disgusting, I call it being smart.