Hey @stuffbyspencer,
That sounds interesting and I would like to know more about what you are building. If you aren't comfortable disclosing details here, we can chat on discord. I would enjoy picking your brain about it and possibly even be able to contribute some ideas that might be helpful as I have gained a detailed insight about Steem in the two years spent on here.
New behaviors form all the time in societies, best we adapt & help nurture a positive outcome of them rather than rage against an unstoppable force.
100%! Too many people spend way too much of their time trying to stop or prevent the unstoppable. Thus they are blind to the heights they could reach if only they invested that time in "learning the game" and adapting.
Thanks for such an insightful comment!
Yeah man, if you feel like hitting me up on discord [ Spencer#3319 ], I'd be more than down to talk about this concept. I think it could be a good discussion! :^)
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