
You just blew all attention with your post. This is how easy it is to influence the mind. (Great animation by the way). - I found it very attempting at first to write and receive something for it from votes. Nobody noticed my articles. The same time I found very interesting thoughts on this plattform. I also found some very disgusting articles...and cat pics. I had hoped to leave those behind on FB. Slowly some people noticed my writings and gave interesting comment. Some cents came in as well.
I gave many thoughts to what steemit means to me. I enjoy good content good photos, new thoughts of crypto believers. I enjoy mostly that some people put real effort into writing. After some month on steemit I am learning to focus on what I like here. I am very happy that most articles are longer and more profound than "Like" if you read my posts (FB) I reward people for their articles I don´t need reassurance all the time that a community that only knows me virtually is checking me.
The steemit system is in my view not perfect, whales, bots, and all kind of trixters are around. That´s life , you find them always on the net. Believing to gain enough to live of writing here seems to me a romantic idea. - Still..with the crypto community , you never know. That´s the beauty about it. Keep on writing...

This is the coolest thing I have seen today but what is it doing in this post??