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RE: This biggest reason steem prices are falling: The Arbitrage Sabotage Steem-Dollar Teeter-Totter

in #steem9 years ago

Well, to start out, i have to say i hope your right. I currently have about 6K in sp, and even if I did not, I would want it to succeed for the sake of the platform and so that others here could make money.

That said, i don't think youre right for several reasons. I think steem can go to mars. I think whether or not it does depends largely on the decisions made in the next few months.

IMO, a big part of the problem is people that are thinking the same way you do. I mean here i show you, literally tell you how you can watch the price being dragged back down every time it tries to recover, and your first reaction is to get on message and say "everything is getting better . price hype price hype."

Its a shame, because there was this poster who had this story about carpenter ants and i can't find it now. But the point is, if an overabundance of enthusiasm short circuits your ability to think critically and solve problems, then its going to harm you in the end.


Im longsighted so i understand this process we go through right now takes time to grind its way out. Its the incubation period where buyers are bailing everybody out and my guess is this period will be long, drawn out, boring and totally demoralising. But once it begins to change it will change because fundamentals have taken over.