Can you give me two examples of this in real life since, say, Roman times...?
I am part of dance communities that started with one person who taught the next and then the next because they loved dancing. Dancing in homes until there was a large enough group to move to a tiny little crappy bar and then eventually, have a school. It took years for the Salsa community in Finland to form but, it is a tight community filled with friends, lovers and strangers now and still there is very little money in it for even the teachers. Pretty much any community like this is the same.
I'm interested in writing , not administrating bureaucracies.
A choice of experience. It doesn't mean that others aren't part of communities though. Not all are based in bureaucracy though.
Showing truths doesn't bore me, no matte if it makes me popular or not.
No such thing as truth, there is your truth as you see it. Everyone takes the same position with their belief systems.
...exposing the players, and making it a space for genuine people, is a great way forward....Not a financial option but an option borne of living in a world of shite people, and seeing what becomes of it.
again, it is about what you get out of it isn't it? It is still self interest and even though it might not get a currency return, it still comes with a return.
Again, we are misconstruing the definition of community - micro and macro perspectives do no scale up! lol.
My fault, I think.
My default setting of 'community' is from the broad view - whole societies kind of thing - probably from my historical overview of things...
Ah! You're a postmodernist !...a position.
To argue with certainty that there is no such thing as 'absolute truth' is to make it an absolute truth claim, and is self-refuting.
The only option remaining is that absolute truth does exist.
Post modernism is based in abstract philosophy, giving equal value to everything.
It' s blatantly absurd and intellectually dishonest .
The spectrum of choices_available within the human domain precludes the all encompassing values applicable within postmodern logic.
Thus values are not arbitrary, but weighted.
Weighted values then makes any postmodernist philosophy or claim..ridiculous.
Postmodernism's attachment to Marxism, is contradictory in itself, to the max.
At last!
I do very good 'mate rates' for therapy...especially at these steemprices ! lol
Until you can know all of past, present and future, it is impossible to know all of possibility so for intents and purposes as a human, that is ridiculous to assume that truth can be known by you or by me.
So, I am glad that you have taken up your position of your belief in an all knowing being. Just use your faith in the higher power and everything will be just the way it will be. Perhaps praying for what you want will help? :P
Your love of boxing people I find silly. You can feel right though, that is your prerogative, not necessarily a truth, except to you.
I wasn't making that assumption, it was a discussion on the nature of truth..
I have no such belief, and definitely never said that. How on earth, did you extrapolate that ?
I dunno, I've never done it. I think't akin to positive thinking or 'law or attraction' ...or something...I dunno..
Why so? Life is boxing - Pacifism never gets you anywhere! lol
Finding truth is only possible through examination, and how you examine is not relevant, the process of examination to uncover truths is the point of the exercise.
No need to shoot the messenger.
Right (or wrong) is of no value, only uncovering truths.
If you make claims of presenting 'the truth' it is a claim that the truth is known, is it not? I can understand truthseeking but truth itself is precarious.
Depends where you are trying to get doesn't it?
So, if you uncover a truth, you assume it is actually true? Again, this assumes the past, present and future is all known to ensure that truth. The position however is unlikely to hold all of those three points so, it is limited at best meaning that it is open to change based on new information making it, not true except under certain assumptions.