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RE: The end of the War - Haejin & FulltimeGeek

in #steem7 years ago

Well said Meno! as a Voluntaryist, I resonate with this deeply myself. We're all imperfect and we're all here for different reasons too. In real life, people don't get involved in the financial decisions of others. Nor is there this sick voodoo where if I burn 20 dollars I can cause my enemy to lose the same amount of money.

Something about Steem is off we need to create some kind of Voluntaryist manifesto for good Steem behavior, or maybe we can just promote that way of being so that people can choose it if they please. A way to operate on the blockchain static free.

I can see no problems in the philosophy of Voluntaryism. If for whatever reason the blockchain is not cut out for that type of living then maybe the blockchain is not for me. I'd hate to be reprogrammed by someone's flawed experiment if that's what this thing is.

If we can get heavy hitters like H, FTG, and others to promote this ideology for the sake of peace. We could maybe overcome this type of divisiveness. Maybe we could rise up from all of this chaos and create a new way with shining examples that will step forward and lead the way for us all.