The city of El Tigre - Venezuela, has become a place for large events to promote the use of crypto, thanks to the work that have made different cryptoinfluencer of the area, along with several projects.
This October 18, there will be a business fair run by the International Rotary Organization - headquarters Itcheme [instagram] (https://www.instagram.com/rotaryitcheme/) where various companies and enterprises will participate with the idea of sharing with the community and exchanging ideas between projects.
You can visit the organization website: https://www.rotary.org/es
We as a project votovzla will be present at this fair, with the purpose of promoting the blockchain steem and some dapps, so that people present can appreciate the power of the platform and start in the world of crypto.
This type of activities are necessary to contribute to the adoption of the blockchain steem and that the applications manage to convert new users.
Share with users of the blockchain steem
Encourage new users to be part of this innovation by using the different dapp of the blockchain, as well as being part of a community.
Achieve advertising reach of 5000 people (estimated)
Show the international community the work being done with the blockchain steem in Venezuela.
To attend this activity, it is necessary the support of the steem community, in order to raise the necessary funds to attend the event, for logistics and advertising expenses.
Preliminary budget to pay for all expenses: 250$ -300$ includes registration fee, marketing material, meals and snacks for exhibitors (3 - 4 people), additionally we will hold raffles for Steem accounts at the fair.
You can vote for our proposal in Steem Proposals: https://steemproposals.com/proposal/48
We expect the support of the whole community, this kind of activities drive the blockchain steem, to attract new users and developers.
It should be noted that this activity is part of our celebration of the second anniversary in the steem blokchain.
You can see our previous event:

this sounds good!
Friend, You can vote for our proposal in Steem Proposals: https://steemproposals.com/proposal/48
Gonna consider this one!
Perfect! This is absolutely perfect timing with a perfect solution! Get away from that currency and stop relying on that government to help the every day person.
Crypto is the answer and Steem is a bargain right now, plus we are cool and awesome! There is so much information here that can help them recover!
Go guys! Steem baby 😁✌🏼
Es increíble la idea. Normalmente los países latinos no sienten el interés de creer y hacer vida en el mundo de la Blockchain. Por ello, es necesario acercar información a las personas, enseñarles que más allá de una herramienta de trabajo, es un estilo de vida...! Actividades como esta, marcan el rumbo correcto. Aplausos.. Me pongo a la orden. Saludos..
This is great. Will you be having an actual stand at the event, or just attending it?
we will have a stand to attend to all the people who attend.
That is good.
This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.
Uh... steem has been around for more than 2 years...
Me encanta la idea, ya que soy residente acá en El Tigre.
so happy to see this is going on, success.
@votovzla I am excited, what a great initiative, I hope that many people can be interested in this project and can start in this fabulous world of Steem.
Excelente!! VotoVzLA apoyando a la comunidad y la blockchain de Steem
Que genial, el tigre activado siempre un paso al frente.
Upvoted and resteemed!
maybe @theycallmedan can come check out the SOv channela nd see steem needs to have a deflationary aspect and we need PPSo to become liek SOV
steem needs to also do a telegram TIP bot like bloks ipo has so we can do a meme competition or use banjo but we need to give 0.1 steem to every meme maker... its working great for SOV
Great idea, presence and just another genius way to promote STEEM everywhere in the world. Participating at fairs, engaging people and spreading the word about STEEM is just good for everybody!
El Tigre la Ciudad de las criptos, que bien.
Espero que todo les salga bien.... ánimo
Suerte chicos, los apoyaremos en la medida de nuestra posibilidades, El Team de VotoVzla en El Tigre es pionero en expandir el mensaje Cripto en Venezuela.
que excelente evento, ojala se vean mas eventos en venezuela con esta tematica que esta creciendo cada vez mas!!
¡Qué buen evento! Les deseo toda la suerte del mundo. Bienvenidas todas estas iniciativas.
Upvoted and resteemed.
Debemos tener ese tipo de eventos en Venezuela. Gracias por ser innovación en mi país,espero que algo así suceda en Valencia.
Faltan 14 días. Este centro comercial lo llenaremos de STEEM
Good news
So nice.This is a great news.
¡Esto es fabuloso!
Llevando el conocimiento a más personas. #steemon
Saludos@votozla , gracias por esta propuesta espero que tenga éxito , el tigre activado por Venezuela por esta merecida plataforma blockchain, un abrazo
I am so proud being part of this community! Still figuring stuff out but crypto makesme happy...
Mucho éxito paisanos!
Posted using Partiko Android
I hope Blokchain Steem will continue to develop with the promotion
this is so good
Que bueno que se pueda lograr este tipo de promociones en la región.