


Ugh! Negative Stage Item Obtained: Evil Gem! -1 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!



An issue brought up by another player led to an audit of the stats logs, and it was determined that @wizardzap incorrectly gave you credit for 15 banked life points and character level 3 status. Based on the standards (as coded in by @lordnigel) for this IBT, you should not have been granted access to the !special command.

After discussing the matter with @lordnigel, we've determined that the fairest way to resolve this is to officially give you credit for a max !mysticblast hit, which would be a roll of 12. Your official final round boss score is thus calculated as follows:

12 (roll) + 14 (banked life points) + 2 (ibtluckydip) + 2 (elite Gobbo item) - 1 (pickpocket) = 29.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience and the negative modification to your boss round score.

No problem fellas!! :))

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow and hit for 15!:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy

Nice job bro - risked it all and I think it might pay off

2nd boss roll validated. 15 (roll) + 14 (banked life points) + 2 (ibtluckydip) + 2 (elite Gobbo items) - 1 (pickpocket) = 32

Final boss round score = 32