Your right, we see this very differently. You see the code that makes up the blockchain as being the judicial branch of governance? Can you please explain how you see it this way? I'm also curious as to how everyone with stake can come to some sort of consensus in regards to the roles and responsibilities of the administrative branch of governance.
Do be VERY clear though: The physical blockchain has a form of governance, but what I'm talking about is a form of governance for the people. Big difference between the two. The issue that I speak about is how people behave, not the blockchain.
Just like the judicial wing of human governance upholds the laws of the land and endevours to enforce them, so does the code lay out what is and is not possible and thereby enforces those rules even better than a human judicial system.
Allow me to make a case in point that recently took place on my feed. A user which is in my follow list made a postseemed very grateful. which had been flagged into a hidden state by the time it had my attention. It talked about the recent bombings in Gaza and how it had affected the user's family. One can only assume those who flagged it were Zionists. Being an anti-Zionist myself the post received a 100% vote from me. It was still hidden however so it was resteemed and the link brought to the attention of the @freezepeach group on Discord. Within the hour upvotes poured in and the post was visiable. It stands as of this moment with a net reward of $1.26. Through the use of stake it was decided the post was appropriate for which the poster
Steem's governance manages how things work on the blockchain. Although it is generally people making the actions, it can be automated through the use of bots as well; so it is a governance of how things are to work with the data on the blockchain and not about people per se.
The rules of a computer system will NEVER replace Spirit. I will not surrender my sovereignty to some computer system. If this world is prepared to surrender control AND governance to computers, then we are in big trouble and we will have learned nothing through the process. What you speak of sends chills down my spin my friend. I shall chose who I interact with, nobody else. I chose, not some computer. When confronted with a bully or some violent offender, I have the right to walk away and if it comes down to me walking away from this blockchain I will do that. But it should not have to come down to that though. Programmers or AI don't have the moral or ethical standards to reflect my spiritual journey.
Perhaps the big difference in our view plane is that to me the social media aspect of the blockchain (condenser) is just another dApp; be it an incredibly important one. The blockchain is a ledger which holds data. It is not human governance. It is data storage. Part of that storage is communications between humans, yet others record transactions between robots. Robots have no spirit in my opinion.
You have my total support to interact with anyone in any way you deem appropriate. You have my complete trust at this point. These bullies annoy me as well. Although trying to avoid direct violence against them in the form of flagging, counter flagging their targets seems the least confrontational. My 6700 steem, aquired with some satoshi of a BTC allows me to lend a voice so to speak. Enough of a voice (stake ) that is comfortable to me in the governance of DPoS. There would be many sleepness nights for me should any part of my cryptfolio be under the EOS governance. 😎
Guess you could call me an old PoW Dude at heart. ✌💛