haha, i'm so happy that this will support the completion of your engineering re-works. The "great" thing is, that it generates endless variations, so if you wanted to, you could release thousands of unique pieces on each and every article. (head in hands)
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OH SHIT!!!!!! I mostly want to create absurd posts and articles now! The combinations could be absurd!!! Like, what would the AI program write about with a topic such as this:
The problem with cotton candy brains?
I want to be kind but I'm just a banana?
What should I do with my clavicle?
Is there any reason to eat air particles?
Graphene vs. Tortillas
Wait til I tell your cantelope!
As the Turing Turns
Did you mean to eat your vanity?
Use your imagination before someone eats it
I have researched the magic shapes of the happiness no one escapes.
#YES DO THAT LAST ONE AND SEE WHAT AI COMES UP WITH!!! I struggled for over 10 years to fully grasp the meaning of that last sentence......what does it mean?
These are all absolute gems of titles @stellabelle! hehe
On title requests for a quick dummy run last night, in steemitabuse-classic, I was suggested some similar titles, that would no doubt be future classics!
There really is no limit to this!
As a one off, I just entered that last sentence, and I think you have killed the AI. It has returned a load of scrambled nonsense. So, at this point in time it obviously doesn't do abstract. There may still be hope us yet!
An excerpt for you @stellabelle -
"Now, the flower too should be lost. Love needs to be reinvented. It runs the entire length of your home, and its particular charm for those children was that it absolutely was unlined. The option between my entire body and my soul"
thanks tht was a great laugh.
I would read 9/10 of those articles, I admit, as I'm a great fan of absurdist humour
LOL the clavicle question is great .. haha