The Importance Of Physical Appearance In Society (featuring new AI author mstakings)

in #steem9 years ago

This 750 word+ blog, that passes copyscape, was generated in 20 seconds using the latest and most advanced automated content writing AI software. It is totally original and un-edited. All I did was typed in my title, clicked generate, and within less time than it takes to put the kettle on, this is what it produced - 

"Appearances are frequently deceptive. Physical appearance is not really important, cetainly not as crucial as character.

When most standards think about the attitude or mood of someone based on their inner or inside look, attitude might be considered part of outer beauty as it adds to or subtracts from the physical look of the individual, and is also a way to learn more about the inner attributes of that specific individual. They're permanent in nature. I'm sure that everybody has things which they don't like about themselves, whether it's their physical appearance, part of the personality, or many other facets of self.

Inner beauty makes it possible to appreciate outer beauty. Always keep in mind that your inner beauty is more significant than your outside looks. External physical beauty alone won't direct you towards connecting with people emotionally.

The physical overall look of humans is what we call the external look, whilst spirituality is really a kind of internal look. Makeup that's properly applied can dramatically enhance your outward look. Self-esteem is a key value within the life of any human being. Quite simply, an unattractive person will obtain a significant value contingent upon their inside overall look.

By the end of it, you hate yourself, you're self-conscious, you're questioning your look and way of life, and doubting your self-worth. Your physical appearance - Let's face it, it's the first thing an expected mate or date sees. Importantly, you must be the kind of person who, irrespective of appearance and outward perception, never allows anybody to make you feel inferior.

There's no getting round the importance of physical overall look. During the last several decades, we've witnessed a gain in the importance of physical overall look and also the adoration of youthfulness. There really is a strong relationship that exists between physical look and social acceptance.

Thus, the erstwhile debate on whether looks matter was battled for ages and it's been duly established in the modern world that external appearance is precisely proportional to an individual's personal and expert well-being. Next I'll investigate a number of the most crucial aspects of our lives which are affected because of our looks. Physical appearance has a major effect on society. Personal look, not exactly beauty, was found to surely have a compelling effect on others.

Men and women aren't all the exact same, and many individuals want various things, which is good. It really is clear that women are encouraged to fulfill jobs with workingmen, yet at the exact same time maintain a stunning feminine overall look. It's also theorized that attractive folks are simply considered as becoming more intellectually competent. People generally prefer to relax in the existence of beautiful things. A lady could also experience a type of fragmentation or splintering into several parts consequently of being overly preoccupied with her overall look.

The Obsession with Beauty is simply not merely the mark of narcissism, it's also a hallmark of selfishness. God's description of love is the thing that creates true beauty within the heart. You need your love and also your acceptance. A woman full of love and compassion is really beautiful.

There is an idea that to be sexy may be the ultimate kind of confidence. To be able to see perfection you need to be ready to accept your imperfections. Self-esteem is actually a combination of these things together with the confidence that one needs to truly have a strong, positive awareness of oneself.

It would surely be nice to appear perfect, but not at the expense of losing health. In the modern world of style and entertainment media, an entire lot of importance is put on the way someone looks.

The absolute most disturbing part relating to this, however, is that it's really engaging underage girls within this ritual too. It opens the private area of the woman's life completely because there's nothing she is able to hide. This mindset has led to turning into a big fad amongst most young girls, thus resulting in innumerable health concerns too, simply not just restricted to sex, medications, and alcohol.

Growing up in the current society is quite tough on young girls. Lately I read an article within our community parent magazine which was about young girls becoming pampered princesses and how detrimental it's to them.

Help your kid to have many circles of buddies and experiences early on in life so that they can form unique relationships and balanced perspectives based on valuing all aspects of human beings"


For the sake of the original content creators, curators and consumers on this site, who put a lot of time, energy and passion in to their contributions and engagement, please vote responsibly.


ALL SBD that this post generates will be donated to un-recogonised and under-appreciated content creators on steemit.

(All pictures were sourced through pixabay and are free for commercial use, with no attribution required)


I've never seen something as advanced as this TBTH and it's passed all my plagiarism checkers.

Yeah, I was "impressed" when my friend showed me this software. Admittedly, it could do with a very subtle combing over here and there to humanise it a little more.

However, as has become evident, it's not a tweak that's at all necessary for the casual level of scrutiny that i've witnessed.

what software program did you use?

AI Instant Writer, its free for Synereo fans.

I got 12 months free subscription when i bought a bag of AMP at the ATH.

LOL you sir owe me a new keyboard xP

what? really... this is completely generated AI response?
GTFO of here...

wow that's a big image link to your account :P

lol, that's what the steemit community gets for at one point confusing me for @wang

yes @mrwang, totally AI generated.

"For the sake of the original content creators, curators and consumers on this site, who put a lot of time, energy and passion in to their contributions and engagement, please vote responsibly"

This is crazy scary, especially with the semi-decent quality and passing plagiarism checks! Personally, I don't want to read, let alone reward, author bots. I might feel differently when it's at least stated that it's a bot author, for testing/research or whatever. But outside of this post, that's not been the case.

Great find yogi!

I passed your machine through Watson; Here is what it found :)

Personality Portrait Summary of 755 words analyzed:

You are shrewd, somewhat inconsiderate and informal.
You are authority-challenging: you prefer to challenge authority and traditional values to help bring about positive changes. You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. And you are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself.
Your choices are driven by a desire for discovery.
You are relatively unconcerned with both tradition and taking pleasure in life. You care more about making your own path than following what others have done. And you prefer activities with a purpose greater than just personal enjoyment.


I want to pass through Watson and never return.

I was sad about the 16 flags you received the other day; here is what Watson thinks of you :)

Summary : Personality Portrait 1017 words analyzed:

You are shrewd, somewhat critical and explosive.
You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are authority-challenging: you prefer to challenge authority and traditional values to help bring about positive changes. And you are solemn: you are generally serious and do not joke much.
Your choices are driven by a desire for discovery.
You are relatively unconcerned with both tradition and taking pleasure in life. You care more about making your own path than following what others have done. And you prefer activities with a purpose greater than just personal enjoyment.

HOLY SHIT! THAT IS ME TO A FUCKING T! I am shocked, bewildered and amazed. Did you run the article about the "2 Problems" through Watson? Holy fucking chimpmunk chins, I'd like to marry AI for sure! It gets me better than 99.8% of the human population! Thank you so much for doing this!
This is really bizarre and eery.
I do not like authority.
I cherish autonomy, curiosity and discovery over everything else.
Tradition, eh? Don't care for it. I could care less about Christmas, Easter, whatever. It doesn't have any significance to me.
I am dead serious sometimes, and am always crafting a master plan.
I am terribly critical, explosive and spend most of my time thinking about philosophical topics...........
I still cannot believe the accuracy.
The only thing it got wrong is this: "do not joke much."
I joke around a lot..........I find humor in the mundane.

this particular post .....and there you were not joking :)It is not actually analyzing you @stellabelle, but

This is BRILLIANT @samether, thank you for this contribution :)

we need a new channel AIauthors :)

oh my god, yes!!!!! I'm planning something now.....AIauthors will be a thing soon!
Maybe it's easier to read with AI-authors? the other spelling looks like a "L"

Ernest Hemingway must be turning in his grave right now ಥ_ಥ

What have we started?!

Who is Watson and please don't let IT analyse me. Might explode !
Yogi ! You rock as usual . Reading again.

If it wasn't you saying this, I wouldn't believe it.

What does it say about creativity, that we humans have always thought was exclusive to us owing to the fact that we have "feelings" and "emotions" and what not.

AI will be helpful but these type of things tell us that we better start keeping both eyes open right from the beginning. There's no telling when singularity may occur!

Maybe singularity has already occurred and we are but merely in the midst of waking up to the reality of it?

yes, I believe you are correct in that assessment. Once this gets out, the beast is unleashed. I see that even the comments are not immune from future AI takeover. We could be robot shepherds, if we are lucky.

robot shepherds - very apt @stellabelle :)

If the human mind is the queen bee, and steemit is the hive, then we are the workers trying to protect her.

"Now, the flower too should be lost. Love needs to be reinvented. It runs the entire length of your home, and its particular charm for those children was that it absolutely was unlined. The option between my entire body and my soul"
Thought provoking for sure. I think meaning exists in it, but it's a stretch.
Rimbaud's line of the magic shapes I think is most brilliant because its meaning is not entirely clear. What do you think it means?
Or what does it mean to you?
Your post has sort of awakened a dormant line of energy in me. So, I have to thank you so much for doing that! Let the AI authors out of the stalls. It's time for the true Robot vs. real writers to spar.

I am now going to have AI rewrite my entire collection of Interesting Engineering order to get around copyright

haha, i'm so happy that this will support the completion of your engineering re-works. The "great" thing is, that it generates endless variations, so if you wanted to, you could release thousands of unique pieces on each and every article. (head in hands)

OH SHIT!!!!!! I mostly want to create absurd posts and articles now! The combinations could be absurd!!! Like, what would the AI program write about with a topic such as this:

The problem with cotton candy brains?
I want to be kind but I'm just a banana?
What should I do with my clavicle?
Is there any reason to eat air particles?
Graphene vs. Tortillas
Wait til I tell your cantelope!
As the Turing Turns
Did you mean to eat your vanity?
Use your imagination before someone eats it
I have researched the magic shapes of the happiness no one escapes.

#YES DO THAT LAST ONE AND SEE WHAT AI COMES UP WITH!!! I struggled for over 10 years to fully grasp the meaning of that last sentence......what does it mean?

These are all absolute gems of titles @stellabelle! hehe

On title requests for a quick dummy run last night, in steemitabuse-classic, I was suggested some similar titles, that would no doubt be future classics!

There really is no limit to this!

As a one off, I just entered that last sentence, and I think you have killed the AI. It has returned a load of scrambled nonsense. So, at this point in time it obviously doesn't do abstract. There may still be hope us yet!

An excerpt for you @stellabelle -

"Now, the flower too should be lost. Love needs to be reinvented. It runs the entire length of your home, and its particular charm for those children was that it absolutely was unlined. The option between my entire body and my soul"

thanks tht was a great laugh.
I would read 9/10 of those articles, I admit, as I'm a great fan of absurdist humour

LOL the clavicle question is great .. haha

@yogi.artist I was shocked when you brought this to the chat last night and I am glad you shared it here. I hope people begin to question the hit-and-run posters before forking over the community's money.

This is really weird.

This bot couldn't respond to comments could it? That'd be a fascinating Turing situation.

@prufarchy, It's a job specific piece of AI software. So, you think of a title, enter it in. Set a few parameters, if you want, such as hyperlinking key words, sourcing pictures etc. (none of which I did for this example) and then after about 20 seconds of sourcing and aggregating information it spits out your content. You'd need a different type of software to respond to comments.

That's relieving, because it means that accts doing this might be identified by their inconsistent use of language between posts/comments

Good thinking @prufarchy.

Good find, this is fascinating subject matter - 4% Unique
Total 4617 chars (2000 limit exceeded) , 326 words, 1 unique sentence(s). uses the own article as a reference of uniqueness or not, it's not the best tool.

As @repholder said. Now run it through copyscape, which is deemed by many, to be the industry standard.

Also, FYI, I generated this blog, with the absolute lowest (standard) settings, just to show, at its most basic, what it's capable of.

Well pork a pig sideways. On the side bacon.
"Having a Lover on the SideBacon" will be my first AI article

Ya know...I was wondering how to do a one a day post consistently. I just thought the writing wasn't that good and the arguments not that involved so it was realistic. Guess I was wrong. Or right.

You've done important work here

Thanks @radioactivities and great title! It sounds like a real crowd pleaser!

I wonder what kind of content it would generate??!!

I'm currently averaging 1 to 2 posts a week - this include's thorough research, prep, original artwork, pictures, gifs, videos and writing. Things like this, however, put my time investment into a totally different perspective.


Yes, the images and formatting are what add on the time too. Especially when the editor doesnt behave.

"How Having a Lover On the SideBacons Can Keep You from Having a Lover On the SideBacons" is the new title I got from an enticing headline generator.

Nothing wrong with using a headline generator. That is no foul. Everyone should use that once in awhile IMO lol

really, it doesn't seem stilted at all? too polished?

Welcome to the world of the latest AI content creation software.

copy editors will be unemployed. has anyone checked this for logical fallacies? it might end up being better than the intelligence community running our newspapers, and newsrooms. or it could just require bias settings in the program.

writers will become obsolete, obviously.

writers could just become quality control agents for their AI content maker masters.

Wait, how much did you tweak and edit from the original AI creation? Holy shit! You didn't tweak it at all? This is nuts. There will soon be AI bots running Steemit's front page....

There are already.

what percentage do you think?

Up to 1%, but they do well

And the author doesn't reveal the fact that they are AI right?

@stellabelle, I just broke up the text into palatable paragraph form (without changing structure) and added some pictures.

I need that software.......what is it?

@stellabelle, you're the last person I can think of that would ever need this software, lol.

It's a pandora's box.

I'm going to take some memory erasing pills tonight, in the hope that I don't recall what this software is tomorrow.

I already swallowed those pills you speak of but, I don't think I swallowed them at all now. I have almost 100 articles I slaved over for the Interesting Engineering website that I would like to respin so that I can be appropriately compensated and so that I may avoid entirely the fact that the copyright is held by IE, not me. AI can help restore my copyright.
You publish it on Steemit to make sure I get no rewards. This sounds like FUN. @yogi-artist, between you and me, you're the best provocateur that I've recently found. maybe we should collaborate? Hey, I have an idea: we can have a AI robot vs. a real writer wars??? That would be a fun one! You decide the topic and then your AI writes one version, and I could write one.



Is is Word AI that you're using?

No, @stellabelle, it's not Word AI......Those pills need to start kicking in......

I already feel dirty enough having used this software for this article. I'm not sure if I could have another short term fling with it. I feel abused.

yogi put a hint in just who is being spoken of here...mstaking
Msgivings of funds!
The irony was obviously intentional.

I am getting it all now. Just wait boys. you will understand..........

I think I may have mentioned a few in my last post. Ot at least that is how it appeared to me.

That is a WTF¡

I call bullshit! Called it first

You call bullshit and then write an article on "AI Software that generates completely original and coherent content! The future for Steemit..."


Did you not read the post haha

@yogi.artist Congratulations sir, you are a troll of the highest calibre! hahaha

In some ways absolutely mind blowing and in other ways totally terrifying computer AI wrote the entire piece from just the title. I'm thinking I'm working too hard and should just buy the AI. This way if a minnow earns just $1.31 for a post, they can justify continuing because it was not from blood, seat and tears...just the click of a mouse.

I upvoted this post and will feature it on my daily hidden gems blog. I have also submitted this for consideration to the Robinhood Whale links on Rocketchat for their consideration as well. Loved the piece.

Thanks @lpfaust. I totally empathise with how you feel about the implications of all of this. As, evidently, do many other steemians, based on the ensuing reactions and comments!

Awareness and vigilance are our allies!

Muwhahaha....@yogi.artist To complete this dark Wizardry, head to and/or and have the AI generated text content converted to AI generated video!!

This is very interesting @davidbrogan. Thanks for sharing. At this rate, it looks like us creatives could be totally out of business in the not too distant future, unless we keep our wits about us.

Kinda creepy. I write and make art as my livelihood and even those creative avenues are starting to be mastered by AI. My little human heart is feeling empty and obsolete. I have always been fascinated by AI and robots but there is definitely a scary side to how advanced they are becoming.

I agree, but the way I see it is, It's not so much the AI that is the creepiest thing, but the human behind it, who is utilising the software to hoodwink others, game the system and reap the rewards that should be going to human content creators instead. It's something that we all need to be aware of, that much I know, hence the post.

"Spirituality" is so confused, and this post described it accurately, as what is inside, i.e. consciousness. At one level it is merely consciousness, the "unseen" aspect of ourselves compared to the seen physical self. At a higher level, it's our moral character. Spirituality is morality. Spiritual is moral. Spiritually is morally. The "spirit" is us, consciousness, and nothing else. So much confusion in religion and other so called "spiritualists" exists because of imagined fantasy beliefs about what "spirit" actually is.

I agree that spirituality and morality are intrinsically linked, being all but one and the same in essence.

The AI here scours the most credible sources and databases on the internet and aggregates a flowing, progressive form out of them. It's all really very impressive, whilst obviously, a little concerning for us human content creators out here who are working our socks off to produce the best, original content that we can.

I started looking in to all of this properly, after reading some content where the "voice" and format, whilst being grammatically and congnitively sufficient, just seemed really off to me. Basically, it just didn't sound like it had been derived from a human mind, and going by the amount of flags on 1 particular article, it wasn't just me who was highly suspicious of the credibility of the content, and author.

"a little concerning for us human content creators out here who are working our socks off to produce the best, original content that we can."

Yes. Steemit is for humans to make money. Not for bots to make money for other humans.

People are pretty daft when it comes to recognizing that. Some people think discriminating, judging and having objection to robots taking our wealth generation potential by siphoning it inothe hands of others who don't actually do the work, while we do, is some form of "species" "discrimination" in terms of "rights" sigh...

Up to the 5th paragraph it's believable, then it starts to go a little odd.
I'm tempted to look into any developments with Googles image recognition software to see how good the AI is at painting now ;)

I agree, and in fact, it was this kind of odd giveaway that I noticed on the blogs that inspired me to publish this. They were almost believable for a sentence or 2, possibly even a paragraph, but for someone who has high level competency in English language, the red flags were glaringly obvious.

hey, great one! what software did you use?

Aha! This is a Pandora's box that I would prefer to be remained closed, for the sake of my fellow writers, artists and content creators.

this is quite saddening, I wonder what will be left for us humans to do when we get to the point where AI can do everything better than a human.

First time a robot has caused an argument in my human relationship, fuck me!Shit, I can't believe that @msgivings bot post caused an argument with my girlfriend after I made a comment on one of "her" blogs.

ah man, that sucks. AI causing relationship agro. That's not cool either, I'm sorry to hear that !

At least you know you were well within your rights to question "her" blog.

Right! it really does suck. Actually, it's worse than that. it was a comment in response to the post that the bot made called,"monogamy is a lie". I commented that I've struggled with the idea through out my life. Facepalm

Aha, don't worry about it, a lot of people got hoodwinked. Don't be too hard on yourself, it was pure clickbait gold!

Yeah, thanks for the reassurance. Im pretty sure some whales were conspiring with that account to help it. It's very first post (which i actually saw when i first joined) made 1000$ right off the bat, very suspicious.