Curate here at the 5-minute mark before the 67,000+ SP vote comes in!
Earn Battle and other tokens by playing this game.
Affiliate program link you may wish to take advantage of:
PublishOx Tip authors with tokens you don't own and keep up to 80% of it!

Escape from the clinic where you are under observation after receiving a vaccination and turn everyone in town into a zombie.
Additional twist: Before each player takes their daily turn, roll a D20 to see if you get any bonus. Please note that the bonus must be used during the CURRENT TURN. If you do not specify to which action you wish to apply the bonus, it will be applied to your first action where applicable.
Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
The Rules of this game can be found here:
Everyone who plays gets daily up-votes on their comments. (Delegating SP will increase the vote value and get you on my auto-voter! This is far superior to SBI, so a good investment for ROI).
Survivors can also 3D-print their own "survival" token using this link.
Survivors may claim their buttons by copying and pasting the following code and proudly display them on their pages:

Tagging players (@improv, @simplegame, @mariita52, @bashadow, @ganjafarmer and @secret-art) so you know a new post has been made.
Zombie turn:
The killed hulk re-spawns in zone 2.
The 2 killed walkers re-spawn in zone 2.
The killed runner re-spawns in zone 3.
The killed runner re-spawns in zone 1.
The walker attacks the woman, rolls 4 and inflicts 1 damage.
The hulk attacks the woman, rolls 2 and misses.
The remaining walker moves.
You may wish to use the template below (copy, paste, edit).
### Player ()
Bonus roll
Action 1:
Action 2:

Simplified Delegations to @happyme
Get votes roughly 10 times the value of your delegation. (I can vote twice if you exceed my VP.) Those who play the adventure games and delegate have been getting just over 20X their delegation value beyond what the other players get! I try to give as much as I possibly can, but as more people delegate, I'll need to cut back the VP to accommodate the extra daily votes.
50 SP | 100 SP | 150 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP
Remove delegationRe-claim your delegation from @happyme
For more options, read the comments section for a script you can use.
Player 5 (3rd)
Action 1:Wait for it
Action 2:Wait a bit more. Riddle me this and riddle me that, how many zombies will I get to whack.Bonus roll @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun... Bat-Man!
Thinking back to the original Bat-Man TV show; I have no idea why I even wasted my time watching such a corny show. At least the new Bat-Man movies are a little more believable. However, whoever played The Joker did a very good job of being a nut-case.
Well as kids, corny was cool, we were moving away from the western series fame of our parents, in to a brave new world of batman and star trek, bewitched and I dream of genie, corny, kids today or yesterday what corny did/do they have? I mean I don't watch TV so I really have no clue. Cartoons back then were bugs bunny and the road runner and all of that violence the SJW's of our time complained about.
Amazing! I don't watch TV either! Yet when I look into people's living rooms as I walk the dogs, I see TV's on everywhere. If I'm at someone's home and they have the TV on, I'm reminded why I hate watching TV... far too many commercials! I prefer to pop a DVD into the DVD player and watch with the ability to pause and rewind if I miss something and get the bonus of special features which are sometimes as interesting as the show itself.
Yep, all those adds, for awhile we had satellite TV and Cable TV, and 100+ channels, I never could find anything to watch at 1 am other than hour long commercials, DVD were a lot better to watch. I have run into the problem though of finding anything worth while to watch on Amazon or any new movies to watch, that is part of being retired I guess, no hearsay of what is good being produced.
And to make it worse, "good" can be something completely different for each of us.
I bought a lot of DVD's from Blockbuster when they closed up for $1 each and have piles of them that I haven't had the time to look at yet. Even if just 1 out of 5 is worth having, at $5 it's still a pretty good deal.
Those zombies will all go south, right?
So I'll wait and then run east when they're gone
So, @rollthedice to search
Posted using Partiko Android
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Sweet. Safe
Posted using Partiko Android
Lucky you! You found rice.
Hey... we can make puffed rice after throwing a Molotov!
player 4
action 1: run south bonus action : @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 19.
ok should i go into the room to the EASt ?
i think that is a good idea.
action 2: move east
let me know if there was a better idea
Those houses have people visible from the doorway, so any passing zombie will see them and enter the house provided we don't lure them elsewhere.
I would strongly suggest moving past the cross-road as soon as possible because it will become progressively more difficult as more zombies are killed. Eventually, we will need to lure zombies into the house where the boy with the red cap is because there is nobody visible from the doorway; or we can simply kill those people ourselves and be done with it.
I think P1 might have to get killed to get out of the house he's in.
Player 11 (2nd)
Action 1: Wait for the zombies to come into range.
Action 2: Continue waiting.
Player 12 (1st)
Action 1: Move north so that my shotgun is in range.
Action 2: Wait for the zombies to come.Bonus roll @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 13.
If this sounds like the sort of group you want to be a part of, click the image below! We're too OP to be put down!