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RE: [Important] Monthly fee on

in #steemauto7 years ago

I understand.

We still receive some useful ideas about steemauto. I will do my best in this case.
Thanks anyway. Already we have that upvote system in steemauto and some users (thanks to them) already added @steemauto to their fan list without any force!


For sure, when the option to make a selection gets made, possibly include the option to pay months in advance. I've already spoken to several people that will pay up a year in advance, which will probably help buy time to get the other people sorting out their payment methods etc. I know devs get a hard time about charging for their work, I appreciate transparency. As long as you let people know what you're doing and why it makes sense. It's the devs that don't tell people they are taking a third of their post rewards or just use voting power without permission that seem to get everyone's attention unfortunately. Keep up the good work guys.

Also thank for the reminder, everyone can if they want chose to support by fan listing @steemauto.. I'll be adding mine right away.