[Important] Monthly fee on steemauto.com

in #steemauto7 years ago (edited)

Update: Steemauto will remain free and unlimited

From next month you will have to pay a small fee for using steemauto.com


From next month, you will see an option in the steemauto.com which will request some SBD or small upvote on @steemauto per month for using steemauto.com

As you know, steemauto is completely free and generates $0.00 revenue but, we need to pay for running servers and broadcasting your daily upvotes/posts on the steem blockchain. We have a private RPC node for just steemauto users which makes steemauto more stable and expensive to run!

Last month, we launched donations page for covering costs but, that was not successful. Thanks for your great support and valuable donations. Right now, $130 donated.

We can pay for steemauto.com from our pocket but I think that will keep servers online for a few months. We need a better solution for a few years.

Right now, we have about 20,000 users in steemauto.com! some minnows, dolphins, and whales. if we request 0.05 or 0.1 SBD per month or $0.1 upvote per month, that will cover server costs for now.

Also, We think to apply 5% beneficiary (fee) to the schedule posts section.
Still, we need your opinions about these changes before adding them to the steemauto.com

If you have any idea about adding VIP or premium features to the steemauto, or any other feedback, please comment below.

Edit: We can start with paid features. Some free options besides some paid options.

this link and vote using steemconnect. Thanks for your great support.Please support my developer, @mahdiyari, by voting him as a witness. Just click on

A witness is able to change Steem community and decide about future of Steem blockchain. They are block producers in the steem blockchain.



Can I just set you to autovote to cover my fee/donation? I love Steemauto. It is one of the most useful tools available for Steemians. Well worth a daily upvote. Just give me a minimum amount and I'm in.

same here. let us know what you need or if you can give us a new option in there to just up vote you once a day or something. That would be much easier than trying to remember to send in a once a month payment.

Hello, soon I will have my own child (in about 9 weeks) and I wanted to use steemauto for upvote some people and get curation reward when I will be not available on steemit. My SP is very low because only 16 SP. For me will be great to pay monthly some % from this what I will earn because to pay some SBD monthly only for voting could be to expensive for me so I hope you will make some % fee from income than small users like me can use your great tool too.

"Right now, we have about 20,000 users in steemauto.com! some minnows, dolphins, and whales. if we request 0.05 or 0.1 SBD per month or $0.1 upvote per month, that will cover server costs for now."

A few things I would like to ask/add to this.

  1. .1 SBD x $2.09 (Current price) = $0.209(20.9 cents), and $0.1(10 cents). Could you please clarify which one it is? Do you mean 1 penny per month per user? Because on the steemauto site it says you need about 300 USD a month, and with 20,000 users each paying 10 cents a month that = 2,000 USD a month, or .1 SBD = 4,000~ USD a month. Just trying to make sure the math is correct here? :)

  2. I would be more than happy to pay for my account for a yearly subscription.

  3. I would be more than happy to BE ABLE to also pay for the people who joined our curation trail, would you please add that feature in? It would be great to be able to pay off a year for each of the people on our curation trail(@informationwar) so they don't have any hassle or having to do it.

  4. Please don't require users to autoupvote posts. That will give you some really bad blow back from people who don't pay attention, they will log on one day and notice their account has been upvoting your account and they would get angry. Similar to how some other big names here made it so you auto followed them even when you unfollowed them over and over again, people got really mad about that, and even madder about having auto upvotes happen.

  5. I think as long as you guys lay your message out and show the value that you will get the support and funds you need, don't be afraid to ask! Just let us know what is going on with the costs per month and remind everyone of the value you provide :)

I just sent 5 SBD over to you from this account :) Thanks.

if we request 0.05 or 0.1 SBD per month or $0.1 upvote per month, that will cover server costs for now.

This is a great idea. If I may suggest, use this @steemauto account to post daily stat, users then can vote daily and help cover the cost. It's better to give daily stat so that small minnows could still give enough to steemauto. If you only have one monthly post, the smaller minnows could not afford the upvote value.

Also, as a reference, you can copy Qurator's way of upvoting:

P.S. Of course, I vote you as a witness. :D

We can be offered to follow a steemauto trail to upvote any post by the account 😊 I will do that with pleasure 🙇🏻‍

I feel that a premium service would be the best solution and have all freemium users auto follow and upvote you at a lowered percentage 55%.

I'm all in to get some extra features as a yearly service.

Even a plankton like me also agree for your plan. Free services always has limitation. Premium or paid option is another good idea, where whale can subsidized minnows or planktons.

Let us plankton up-vote that comment above to show our agreement!

I agree with the majority of making the annual contribution. As it becomes easier, both for you and for us. If you authorize me, I would like to take this post to Spanish, since I know that many people do not speak the language and for example my two paths are from completely Spanish-speaking communities. I wait for your approval and I will speak with my followers to guarantee a few votes to @mahdiyari

Sincerely: @sirtorito and @familia-hispana.

Steemauto is a valuable tool, and I'd be happy to pay to use it!

Please consider focusing on a "freemium" model rather then requiring monthly fees from all users.
Don't just take payment in the form of upvotes or the bad PR you get will far outweigh any post rewards.

I have the @openmic and @centerlink curation trails on steemauto and I'm not sure how many users would be willing to pay monthly fees to support these initiatives.

I'll give you my next available witness vote and try and help fund this with more regular votes - feel free to message me on discord with your links when you post. I'll also donate 100 steem towards your server costs tomorrow :)

That was my main purpose by developing steemauto, a free and unlimited service with many useful features.
Thanks for your great support! much appreciated:)

Thank you very much for the service you provide. We appreciate everything you do. I sent ya 5 SBD from @truthforce yesterday.


Wow @ausbitbank you have shown such a class act i loved your comment what you said. Thx for providing fund to steemauto bcz if they will charge some fees we minnows will not be able to utilise their services.Thx for your donation.

You da man!!!!

wow you are awesome dear!thanks for that.

actually, upvoting steemauto posts with our little amount will be okay for me but your message is a blessing. Glad there are people like you!

Thank you so much @ausbitbank and thank you too @steemauto, you are both appreciated!

Voted for Witness. Thanks. People like you keep people wanting to stay around

It would be better if we can pay now. I don't want that the 1rst of the month the trail doesn't work because I don't paid the fee

I will never stop any trail or any service in steemauto! don't worry. I will announce if we added that system.

OK ! I understand that you need money to cover fees. It's a super project thank you!

The tagline on your Steemit account needs to be changed 😁

Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at 9.43.17 PM.png

Actually, that is free right now :P

This is an excellent project by @mahdiyari and it is an open source for us to check or re-use. This should be a fee based considering the amount of automation you save using this service.

I know many will support this project.

Cheers for now.

Thank you my friend:)

Every actions of steemians receive some kind of rewards in STEEM and/or SBD. Helping them to automate the process with a small fee to pay is a fair service.

Well, I believe it's only fair to charge a small fee to run the sever as you can't continue running it from your pockets.

However, I don't think I go with the 5% fee for scheduled posts. That's rather too much if you ask me. Yes, taking a percentage would again be fair, but pegging it at 5% is what I have a slight issue with.

But then, this is just my opinion on the issue.

Yeah, 1% seems good.

I totally agree and will support this project still :) Nothing is free in this days and servers costs money. That will definitely eliminate lags etc. :) Good Job @Mahidyari

If you will make a subscription form, please make sure to make annual and bi-annual options available, because 0.05 and even 0.1 is not that much.

Right now, we have about 20,000 users in steemauto.com! some minnows, dolphins, and whales. if we request 0.05 or 0.1 SBD per month or $0.1 upvote per month, that will cover server costs for now.

I don't think this math is going to work out. I'm sure that many of those accounts could 100% upvote every day and not pay up $0.10 SBD value per month unfortunately. That's just the distribution on the platform. On the other hand I completely support the idea of you guys at least covering expenses. If donations didn't work out please try just asking for a flat amount like what was also discussed. Many people still have a very bad taste in their mouths after one of the last automated voting apps hijacked everyone's voting power to pay themselves thousands of dollars for an abandoned project. I'm not saying you'll do that... but the comparison and potential for abuse will be brought up by more than just me.

I understand.

We still receive some useful ideas about steemauto. I will do my best in this case.
Thanks anyway. Already we have that upvote system in steemauto and some users (thanks to them) already added @steemauto to their fan list without any force!

For sure, when the option to make a selection gets made, possibly include the option to pay months in advance. I've already spoken to several people that will pay up a year in advance, which will probably help buy time to get the other people sorting out their payment methods etc. I know devs get a hard time about charging for their work, I appreciate transparency. As long as you let people know what you're doing and why it makes sense. It's the devs that don't tell people they are taking a third of their post rewards or just use voting power without permission that seem to get everyone's attention unfortunately. Keep up the good work guys.

Also thank for the reminder, everyone can if they want chose to support by fan listing @steemauto.. I'll be adding mine right away.

I really don't mind paying a flat fee monthly as I find the service incredibly useful.

Some ideas:

  • What if you required that all steemauto users either pay a monthly fee OR vote for @mahdiyari as witness? I don’t think that’s outlandish to expect from us since we do benefit from (his? her?) work. I’m sure most would pick the latter and that could increase their rank enough to cover costs, right?
  • If that’s not adequate, what about a flat enrollment fee plus an ongoing commitment to keep your vote for witness?

Basically I would really dislike having to do a monthly thing. Steemauto was huge for me while I was taking a break from here, knowing my (very little) SP wasn’t going to waste. I’m already at capacity with who I upvote when I do some manual curation so I would really rather not add to that list. And I don’t think my upvote is worth enough anyway.

I can't include witness vote in any deal! people should vote their witnesses by researching. That is like voting for a president!
Yes, I understand. Thanks for your suggestions.

I realize that under most circumstances that would be totally inappropriate but I think that since all of us steemauto users benefit so much from your hard work and that it’s clear that you make a major contribution to the platform that it’s reasonable to expect that we support you. But I do admire your ethical stance on this!

Another idea: curation trail owners pay a flat fee for starting the trail and then a monthly fee depending on the cumulative average SP of the trail? I’m sure some of those people are making a hefty sum of money off of it. If anything should be a pro feature that’s probably it. Comment upvotes too. That would still make the features most people use (autovote posts and autoclaim) free.

I'm always here for your great ideas:)Thank you @malloryblythe

Thanks for being awesome and making such a great tool that saves us all a ton of time and permits us to not live our entire lives on Steemit if we want to keep up with our VP. ;) Really though, you rock, and I'm happy to be giving you my vote.

I respect your integrity. I do up-vote witnesses that provide public - RPC nodes. A little witness vote begging on the steemauto page, wouldn't hurt. ;)

I think this is fair good job with the service @steemauto and @mahdiyari. Like I said do let me know if you need any further help.

Please consider keeping certain features such as following a curation trail available for free, many curation projects and more importantly authors being curated depend on this. Loosing curation trail followers because they are not willing to pay a fee for using steemauto would be a huge setback.

First, I'll say thank you for bringing this to the attention of the community and giving us an opportunity to give input before making the changes. This gives us an opportunity to prepare and we have a chance to advise what would work best for us while still getting you the support you need to keep the service running.

I would be fine with giving a vote to help support you. I'd prefer it was an amount that I could do by setting an autovote and just letting it go. I would also be ok with having a small fee be charged for using it. If it was .1 SBD per month, I would probably pay for a year so I wouldn't have to worry about it. A reminder would be nice so I wouldn't lapse.

Thanks for providing your service.

I've already voted for @mahdiyari as I think that SteemAuto is a valuable resource for the community.

100% behind you, let us what you need us to do and I will definitely sipport you. Love your service as I know many others do too.

I greatly appreciate the service you provide. I will gladly upvote and follow your curation trail for support.

Will follow @mahdiyari as well for extra support.

You got my vote for witness as well.

Thanks again,

The #informationwar team thanks you for providing this service.

@wakeupnd - informationwar curator.

Espero tengan éxito!

Sure why not, if it helps pay expenses, go for it.

I don't use your service at the moment but I think it is a great service and providing it for free is fantastic. Using people's autovotes will sabotage what you have built. There are plenty of users who will upvote your posts and suport you to keep the service 'free'. I'll also support you with a witness upvote for providing this awesome service (although my vote is relatively small compared to others).

From this post alone you have $79 listed reward. As much as a quarter of that goes to curators, that leaves about $59, and then half of that goes into steem power. This single post therefore pays you 30 SBD, which is about $90 USD.

Steemfiles, which is for digital downloads for a fee, provides a way to monetize content. The ideas expressed here might also help me improve Steemfiles. I would love to run my own RPC node for Steemfiles instead of having to rely always on others for that.

Hacen un excelente trabajo para la comunidad, sigan adelante y mucho éxitos en vuestro plan de recaudación..!

Apoyamos iniciativas de este tipo que puedan convertir la gestión, de algunas tareas en #steemit, en algo más eficiente..! ¡Votado por Engranaje!

I help with 3 SBD, thx for service! I don't have a problem with will pay a annual subscription for use your service.

I definitely agree with @ausbitbank; a free/freemium model would be preferably for me and the folks I've been introducing to SteemAuto. Happy to support with votes from @tribesteemup on posts, like I did here :-)

That was my main purpose by developing steemauto, a free and unlimited service with many useful features.
Thanks for your great support! much appreciated:).

You have my vote for @mahdiyari as a witness and my resteem. I will spread the word. Good luck!