I have a couple of key items that are on my "I really must do something about that" list.
Firstly I have a whole lot of movies and TV series banked up waiting for me to find some time to actually watch - the downside here is many of them are not suitable for my 2 year old to watch with me, so trying to find time when she finally goes to bed is tough as we're usually exhausted or doing other important tasks.
Secondly, I run an online store selling Lego parts on a website called Bricklink (gratuitous plug - www.brickmanbrad.com.au). I currently have a significant amount of stock waiting to be added to my inventory so I can actually sell some of it.
There's also the usual around the house jobs that my wife likes to "remind" me about on a semi-regular basis.
I know the feeling about not being able to watch anything other than the Dutch equivalent of peppa pig for 'entertainment'. I'm in for again next week, so looking forward to catching up on grown up movies! I might even try to catch Infinity war at the cinema!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here: