I'm posting this post again a touch early, as it has been a busy couple of weeks, and while I'm waiting for the baby to fall asleep, I'm going to write this post. Thus, I will have time afterwards to watch a movie or play a game or do something like that!
I guess I was asking for trouble when I asked for podcast recommendations last week. I lost one podcast, and I've gained quite a few more.... but there were soooo many interesting sounding ones!
The Background

As we have a finite number of hours in the day and a seemingly infinite number of tasks to fit into it, we have to prioritise the things that we want to do. Now, this leads to a backlog of tasks that should be done, but aren't immediate priority until the moment that are urgent priorities. They can range from the mundane to the hyper critical if disaster strikes.
So, for this SBI giveaway, just drop a comment and describe your backlog of shame.
My personal backlog of shame
My currently lowly prioritised tasks are:
See that garage, it needs tidying again... every year, this seems to happen, we dump stuff out of the house and into the garage.
I really need to teach my wife how the to access the crypto savings.... again.
I have over 1000 games in my Steam library, I need to play and complete more of them!
Life insurance. I don't plan on dying tomorrow, but my mother keeps nagging me...
It has hit summer, and last summer I was talking about getting another trellis for this grapevine....

So, there you go. My mix of mundane and potentially critical tasks that have been sitting on my to-do list for waaaaaayyyyyyy too long. Hopefully by the end of summer, I will have done at least 1 or 2 of these (preferably number 3!)
- Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
- Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
- In the comments, describe your to-do list of shame (or maybe you don't have one?)
- I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in SBD. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
Steem Basic Income
One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.
With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).
Last week's winners
Last week's post paid out a bit under 2 SBD (I will need to double check when the post pays out in a couple of hours), so I'll be sponsoring 2 shares.
I've stuck all the valid entries in a random list picker (afraid you'll have to trust me on that) and the winners are:
Congratulations, I will set up the sponsorship as soon as the last post pays out.
My musicoin artist page (tap on banner), come support your favourite music on the crypto-ecosystem!
One of the orchestras that I play in, specialising in Early Music. Click on the banner for the Steemit page, featuring music and various articles about music!
Community Logo by ivan.atmanThe classical music community at #classical-music and
Follow our community accounts @classical-music and @classical-radio.
Proud member of the Alliance!
SteemBulls community Discord here
Horizontal Rulers by cryptosharon
Team Australia footer by bearone
My list of shame 😀
Best of luck growing the subscription bot! Don't forget us when you are a whale!
Thanks, haha! Will do
Join the bot and maybe the whale will be sooner 😉
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Rip I didn’t win
Thanks for your sponsorship, as always!
For those who didn't win, I'm still offering one share for a newbie (under about 100 SP) who reads my fiction and asks me a question which causes me to write an "Ask the Author" post.
Congrats, and thanks for sponsoring the plankton!
Nice one, good idea!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Thank you so much @bengy! :D !!
I won't be entering this one, but I just wanted to say:
Oh man! I understand that one completely. I have games in my Steam that I bought on various sales, or thanks to Humble Bundles, and I just never found the time to even check them out. It's terrible.Congrats on the win!
Thank you! :D
I know, and then the sales come and there are some that are way too cheap to pass up! I've really cut back on buying these days though... Even still, there is a giant backlog.
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
My personal list of shame :/
Tidy up my desk and room. Been meaning to do it but honestly cant find the drive too yet...
work harder in school. Still finishing up the year got 2 weeks left gonna try and finish strong but school sucks and im tired of it
Get out of My funk. Going with #2 sorta been down without a whole lot of motivation recently work, school, friends (have none) all getting me down plus coming off a recent dumping sorta hurt so idk
Do more. Exercise, study, all that fun stuff
Edit: 5) post on steem more
Good luck to everyone :D
This luck with the end of school! The last stretch always feels the longest...
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
I'm not entering, but I am upvoting. I like your mission on steemit.
And please, listen to Mom. Babies and life insurance go together:)
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Thanks! Great, now I'll get the nagging on Steemit as well! I will make an appointment this week...
:) :)
My personal backlog of shame???
I have several jars of homemade mincemeat in the cupboard that I keep meaning to find a non-Christmasy recipe for... (Never quite had the energy to do mincemeat pies in December.)
I have a pile of sewing that needs to be done - but some of that needs to wait until we've moved and I have a little more space to sit at my sewing machine comfortably. (Not to mention the fact that I really need to Google how to do button holes on that machine - I understand it can... (It's a "vintage" 1977 machine, so it wasn't a guarantee it could!)
Cleaning always takes a back seat when there are so many better things to be doing with my time.
Reading unfortunately - I never quite have both the time and the quiet around here to do much reading - and I'm working on my writing so much...
I really need to get on the phone and make some doctor appointments now that my husband's schedule seems to be getting more regular - but I HATE the phone - almost to a phobic level - so it gets put off... :-p
Maybe that's enough for now.
Ah, mincemeat, I took a while to realise that you meant fruit (I hope...). I know mincemeat as what you probably call ground meat, which would be pretty gross after nearly half a year!
Yes. Mincemeat, in the British sense - (raisins and other fruits, preserved in suet) - as opposed to "beef mince" (their term for what Americans call "ground beef")
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
My backlog is really terrible. We have a short term to do list. That one for example contains wash the car. It's on my list for at least a few months.perhaps even 1 full year.
Next to that we have a long term to do list. One item on our short term to do list is to search and find the long term to do list. And I'm already searching 2 or 3 months. So I basically don't know any of my critical backlogs 😥
Ha ha! Find the long term list, that's too good!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Ha ha, Yes we have boxes in the attic from when we moved into this house... Obviously nothing critical, but it will be a surprise when we open them!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
My backlog of shame:
Thanks for this contest and have a great day.
It's a race, who will get their garage done first!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
I could go on for hours about that backlog of shame:
Well, it seems that covers all of life in general there!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
This is one of my unfettered messy handwritten to do lists, I have so many of these, some crossed out others still on the shameful to do list.
Awww, but I've seen part of your "done" list and it's quite impressive!
Haha ahh yes my dreams list. I just looked at this one and there is more I could removed lol but i have another book with new stuff on it. It never ends lol.
At least you have it in a book! Mine are scratched on the back of used envelopes.
Looks like your problem is just stuff in general. Sell stuff, sort stuff, take stuff, put stuff...
This was bisy the list I could find. The treaty have been cleaned up as you can see by this list. Cleaning is the theme of the month. Lol.
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
My backlog of shame
Heh, I have random wires lying around connecting stuff. I really was going to tidy up and hide them, but I'm not sure if everything will stay where they are...
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Nice! Games list at number 1, the right priority!
Probably also the most neglected...
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Pretty much a whole house remodel...
That's easy, it's only one thing on this list!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
My to do list of SHAM:
This execise is actually really good, Im remembering all the thing I need to get done hahaha.
Ha, my wife does that with the vacuum as well. Although, I'm starting to think it might be a message for me?
It was actually my wife who put it there too! and yes, I do believe its a message hahaha
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
I have a couple of key items that are on my "I really must do something about that" list.
Firstly I have a whole lot of movies and TV series banked up waiting for me to find some time to actually watch - the downside here is many of them are not suitable for my 2 year old to watch with me, so trying to find time when she finally goes to bed is tough as we're usually exhausted or doing other important tasks.
Secondly, I run an online store selling Lego parts on a website called Bricklink (gratuitous plug - www.brickmanbrad.com.au). I currently have a significant amount of stock waiting to be added to my inventory so I can actually sell some of it.
There's also the usual around the house jobs that my wife likes to "remind" me about on a semi-regular basis.
I know the feeling about not being able to watch anything other than the Dutch equivalent of peppa pig for 'entertainment'. I'm in for again next week, so looking forward to catching up on grown up movies! I might even try to catch Infinity war at the cinema!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Hi, interesting question.
Backlog of shame
Whew, that's enough for now. Better stop before I get depressed. :-)
Wow, sounds like some pretty handy work you have backed up there! It does remind me, that I need to look at our bikes (see the garage photo...).
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Here is my backlog of shame or, as I prefer to view it, my backlog of things that can be done later...
I recently got rid of a while heap of clothes. There was so much that I didn't wear anymore and I had run out of hanging space.
Same problem for me. Time to start rinsing when you run out of hangers 😜
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
To do list
Nice, seems manageable!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Well I will reveal you my list of shame. First of all I should clean my dishes! I hate do that, but..when I need to eat I clean only the needed pot.
The second thing I should do is to make my bed. It's been 2 weeks since I don't make that. If I sleep every night there, why should I make my bed?
That is all for the moment.
I used to do that when I was a student! And to save on dishwashing, just eat straight from the saucepan!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Oh, there are so many ...
It's always the garage... We renovated the back garden last year, so no it is a pleasure to take care of (mostly). Front garden is on the plans for this coming year. Probably some sort of multi level storage for the bikes....
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
I have a lot of these:
1)The biggest one being 10 books that I have started writing but are incomplete.
2)Learn how to make comics, I always buy the stuff for it but never do it.
3)Give up coffee.
4)Write more poetry
5)Call my mom regularly
You've started 10 books? How do you keep them seperate in your mind?
The plots are very different, 4 books are part of a series, and I've tried my hands at many genres. mystery, history, Sci-fi
for now I just write short stories
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here:
Back log of shame, Wow where do I begin....lol
Win or loose this was a great exercise for me, it's inspired me to jot down a list of the things I need to get done. Hopefully that will help me start to prioritize and knock some of these things off my list of shame...
Tax tax tax, that's the one I completely procrastinate on. If only I organised myself better through the year, it would be less of a grind at the end....
Here in Cambodia we have to do it monthly, it's not like back home in Aus.
you think it would be easier because its broken down into smaller bits, but it means it has to be done 12 times, and we have to pay our accountant 12 times also!
The winners and the new question (What is the most annoying quote?) is here: