Dear community of SteemChurch The Bible says that our mouth speaks of what is in our heart. So, we need to ask: How have we talked, lived, worked, studied, or mar, how has our relationship with people been? If Christ lives in our heart, then our life must reflect the love with which He loved us and saved us. A spiritually healthy heart allows us to live happily, peacefully with people, even the most difficult moments. Could it be that the Savior Jesus is filling our hearts?
God has placed us in relationships, be it at work or in the family, which we want to blame. This implies that we have to deal with earthly things, for better or worse. In addition, however, we will find many things in our lives that occupy and occupy us, but are not necessary. When the Lord was once in Bethany (Luke 10: 38, 39), Martha was "very busy with much service" (Luke 10:40). It kept them from sitting like Mary at the feet of the Lord Jesus and learning from Him; and that was exactly what was so necessary. In Mark 10,17.18 we see the rich young man who comes to the Lord Jesus and is asked to sell everything and follow the Lord. But that rich young man could not do that. His wealth hid him too much. Unlike the apostle Paul, for him Christ was not all that surpassing, but his wealth. It was not Christ who filled his heart, but his wealth, thus preventing him from fully following Him. He left sad and we never hear from him again. Money and property can also be a hindrance in our lives to follow Christ completely. But to leave it at that would be too short. There are many more things that can be "wealth" in our lives, such as our hobby, our car, our cell phone, etc. These are things that are not necessarily sinful, but that cost us at least time, energy, and leisure so hinder to follow the Lord completely. Are there such things in your or my life? Then let them "sell" us: we will get rid of them and get Christ for it.
The appreciation of the person of the Lord Jesus governs everything! The more our heart is filled with Him, the more ready, the more resolute and the more consistent we will follow Him. May your and my heart be completely filled with Him!
Love your beautiful prayer E, the fullness of God's love overflows in our hearts. Thanks for sharing with us.
Let's go ahead
Amen and thanks for the support SteemChurch