God gave lsrael under the Law the Ten Commandments, and these were actually to educate them about the lifestyle of the blessing but because they were not born again, they disobeyed the commandments again and again.
The Bible then tells us that Jesus came into the world, and fulfilled the Ten Commandments and brought us into the fulfillment of these commandments on the ground of grace.
Henceforth, we are not to live by the law of carnal commandments, but by the power of an endless life; we are to live by the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which is love. We are expected to live out the life of God, which is love, not by the struggle of fleshly mechanism, but by the power of the Spirit of God at work in us.
Beloved, you are not under the law; you are under grace.(Romans 6:14).
Therefore sin shall no longer have dominion over you. Not living by the law under grace doesn't mean that we break the law, no! Our opening Scripture tells us that love is the fulfilling of the Law. lt says to owe no man anything, but to love one another; for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.
The blessing is activated by love. lt functions and is operational by love.
For example, Abraham did not have the Ten Commandments when he pleased God. He pleased God by faith. When there was strife between Abraham's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen over where to graze, Abraham sought to maintain peace. He knew that strife would disconnect him from the operations and functioning of the blessing. The same with lsaac, he dug several wells and they strove with him every single time. He kept moving forward until he got to Rehoboth where nobody strove with him. He called the place Rehoboth ”For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land" (Genesis 26:17-22).
Beloved, the love of God abounding in your heart towards men makes room for the blessing to function in your life.
Love factor in the blessing
John 73:34
"A new commandment i give unto you, that ye love one another; as l have loved you, that ye also love one another"
Every covenant has a commandment, and every contract has terms of agreement. Just as God gave the children of Israel commandments under the Old Covenant. we see in John 13:34 that the Lord Jesus spelt out clearly the commandment for the New Covenant.
The love commandment is the commandment of the New Covenant, and this is the way we walk in the blessing under grace.
According to Romans 8:1-4, Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law for us so that the righteous requirement of the Law might be credited to our account. Now, He says to us, "I give you a New Commandment of love." You don't have to try to keep the Ten Commandments now; all you need do is walk in love from your heart. The love of God has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit. Never catch yourself walking in strife. When you do, repent forward; repent in a hurry. The blessing won't work for you in strife and in unforgiveness and bitterness.
Understand that faith in the blessing plus a proper love-walk will surely cause you to abound in prosperity.
Make up your mind by the grace of God to always walk in love because you are a blessed man. Love is the commandment given to the new man in Christ The love commandment is not a suggestion; it is a commandment.
1 John 3:23 says
'And this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another; as he gave us commandment" Put the love of God first, no matter what. Come what may, let love guide and rule you; let it garrison your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Someone may have done you wrong, but refuse to take offence; let it go! You are a blessed man.
Walk in the light of God's Love. lf you make any mistake, don't condemn yourself; just repent and continue in love. Only make sure that your heart is restored to peace and love. The love commandment is to safeguard your walk in the blessing. Do not despise it!
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Loving one another is a commandment from God. God commands us to do two things: to believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and to love one another. We have already believed. Now we also should love. God gave us this love, and He also gave us the commandment to love. God first gave us this love and then He gave us the commandment to love one another. Today we must love one another according to God’s commandment.
Adoring each other is an instruction from God. God orders us to complete two things: to have faith for the sake of His Son Jesus Christ and to love each other. We have just accepted. Presently we likewise should love. God gave us this affection, and He likewise gave us the decree to love. God initially gave us this adoration and after that He gave us the instruction to love each other. Today we should love each other as indicated by God's charge.
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His commandments are pleasing to our life and the love factor is an important part of our life in Christ Jesus. Excellent
We have just accepted. Presently we additionally should love. God gave us this affection, and He additionally gave us the edict to love. God initially gave us this adoration and after that He gave us the precept to love each other. Today we should love each other as per God's rule. Thank you for sharing
We have just accepted. Presently we likewise should love. God gave us this affection, and He likewise gave us the decree to love. God initially gave us this adoration and after that He gave us the instruction to love each other.