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RE: Spiritual Leadership In The Church | The Oustanding Qualities Of A Spiritual Leader

Thanks for these outstanding qualities mentioned here.

Leading people is not an easy thing. Really know how it is to lead is to examine that from our family, how it is to manage even member of our family that we know much about talkless of leading thousands of people that needed to be lead to God's kingdom and not only in this world.

A spiritual leader after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior need to study the lifestyle of Jesus Christ and know how He live to lead and ask for the same grace to be released upon him/her.

A spiritual leader needs to allow humility in his/her life in order to win the heart of people that he is leading.

A spiritual leader need to lead by example. people tend to watch what we do than what we say, our lifestyle needs to minister to people we are leading.

A spiritual leader must not joke with prayer, Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer which is one of those things that helped His ministry on earth.

A spiritual leader must always hear from God before dispatching anything to the follower because is not easy to retract what has been said out already that is the more reason we need to be careful with what we say out.

A spiritual leader must have a listening ear, even though he/she will not follow their suggestions but there is need to be open to suggestion from people tha have the spirit of God burning in them.

May God give us the grace to lead right