Spiritual Leadership In The Church | The Oustanding Qualities Of A Spiritual Leader
Hello and welcome to today's topic titled "Spiritual Leadership In The Church | The Oustanding Qualities Of A Spiritual Leader". This has become important because I have come to realize that if the church is going to take its stand and become the arena for the downpour of God's blessing through worship and constant fellowship, then there is need for the study of spiritual leadership. The sheeps are always scattered when the shepherd is not around.
Taking a stroll through the scriptures in Titus 1 vs 5-9, it says;
5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:
6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
This was Apostle Paul (Our Role Model In Freedom Fighting) talking about the concept of leadership in the church. If the church will go forward and progress as the case maybe, then there are certain requirements/qualities that has to be seen in both the church Leadership and Followers. The church growth is not the sole responsilbilty of the Spiritual head of the church. I am saying that because, growth has to be witnessed in all parts of the body of Christ.
What are those very important qualities that need to be seen in the followers. Lets get to see some of them.
As members of the body of Christ, we must be dedicated to the work of God. See Paul for example, he went about doing the thing of God undermining that he was in the other camp some times ago. He didnt care about the opinions of others and kept at doing Gods work. In real life, if you are in a local assembly and your responsibity is to sing to God, why not do it joyfully and be dedicated. Romans 12 vs 1 says;
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Your attitude towards rehearsals should be 100% good. Your prayer life should be standard and so on and so forth. Whatever responsibility we are performing in the church, we should understand that it is for God and not the head of the church.
Be Born Again
I should have began with this though. You first mission after deciding that you want to give your life to Christ is being born again. The book of John 3 vs 3 says;
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Having it at the back of your mind that being born again is a prerequisite for entering the kindgom of the father, then as a member of any local assembly, that should be your first call so as to enjoy all of the benefits of Gods children.
If the church will grow, it can't wont thrive in disunity but in unity. Therefore all members of all assemblies must ensure that they work in peace in unity. This is the only way we can ensure proper growth.
As a member of the body of Christ, you must understand that darkness and light cannot mingle in whatever form. Therefore, you must ensure that you understand squarely those two parts. 2 Corinthians 6 vs 14 says;
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what [a]fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what [b]communion has light with darkness?
Above are some of the things that required from the members or followers of the church. However, we shall take a quick look at the qualities of a an outstanding Spiritual Leader.
The Oustanding Qualities Of A Spiritual Leader
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Trust me, a lot rest on the shoulders of the spiritual leader of the church. Like I have earlier mentioned, sheeps are usually scattered without their sheppards. Therefore, if the church will grow and stand to fight evil together, then there must be a leader who will cordinate and lead this crusade for freedom and growth. Lets get to see some of the outstanding qualities a spiritual leader should posses.
Firstly, as a spirtual leader, you must have an unquestional Blameless reputation. It may interest you to know that there is no such leader that can be said to be 100% perfect. However to a very large extent a spiritual leader should be someone that his or her followers can vouch for anytime and anyday. Just like the book of Titus told us, a spiritual lead needs to have unquestionable character. A spiritual leader needs to be honest in all his dealings.
Secondly, a spiritual leader shoud be one that follows the leading of the Holyspirit. The fact that you are the spiritual head never means that you are to teach your followers (God's followers) with your own understanding. Every message you preach should be one that has been divinely inspired by God. All your teachings have to be from the word of God and neither should you add or subtract from it because the word of God is complete.
Thirdly, a spiritual leader must be one that has a holy and pure mindset and heart. He must be able to perfect the character of Holiness, have strong discipline , upright in his dealings and have a a very good self control so he/she doesnt go overboard.
Fourthly, a spiritual leader must be very selective when it comes to the people he associates with. Light and darkness cannot associate. One must give way for the other. Therefore, it is necessary that you choose your circle of friends carefully. Likewise, as a spiritual leader, you must love the things that are beautiful and appreciate it. You must be able o show hospitality just like the good samaritan.
Fifhtly, as a spiritual leader there is high need to avoid and so away with some displeasing characters. Yes we are humans but that is where your self control comes to play. You must be contented with what you have, disciplined and not fast tempered. A spiritual leader must have the quality of controlling his emotions so he doesnt speak violently to others and have the great ability of listening to other people's opinions and runs away from strong wine.
Lastly, As a spirtual leader, you should understand that you are the eye of the society and everyone looks up to you whether you like it or not. Any news about you whether good or bad interests people. They want to know whats happening with your job, your family and almost everything. Over here in Nigeria, We call people like "Monitoring Spirits". Some people are just there to hear or see that you flopped. Therefore you must learn to bring up your family in the way of the Lord so you wont become a subject of discussion.
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Above are some of the qualities of a spiritual leader. You can feel free to add yours.
However, understand that spiritual leadership in the church is very vital for Church Growth.
Thanks For Reading
Thanks for sharing with us on such an important topic as Spiritual Leadership in the church
Thanks for these outstanding qualities mentioned here.
Leading people is not an easy thing. Really know how it is to lead is to examine that from our family, how it is to manage even member of our family that we know much about talkless of leading thousands of people that needed to be lead to God's kingdom and not only in this world.
A spiritual leader after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior need to study the lifestyle of Jesus Christ and know how He live to lead and ask for the same grace to be released upon him/her.
A spiritual leader needs to allow humility in his/her life in order to win the heart of people that he is leading.
A spiritual leader need to lead by example. people tend to watch what we do than what we say, our lifestyle needs to minister to people we are leading.
A spiritual leader must not joke with prayer, Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer which is one of those things that helped His ministry on earth.
A spiritual leader must always hear from God before dispatching anything to the follower because is not easy to retract what has been said out already that is the more reason we need to be careful with what we say out.
A spiritual leader must have a listening ear, even though he/she will not follow their suggestions but there is need to be open to suggestion from people tha have the spirit of God burning in them.
May God give us the grace to lead right
This is really an amazing teaching this morning @OS in fact Paul the apostle was a fantastic embodiment of a spiritual leader
In all his missionary Journey he's exhibited one trait, and that of course is establishing the young Christians in the churches, in Corinth, in Rome, in Ephesus, all these places witnessed his exemplary spiritual roles which was selfless and totally instilled into helping the church grow and be heaven bound.
As a leader in any position, we are we must exhibit spiritual trait, this should also include being a light and a beacon to the world, where they live in, to influence the lives of people all over the world
In Titus 1:5-9 Paul speaks of leadership in the church. There are several vital requirements if the local church is to be a centre of spiritual worship, fellowship and service: the members must be born again (John 3:3); they must be separated (2 Corinthians 6:14), dedicated (Romans 12:1) and spiritual people (1 Corinthians 3:1); and there must be harmony and unity in the church (Psalm 133:1-3). But there must also be the right leaders; for whether a church is strong or weak will depend to a large extent upon the leadership. No one knew this better than Paul. It is one of the main reasons he wrote the Pastoral Letters. Here in Titus 1:5-9 he authorises Titus to appoint leaders in each of the established churches, and then he describes the kind of people who should be entrusted with this responsible position of leadership. He uses two words to describe leaders in the church:-
‘ELDERS’ (verse 5). This suggests maturity and dignity. An elder must be a man of spiritual stature and not a novice.
‘OVERSEER’ (verse 7). A leader in God’s work is one who ‘sees over’ that work. He is ‘entrusted with God’s work’.
I define spiritual leadership as knowing where God wants people to be and taking the initiative to use God’s methods to get them there in reliance on God’s power
Paul in 1 Timothy 3:2-12 was outlining some of the qualities that a bishop, an overseer, or a church leadership should have to Timothy:
Kind regards.Thanks for sharing @owoblow-steemit.
This is highly inspirational
The perfect example of a spiritual leader is Jesus Christ.
A Spiritual leader that really want to succeed in leading people right need to follow the ppattern of Jesus Christ.
A spiritual leader need to love God and always do His will and make sure he/she impact the same to the followers.
Also in the area of encouraging, giving, humility, prayer and fasting, A spiritual leader need to be fervent in those ares which is part of those attitude that Jesus Christ portrait.
Philippines 2 Vs 5-6
So, for anyone to be address as a true spiritual leader, he has to posses virtually all the characteristics of Christ.
Thanks for sharing the great words...@owoblow-steemit
As a leader in church, we should be able to follow some of the atribute of christ. As a leader, qe shuld be able to interseed on others. Like praying dor them. As a leader, your mind should be gentle. Also, you should have all the fruits of the holy spirits.
Thanks for educating us on this.
A good spiritual leader is one who leads the fellowship of the children of God. He is one who is gentle, humble and pure of heart. He is a servant towards the people he leads because he leads by example. He should be able to model his leadership after Jesus Christ who is the Christian ultimate role model. Finally, a good spiritual leader should be able to carry his flock in unity without bias knowing fully well that we are all one in Christ's body. Thanks for the wonderful write up @owoblow
The spiritual leader's task is to move people from where they are to where God wants them to be. This is influence. Once spiritual leaders understand God's will, they make every effort to move their followers from following their own agendas to pursuing God's purposes. People who fail to move people to God's agenda have not led. They may have exhorted, cajoled, pleaded, or bullied, but they will not have led until their people have adjusted their lives to God's will.
Spiritual leaders depend on the Holy Spirit. Spiritual leaders work within a paradox, for God calls them to do something that, in fact, only God can do. Ultimately, spiritual leaders cannot produce spiritual change in people; only the Holy Spirit can accomplish this. Yet the Spirit often uses people to bring about spiritual growth in others.
In Titus 1:5-9 Paul talks about authority in the congregation. There are a few essential necessities if the neighborhood church is to be a focal point of profound love, partnership and administration: the individuals must be conceived once more (John 3:3); they should be isolated (2 Corinthians 6:14), devoted (Romans 12:1) and otherworldly individuals (1 Corinthians 3:1); and there must be amicability and solidarity in the congregation (Psalm 133:1-3). Be that as it may, there must likewise be the correct pioneers; for whether a congregation is solid or feeble will depend to a huge degree upon the administration. Nobody knew this superior to Paul. It is one of the fundamental reasons he composed the Pastoral Letters. Here in Titus 1:5-9 he approves Titus to choose pioneers in every one of the set up places of worship, and afterward he depicts the sort of individuals who ought to be endowed with this mindful position of administration. He utilizes two words to portray pioneers in the congregation:-
'Seniors' (verse 5). This proposes development and nobility. A senior must take care of business of otherworldly stature and not an amateur.
'Manager' (verse 7). A pioneer in God's work is one who 'sees over' that work. He is 'endowed with God's work'.
A debt of gratitude is in order for imparting to us on such an imperative theme as Spiritual Leadership in the congregation
I don't get to read your Post as often as I'd like, but wanted to acknowledge the good work you are doing. Sometimes it is nice to see the "mirror" come out in the messages I receive. Validation is a big part of the Higher Spirit at work.
Thanks for spreading the word@owoblow-steemit
Spiritual Leaderships is one who prays for his member consistently.
Obey instructions from God and follow God will..
Joseph was a spiritual leader because God's will.
Thanks @owoblow-steemit
Amazing write up
Nice quality content@ owoblow
Thanks for sharing