Our God is greater than the way people see Him.
He has been before the creation of the world and He still reign and He will continue to regin even after the world exist no more.
Though we cannot see God face to face but He made himself manifest through His Son Jesus in the form of human. He made Himself known to us through His Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of truth.
He also reveal himself to us through His word.
We need to always have a deep communion with him through His word and His Holy Spirit which bears Him withness and always convince us of His existence.
God lives forever more.
This explains it all.
This Knight sees God as an omnipresence (present everywhere) and omniscience (all-knowing), but not an omnipotent (all-powerful) spirit. There is enough evidence in the Bible to say that God cannot (perhaps will not), directly impact upon humanity. More so He does guide our course through indirect influences - such as control over elements and working through people.