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RE: SteemChurch: If we can't see or hear God, how do we know he exists?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Well said sir. God isn't something you can see, feel, hear and taste in the typical sense. Everything which the faculties recognize are made things. God is the Creator of every one of those things. At the end of the day, the way that you can see, hear, feel and taste anything is proof of the God who made them. Every single such thing are constrained and limited. God isn't fleeting. HE IS IMMATERIAL, Infinite and Eternal. None of which can be experienced by the confinements of the faculties. "The regular man can't get the things of God since they are profoundly perceived." 1 Corinthians 2:14 "That which can be seen is worldly. That which can't be seen is everlasting." 2 Corinthians 4:18 "The regular man is at ill will to God." Romans 8:7. A characteristic man can't comprehend what God is. We(believers) comprehend the genuine idea of God since we cherish him and we have trust in him. This is finished by the confidence we have in him. Like the knight stated, for the entire world to get crushed by malicious, it probably devastated the 3 factors.


Confidence AND
