Is it though? It's not uncommon that people find content that's plagiarized and received payout through unaware voters and/or promotions.
Who's the victim here?
I've been flagged multiple times for re-posting my OWN content from other forums and websites (I am now 100% in compliance after being threatened with downvotes). In the discord channel (kangaroo-court), I saw many other new steemians were complaining about the exact same thing.
I don't give a rip if someone likes what I have to say and re-posts it.
Re-posting does no harm to the original author.
If you want your words protected, then it is your responsibility to register them with the copyright office and it is then your responsibility to hunt down violators of your registered copyright and report them to the legal authorities.
The central conceit of @steemcleaners is that "simply because we can find something similar with a quick google search, this DOES NOT mean that the google search has revealed the ORIGINAL AUTHOR and it furthermore does not mean that the text discovered in the quick google search is protected by any sort of registered copyright.
If you want to enforce "attribution", then the cheetahbot already does that in a polite manner.
No downvote required.
Every paid out reward devalues your stake. If they are going towards plagiarism, I can't imagine the value going up soon.
This is just one of many examples people thought a legitimate group is on Steem, but turned out they weren't.
Do you think the group was happy to be on Steem then? Fuck no. Steem is just some shady den of thieves to the outside world.
That's pointless. Whaleshares did exactly that, even got rid of flags, guess where their token went? Worth almost nothing. People stop creating when they realize posts are just placeholders for votes; hence "account preservation posts".
If you think many of us here have not been observing how different forks of Steem played out, you are sadly mistaken.