A Brief Update On My Life :)

in #steemcreators6 years ago

Hey my Steemian friends! It has been too long!
Tonight I feel inspired to connect with you again and I have been missing you all!

(Image source pixabay)

These last several weeks there has been so much change in our lives. It hasn't all been easy but in this moment I am grateful for so many things.

Our beautiful baby Raven is 7 weeks old today! She is beautiful, clever, hilarious, and growing like a champion.

@josephsavage has been busy busy with @steembasicincome and @thedailysneak and I've been helping out where I can. We are keeping high hopes for the coming months and potentially (finally) having more free time and less stress!

My sweet Joseph has been so supportive of me running again. For many months it has been missing from my life. Running is therapy to me and it makes me feel alive, and whole, and at peace. Tonight I ran for the pure joy of it and loved every precious minute.

There is a thunderstorm here bringing with it much needed rain. I hope that many places around the world that are struggling with dry, hot weather can also experience such a reprieve. I got to see the lightning dance while I was out, and the rain started coming down hard just as I was getting home.

Halfway through I stopped at a friend's house. I was blessed to share in her current joys and concerns as I briefly helped ease some of her house work. I love helping those I care about, even for a few minutes. It creates such a great connection in this big, sometimes lonely, world. I also got to see Baxter after so many weeks of only pictures and stories to tide me over! (See him over at @kass-and-bax!)

Thank you all for your well wishes and support in this new adventure of ours. A long awaited post about our beautiful Raven girl is coming soon.

How have you been? What are you grateful for? Leave a meaningful comment of your choice and I'll sponsor you for a share of @steembasicincome.

***Up to 50 people, my account is not bottomless. :)


Hi, Katy! How are you and your baby?

We have been good @akdx, she is a cutie and I've been enjoying getting to know her.

Welcome back! I can't wait for you to share all of the amazing things you have been doing since Raven was born, and how amazing she is. I feel so lucky to be your friend <3

Thank you! :) She is awesome! I'm glad you get to be a part of her life.

Hello! Just meeting you in this post. But what are we up to? Well, we're on a road trip with our kiddo to visit his maternal grandparents for the first time. They've been down to visit us, but this is our first time since he was born visiting them.
@stinawog's sister is getting married, so that's why now. In another month, we'll be going to see my parents in Wisconsin. They live on a permaculture farm. It'll be my dad's 75th birthday!
Every day has something new for us with our kiddo. Today he seems to have discovered his tongue in the mirror, and has been undulating it and touching his two brand new teeth with it!
Hope you and @josephsavage get all kinds of free time soon!


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That's exciting! I hope all goes well with your trip and your family visit. That's a lot of travel. :)
My aunt has plans to create a permaculture farm, hopefully, a 5-year plan to get the property, and a 10 year to get it flourishing.
He's cute. Raven has been fun to see discover things as well. She has started grasping things which is adorable.

Grasping! That's a useful skill for life!

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Great to see you back. As a birder I love the name Raven. Beautiful. Maybe the smartest of birds, Corvids, so that works too. Wishing you health, happiness and most of all sleep. This from a birder and family physician. Good birding and again, welcome back.

It is great to be back. I missed the community here.
Raven is actually a great sleeper, she slept 7 hours last night, which was wonderful and a record for her. :) So we are tired but not as sleep deprived as some parents seem to be.

Glad you are doing well. Soon you'll be birding with a Raven in your belly/back pack.

Hey Katy! We've been wondering how you were doing and I'm so glad that things are going well. One of my daughters has three kids and she has always been so happy to be able to get back to running, I know it can mean a lot. I'm in the middle of the Navajo Nation Reservation with a new batch of birds, so I'll let you know what I can find. I'm looking forward to your birding pics when you get back to it. Have fun. Nice you're back.

Thank you Dennis! Things have been going pretty good and we are tired but happy. How did your trip go? Did you find anything interesting?

I'm glad all is well. Yeah, being tired comes with the opportunity. People can tell you, but it does seem to be a surprise anyway. Have fun!
I'm on a 3 month assignment here, but may extend it for a year. The community and the job is very relaxing - a nice change of pace. Marianne is coming up for a visit in a couple of weeks. It's a different world - very cool.
Birds: in San Diego we have Black Phoebes. Here, there are some Say's Phoebes around the house - we speak often. :-)) There's a few pairs of doves and a small flock of pigeons. I saw an American Kestrel which was very pretty. There's been a few Western Bluebirds hanging out every now a again, and some Goldfinches. I've only seen one big hawk and a few Turkey Vultures. But what rules the sky here are Ravens. They are impressively large and when they "kaw", it's like they hit bass notes. Personally, I really enjoy them.
Well, hang tough and I'll let you know when I spot any knew and exciting flyers. (nope, I haven't seen any bats .)

Oh, at the hospital there is a group of barn swallows which are always a joy to watch. I forgot about them. :-))