Memories from Steemfest

in #steemfest6 years ago

Kraków miss you steemians - it was great to have you here and I relish the memories of interactions with steem community. Its impossible to name it all so I will just mention some highlights from the event.

Round Table sessions

round table sessions.jpg One of the rooms at second conference day was devoted to round-table sessions. Participants could apply to hold one in advance and program was announce shortly before. Personally I took part in two of those - with @detlev and with @joeparys. I liked this more interactive but still somewhat structured format and I wish I would attend more of them. Just opportunity to pick up a brain of experienced steemians was worth it and what is more - with @detlev (Beer Saturday organizer) there was also free beer ( ;


Presentations - One year on Steem challenge

This day was held at conventional conference venue (no headphones). There was more projects being presented but I especially remembered @sorin.cristescu - European Commision employee working on utilizing blockchain in centralized setting, and @stateofanarchy 's Carmen Carangi(@chickencaam) talking on Crypto-Exodus - that was type of message that a little bit make up for @dollarvigilante not making it for this years' Steemfest. I really enjoyed @remyhauxley talking on his 1-year journey just on 1 bitcoin. Interestingly he was challenged during audience questions to do another journey just using Steem/Steem Dollars. Based on his answer I assume that this idea isn't totally outside of the realm of possibility - certainly more after meeting steem community than before. Meantime Rafał is still working on documentary from his previous journey.

Night of Steem

11 10 004.jpg After second conference day there was a party in Klub 89, very intriguing location arranged at late 80s(currently only for reserved bookings). Nice mix of artists known from steem appeared. I especially liked @Yidneth with her beautiful melodies - which reminded Secret Garden music a little bit for me, and club music served by @Edprivat and @Greencross.

Esteem Meet up, Beer Saturday

eSteem mug Steemfest pamiątki 11 18 048.jpg On Saturday I choose to visit Esteem Meet up which was followed by Beer Saturday(initially in other venue but it blend together). There was a lot of socializing. I took opportunity and personally thank @roelandp himself for organizing Steemfest(and choosing our Kraków as a location). I also got eSteem mug as a reward for performance in darts competition ( :

Clean Planet

gathered trash Clean Planet Kraków steemfest11 18 004.jpg
bulwar Wisła Clean Planet .jpg
I think I had never before spent the morning of Independence Day in that way but it was very nice and I am grateful for all participants who came from all over the world and help us keep Kraków clean on that special day ( :
Independence Day hussars Kraków.jpg @cleanplanet is a project that aims to reward for cleaning planet(streets etc.) - they had presentation at Thursday and I couldn't miss the walk that they announced for Sunday morning. Actually quite a few steemians take a walk along the road near the Qubus hotel and Vistula river picking up litter to plastic bags. Living in Kraków I was glad that we hadn't encountered big mass on the way but still I think we gathered somewhat more than you Can see on photo(rest was already disposed on the way).


Wieliczka Salt Mine and Closing

Closing dinner was held underground in the Salt Mine in Wieliczka after the trip along its stunning chambers. I am glad that community got the opportunity to see this wonderful place.



Scanning/Socializing game

scanning game.jpg All attendees of Steemfest could download the app that contained useful informations on Kraków's attractions, conference program and tool to scan others qr codes(everyone had it on their badges - linked to respective steemit profiles). Along with it - thanks to @arcange - there was a game which rewarded mutual scans. I found it an fun way to encourage getting to know each other more.


My experiences from first two days are covered in this post:

Greetings to anyone that I've met - till the next time.
Kraków awaits you!


Hope to see you there next year :)Thanks for the shoutout !!! The other performers at the Night of STeem were @katrina-ariel and @steembirds...

Thanks for the mention, @edprivat! @azes, it was impossible to keep track of everyone, I know. It was fabulous, though! Such wonderful memories. :)

My pleasure :)

Resteemed !

See you soon using cleanplanet tag
Thank you so much ! I was a marvellous event ! #CLEANPLANET CITY WALK IN KRAKOW @cleanplanet

Thank you very much for the shout out and for the lovely mention. I appreciate the compliment :)
I had a great time with all the performers, Ed, Katrina, Steembirds and Greencross :) thanks for the mention :)

Right, @katrina-ariel @steembirds and @Enginewitty did very well too.

Everyone blew me away with their performances. What a fun night! :)