let me knwo when she has an account ill go upvote !
yes steemit is the solution the world has been waiting for and its OT a cliche it SOUNDS all too good to be true and all like a bunch of love and light but no its REAL this comment wiill be FOREVER the blockchain will be etched onto STONE one day!
Steemit will help turn the developing world into a developed world that proudly say NOONE is poor NOONE is hungry, we CAN have a wrld without Poverty!
we ALREADY lifted BILLIONS of humanbegs out of poverty over the last few decades with simple free market capitalism!
Imagine when we all have Steemit the TRUE freemaket of ideas as Bitcoina nd crypto is the first REAL FREE market we have EVER had in human history and steemit prhaps the first TRUEY free speech platform EVER created it will help people in other countries avoid censorship the blockchain cannever be stopped !
Steemit ALREADY buys people plane tickets to go meetup around the world!
II realize that If i wanted to I basically could have gotten a free flight to europe! its amaziing that steemit is just paying for its users airplane tickets to come to steemit meetups around the world!
The fact that we are flying users around teh world mean we are ALREADY achieving one of my child hood dreams when dreaming about the internet in teh future! i always DREAMED f some worldwide videogame where you could make money
i ALSO reamed of haviing some magical debit card with unlimted funds, i had a dream of going to a gas station and being able to just fi up a tank or go buy ANYTHING wit my agical deit card and i thought one ay i would become some sortt of hacker? I didnt know what ? to be able to find SOME way to hack a debit card or the banking system to allow myself to have UNLIMITED mony! and i thought of a debiit card as a way for that to be possible as i wouldnt ever need to use cash!
In fact as a chidl i always wondered, if we all just trust these debit cards, how do we know some elite group isnt abusing the idea of digital money and just makings ure their debit card accounts always ha iinifnite supply of moneu?
bitcoin seriously answers alll those questions I had as a child when wonering how debit cards ad digital money worked ....
Its amazing that I now have a bitpay debt card and if i just keep making wise altcoin decisions and mining crypto i WILl have a debit card accou t with unlimited money onit! bitcoinkind of fulfilled that chldhood fantasy of mine!
Imagination, well, that's where we live, now we can be free and use our imaginations to change the world. I see you in me, and me in you.
I am full of utopia for I can see it now, my dreams are reality and my reality is a dream.i had these same dreams as a child, and ever since i joined friendster, then myspace. I want to be Willy Wonka, and it looks like me and @surpassinggoogle, and others will be creating the Giving Factory.