Roya Mahboob, CEO and Founder of Digital Citizen Fund, image credit: Wired
My Vision:
To onboard the Digital Citizen Fund organization that Roya Mahboob founded onto Steemit. Why? Because the goals of Digital Citizen Fund and the goals of Steemit are perfectly aligned. For those not familiar with Digital Citizen Fund, here's an explanation from their website:
The Digital Citizen Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in New York City. The Digital Citizen Fund helps girls and women in developing countries gain access to technology, virtually connect with others across the world, and obtain necessary skills to succeed in today’s expanding global market.
To accomplish this, the Digital Citizen Fund has built eleven Internet Training Centers and two stand-alone media centers in partnership with MTI (presently known as Bitlanders) and the Afghan Citadel. Through this collaboration, we have successfully enrolled over 9,000 young women in Kabul and Herat. We have recently expanded operations in Mexico as part of our effort to provide better opportunities for girls and women around the world. We are ready to scale our highly successful model to other countries as funding becomes available.
Our Goal
How I Envision This Working
The Digital Citizen Fund is based on educating women and children about technology and financial independence. I see no better way to educate them than to have a Steemit course developed in their curriculum. Steemit is the tool that this school and this organization need to better equip these students with a digital future. Steemit solved a lot of my problems, and as a single mother, I can definitely say, I found my freedom on Steemit.
What I Need You To Do
My hope is that someone who speaks Pashto or Dari Persian will answer this #STEEMGIG. I have reached out several times to Roya, and we are currently communicating via Facebook messenger. She seems open to the idea, and I will try my best to make this happen. However, if there are any people from Afghanistan on Steemit, now would be a good time to join forces, and work together towards this goal. I do need help with this particular project and I am willing to pay you for your time in getting this to be a reality. I run many projects now and I want to work with others towards this goal.
First find out if is still having issues with sign-ups. My friend has been waiting for over a week, still no word from Steemit.
You need to find out if anyone from Afghanistan can sign up via Steemit, using their local phone number. If you are living in Afghanistan and have successfully signed up to Steemit, let me know. (If this is not possible, we will use Steem Connect.)
You need to reach out to Roya Mahboob and successfully onboard one of her students into Steemit.
After one female student from Afghanistan Digital Citizen Fund project has made it into Steemit, she is to contact me via placing a comment on one of my blog posts or email me at:
I will need to communicate directly with this student to ensure she is properly mentored and gets all the help necessary in order to onboard the other students who will want to join up.
Roya Mahboob was listed as one of the top 100 most influential people of the world in 2013:
Here's what WIRED had to say:
Not long after Roya Mahboob was named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in 2013, the Taliban delivered a threat.
Mahboob, 29, had used the profit from Afghan Citadel Software, her software development startup, to create ten centres for girls to study computing in Kabul and Herat. The Taliban told her that if she didn't stop, they would kill her.
Forced to flee Afghanistan, Mahboob arrived alone in New York in January 2014. She then embarked on two projects: a vocational training site called EdyEdy and, in early 2016, an as-yet-unnamed export company, bringing Afghan tea and coffee to the US and Middle East.
Both businesses fund Mahboob's training centres, which she has continued, despite the danger. "We give access to technology," she says. "We have 8,000 students and we're going to train 5,000 more in the next two years."
Digital Citizen Fund's 12 female teachers introduce 12- to 18-year-old Afghans to the basics of digital and financial literacy, followed by classes in coding or social media. Each year, 2,400 girls take the courses, but Mahboob wants to expand – first to rural areas, then to other countries.
She says she is sharing the experience that showed her the world could be bigger than she was told. "In any conservative society women are not equal. Technology can change this – it changed my world."
Ok, comment below if you believe you can make this happen.
@steemgigs.btw, follow @steemgigs here and on Twitter at
let me knwo when she has an account ill go upvote !
yes steemit is the solution the world has been waiting for and its OT a cliche it SOUNDS all too good to be true and all like a bunch of love and light but no its REAL this comment wiill be FOREVER the blockchain will be etched onto STONE one day!
Steemit will help turn the developing world into a developed world that proudly say NOONE is poor NOONE is hungry, we CAN have a wrld without Poverty!
we ALREADY lifted BILLIONS of humanbegs out of poverty over the last few decades with simple free market capitalism!
Imagine when we all have Steemit the TRUE freemaket of ideas as Bitcoina nd crypto is the first REAL FREE market we have EVER had in human history and steemit prhaps the first TRUEY free speech platform EVER created it will help people in other countries avoid censorship the blockchain cannever be stopped !
Steemit ALREADY buys people plane tickets to go meetup around the world!
II realize that If i wanted to I basically could have gotten a free flight to europe! its amaziing that steemit is just paying for its users airplane tickets to come to steemit meetups around the world!
The fact that we are flying users around teh world mean we are ALREADY achieving one of my child hood dreams when dreaming about the internet in teh future! i always DREAMED f some worldwide videogame where you could make money
i ALSO reamed of haviing some magical debit card with unlimted funds, i had a dream of going to a gas station and being able to just fi up a tank or go buy ANYTHING wit my agical deit card and i thought one ay i would become some sortt of hacker? I didnt know what ? to be able to find SOME way to hack a debit card or the banking system to allow myself to have UNLIMITED mony! and i thought of a debiit card as a way for that to be possible as i wouldnt ever need to use cash!
In fact as a chidl i always wondered, if we all just trust these debit cards, how do we know some elite group isnt abusing the idea of digital money and just makings ure their debit card accounts always ha iinifnite supply of moneu?
bitcoin seriously answers alll those questions I had as a child when wonering how debit cards ad digital money worked ....
Its amazing that I now have a bitpay debt card and if i just keep making wise altcoin decisions and mining crypto i WILl have a debit card accou t with unlimited money onit! bitcoinkind of fulfilled that chldhood fantasy of mine!
Imagination, well, that's where we live, now we can be free and use our imaginations to change the world. I see you in me, and me in you.
I am full of utopia for I can see it now, my dreams are reality and my reality is a dream.i had these same dreams as a child, and ever since i joined friendster, then myspace. I want to be Willy Wonka, and it looks like me and @surpassinggoogle, and others will be creating the Giving Factory.
This is a fantastic idea @stellabelle! Planting a really good seed for the sake of peace and freedom! Gonna steem over those wicked oppressors...
thank you. I'll be speaking with Roya next wednesday....
Yw! Great, I'll be looking for updates!
yes, it's certainly very exciting, and aligned with my core values.
Apparently there are still some whose values don't include freedom for others. B"H your idea might help with that correction...
Our limitless love will infect the right people. I am no longer concerned about people who are still stuck in the Matrix. We will win.
Yes! It is inevitable! One more good deed will tip the scales!
I have asked to join
Afghanistan Jobs LinkedIn group
9,681 members
when accepted I will past/copy your post there.
oh, how excellent! Thank you!
Done !
what did you do exactly?
I am not claiming the reward, this is only to say that I has been accepted on the Afghanistan job search group, then I post a link to your article. Still no enrollment so far. Did you meet Roya Mahboob ?
@stellabelle have you considered the use of some kind of translation service as a means for english speaking individuals to help reach out?
yes, that will be another STEEMGIG
Introducing Roya Mahboob to Steemit is honestly one of the best things she could do. The community here is awesome.
Let's repost and make it trend on Steemit!
I am in talks with Roya right now. She messaged me via Facebook and she is interested in what I am proposing. I wanted to open up an economic opportunity here on STeemit to anyone who wanted to help make this a reality. The fact is that I am working on WAY TOO MANY PROJECTS both in here and in Dash, and my own stuff too. I run a publication, write, make videos, and am doing social media on here and all other platforms too. I have too many things going all at once, so a team at this point would make way more sense. I am seeing who rises up and is interested in helping this vision become a reality.
If you need help i will be glad to do it
this is good to know. I got a little sidetracked bc i was going to do a Steemgig for Venezuelans, but I think maybe a Venezuelan could do a better job than me. what are your thoughts on this?
We have a lot of talented people, maybe I can help make a list of all Venezuelans who offer services, such as graphic design, video editing, writers, counselors, journalists, doctors, artists, etc ...
I see this platform as a real way doctors can function as I am in the health field and online consultations and paying through Steem will bypass many hinderances of access for many. For example people in the Pacific Islands could (by appointment ) write to me here on steem or Face book The Body Detective and I would reply. They email a photo and my machine scans it then I can set the remedies in certain crystals and by radionics they receive their remedies, it really works but for operations and everyday say diabetes medicines they need but a lot of other conditions are totally fine doing like this. And pay by stem or bitcoin, it is a whole new world.
yes this sounds like a brilliant idea
Very good, Stella! I wish witnesses was more aware of the massive growth opportunity cheap electronics and an expanding infrastructure in developing areas represent. "The moon" is peanuts, next stop andromeda!
do you know if any people from Afghanistan are currently on Steemit?
I have no idea. There are some from Malaysia following me, that's the most exotic I have come across. Try a search. It might pick up the location.
I'm hoping others will see the brilliance in this idea and pile on
thank you. Partnering with digital initiatives like Digital Citizen Fund would be a huge thing. I think that no one really understands just what is at stake with this becoming successfull....but we do...
I mean, she was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in 2013. How this does not get media coverage (mainstream and here), well, I will never understand.
Yep... this is big. And not impossible. It's exactly what we need.
Good marketing is not about spending a ton of money on attracting just everyone.
thank you for resteeming.
You're welcome, it was well worth it :thumbsup:
I can try in Nigeria, Lagos to be precise.
try what exactly?
since am not in Afghanistan, i wish i can sign up any girl from Africa(Nigeria) via Steemit, using their local phone number like you said in your post......just a suggestion anyways
oh yes, sure, please do! The more on here the merrier! Thanks
Awesome vision but I think you should take initiative yourself first to connect with the organization and let them know about the project.
I have and I am also speaking with Roya on messenger now. I wanted to open this up to anyone wanting to earn, plus get some help...
i wonder how to get someone from Afghanistan who is on steemit or at least someone that speaks their language. i will look for!
thanks so much. I appreciate that.
Facebook groups or Instagram location search maybe?
This is an awesome project and a brilliant idea! Well done!
In the days before readily available computers there was a very brave ship Captain on a ship called Tampa off Australia and he wouldn't allow the afgan refugees to be handed over willy nilly to Australian Authorities, New Zealand took many of these people and they have been a wonderful addition to our country and I had the privilege of being able to connect local businesses to them while they were still in the Mangere Refugee Centre learning about New Zealand and how to live here, they are lovely people and deserve all the help they can have, they love their country but for political reasons aren't able to be there, so this is a wonderful intuitive to be found here and will do very well for them as they are a clever and practical people.Steem will revolutionise the downtrodden to have a real natural voice to be able to participate in life with success.
i feel the same way. thanks
Here you've the solution:
yes, i used it once already for my friend.....
Brilliant. Noble cause..
I believe that with the innovation of new cryptocurrencies like bitcoin combined with the power of the internet, it could potentially free the lives of 100s of millions living in oppression. We need more people like Stella and our community to make it happen.
Brilliant. Noble cause..
i talked to Roya today. She's going to have someone in her organization join up.
Yes I want