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RE: Mining STEEM For Dummies

in #steemhelp9 years ago

jupiter@jupiter-All-Series:~$ cd secp256k1
jupiter@jupiter-All-Series:~/secp256k1$ ./
./ 3: ./ autoreconf: not found
jupiter@jupiter-All-Series:~/secp256k1$ ./configure
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
jupiter@jupiter-All-Series:~/secp256k1$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
jupiter@jupiter-All-Series:~/secp256k1$ ./
./ 3: ./ autoreconf: not found
jupiter@jupiter-All-Series:~/secp256k1$ ./
./ 3: ./ autoreconf: not found

Getting errors.... now what?


if you get an error while following this guide please stop, and go to

once you are on STEEM slack join room #help

you can try this:

> cd
> rm -rf  secp256k1
> git clone
> cd secp256k1
> ./
> ./configure
> make
> ./tests

then continue with the rest. if you still get errors come to slack.

Can I tell you something? I did NOT make the comment that you are responding to.

Maybe a little late to help you, but for others with similar issues, if you get a "xxx: not found" error, it usually means the xxx is missing. In this case, try allso installing autoconf (the autoconf manual states autoreconf runs autoconf). In Maybe this works:

sudo apt-get install autoconf

Can I tell you something? I did NOT make the comment that you are responding to.