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RE: We Are All Coworkers on Steem: You, Me And Everyone Here

in #steemians7 years ago

When you use Maslow as a reference, the desire for water, food (and other physiological needs) are self limiting ... if you drink too much water you drown.

Ignore the commentary of "Gotcha" and examine this woman in terms of her motivations. People too often get positive reinforcement for the "dark" side of motivators. At some stage some person said that having pink hair and rings in the lips were "cool". This led this person down a very dark path of self-actualization.

As Abraham Maslow noted, the basic needs of humans must be met (e.g. food, shelter, warmth, security, sense of belonging) before a person can achieve self-actualization – the need to be good, to be fully alive and to find meaning in life. Yet, Maslow argued that reaching a state of true self-actualization in everyday society was fairly rare. Research shows that when people live lives that are different from their true nature and capabilities, they are less likely to be happy than those whose goals and lives match. For example, someone who has inherent potential to be a great artist or teacher may never realize his/her talents if their energy is focused on attaining the basic needs of humans.
Source: Wikipedia

This person (possibly living with her mother) has all of her basic needs covered. I suspect that any attempt at living with normalcy has been negatively reinforced. When friends invite a person to "party" it isn't to necessarily to help with people's needs but to establish group conformity.