Have you ever asked yourself the following questions?
Why are people able to open up about their most personal issues, dreams and struggles on Steemit without being ridiculed?

Why are people from different countries able to get along (for the most part) without being divided by national interests?

Why are we able to see stories from different parts of the world (Nigeria, Phillpines, Venezuela...) that shed real light on the state of life?

Why is Steemit not creating a divide between the 2 parties that are currently at war in the USA on platforms like Facebook?

I've been thinking about this a lot recently, as I never quite expected to see these results occur anywhere online. I think many of the above questions can be answered when we look at the fact that we all share something very important to our human survival: money.
Many of us have become full-time Steemians and we see Planet Steem not as a blogging platform but a digital tribe. Our loyalties come in different flavors and shades, based on our unique belief systems. Let's face it, the systems in place in many countries are not working very well. They are failing hard. I am seeing a lot of patterns while reading stories from various people and what I am seeing is that the human spirit has been weakened. I see a lot of people looking to find employment from others and looking towards their government to solve their nations' problems. Governments are just made up of people, afterall. When we complain about governments and how miserable it is, and if we let that despair consume us, it weakens us.
Many of the great peace movements of the past have been smashed to bits by either powerful elites or a mass media message of consumerism.
The great lie is this: if you get enough money to buy things, then your life will be full and happy.

Money does solve some problems, but not all. By keeping most of humanity enslaved by this idea, the rulers can continue to profit from the backs of the majority poor. Humans will continue to rely on outside forces instead of inside forces for their basic needs. Now there are basic infrastructure needs that are essential, but most happiness in life doesn't come in the form of material things.
People who are in despair and fear are much easier to control than people who are empowered. I think it's safe to say that everyone who is currently trying to survive as a human on the planet wants be more empowered.
The truth that your teachers never told you is this: real empowerment comes from within yourself.
This always sounds woo-woo to say, but I know it's true. I've experienced it. Now, there are many obstacles that can get in your way, as you try to become empowered by your own mind.
Here are some obstacles that affect many humans: fear, rage, jealousy, ego, unfair power structures, discrimination, greed, inability to set boundaries, self-esteem, mental illness, poverty (which turns into a mental disorder), physical health, inability to socialize, lack of creative thinking, indoctrination, brainwashing, shame, not having access to mentors, education, learning the wrong things, addictions, etc.....
In fact, there are so many things about being human that are challenging, that I would guess that less than 1% of the human population ever achieves self-actualization.
For me, self-actualization has always been my primary goal.

But I never followed any meditation guidelines, religions or rules. The main reason I don't follow any one religion is because I always thought it would be more interesting if I made one up myself. What I do follow, though, are my visions. Yes, I do have visions, both in picture form, and also in more descriptive form. I've always had them, and they come to me organically. Unlike others who believe in these visions coming from an outside source, I feel that they simply come from a deeper part of me. It's my belief that everyone possesses these visions, but that few humans pay attention to them because their minds are too distracted by the things that are destructive, like addictions, media, lust, greed, gambling, ego, etc.
Getting to the interior parts of one's mind is like cutting through the outer layers of one's identity with a big machete, and going straight toward the original self. It's scary, and it also brings up a lot of pain. I can see why people would not want to do it. It's my belief that people in the West take drugs to access this inner self which they feel cut off from.

I remember when people used to ask me if wanted to do LSD. I would always answer, "No thanks, I have plenty of visions on my own, naturally, but thanks." This is the truth. I was scared of doing LSD because I thought I might truly go over the edge of insanity, as I see myself already teetering on the edges of imagination, so much so that I could get devoured by my own mind......
For some people, they want to become a millionaire, or build a business, or become a CEO.
The reason self-actualization has been my goal for my entire life is because once I attain that, I can do or be whatever I want. I will no longer be limited in my thinking, and normal fears will no longer hold me hostage.
But it's much harder to attain self-actualization than anything of the above things. Self-actualization is perhaps the hardest thing one could set out to master, because it involves doing away with most of the things that have shaped oneself. This is not easy since we believe that our thoughts and experiences are the things that shape our identities. Experiences have shaped our outer personalities, but not our essential self. Things have happened to us that shaped our responses, but we have an essential self that exists separate from our experiences in life.
I had no idea I was going to talk about this deep stuff.....what I was trying to say is that we all are coworkers in a decentralized organization, that has no physical boundaries. If you think about Planet Steem in these terms, it might release your mind from only thinking about blogging as a means to earn. You might be tempted to start any number of projects that go well beyond the scope of blogging......You might even start a new religion....
That was the design.
I have some big news of a new project coming soon. I hope it's going to be epic and absurd!
as always a thoughtful and well thought out piece which i've come to expect from you. you've blossomed quite well as a writer! i wish i could get my thoughts together as well as you do - everytime i try to write something the idea skeeters away from me, going into hiding, immune to my searching and probing attempts to recapture it
Well that sounds like a post right there! Part of it, is just starting.....being committed to just whatever floats by in your mind.
What I like about steemit is that people from around the world with different ethnicity, race, religions work here, and positive thing is that are here working in peace.Oh yeah, if you to bring the change, then you must start from within yourself, fully agree with it @stellabelle.
ha ha this was funny! Of course I am GIF ADDICT...
I have not expected this kind of article on steemit. I am impressed. I have also been writing articles of the similar theme as this article although you cannot understand them because they are written in Korean.
To achieve self-actualizatiom what we need is to be in that state instead of trying to attain the state. This is what I learned through my experiences.
Thank you for the awesome article.
I resteem this to Korean society.
Also, I allow free translations, which means that anyone can translate this and get the rewards...
Oh thank you.
I want to connect more and more people with humanity, but it is not effective for now because of my steem power, I think.
People in Korea will hear your voice more than mine.
Thank you for your kind offerings.
Thank you for letting me translate this into Korean.I translated this into Korean and posted in #kr community. https://steemit.com/kr/@etainclub/we-are-all-coworkers-on-steem-you-me-and-everyone-here
yes, thank you.
This is a great insight.
I was also wondering if there is someone from Korea who can give updates in English about current happenings in steemit. Is there someone who could do this? I'm starting a new show that is like a Steem News Show....please advise.
you mean updates of current happenings in Korean community?
I will think about it.
Tell me more about your new project. It will help me find proper persons.
Thanks to the suggestion.
Aside from the idea of mining with our minds this is the second best "ideology" that I think I won't forget in all of your post,"The main reason I don't follow any one religion is because I always thought it would be more interesting if I made one up myself. ". Ma'am I salute you for being a bad*ss. You're one my favorite action heroes now. Lol. Haha. Just kidding. But really, that was an amazing line. Thank you for inspiring all people in this community. Good luck, more power and stay healthy! :D
you guys are the best coworkers ever.
I love the fact that you wrote this 11 minutes ago from anywhere in the world, and I am able to talk to you all while we all get rewarded spiritually, creatively, and financially.
peace and love!!
yeah, it's pretty mind blowing! Equally mind blowing is that I did zero editing, and just really unleashed this in a matter of minutes.......I feel that it's entwined with what Tesla has envisioned as far as energy circulation....meaning thought energy is turned into electric money.....the really epic thing is that we get to complete the cycle with our upvotes. That should be a reason to do a happy dance...
It's funny, because I am a cynic and prone to very dark moods.....I'm trying to force myself out of them..
I love that I do not know you,
I'll never meet you.
and I am connecting with you in real time.
and I relate to your experience, all of it.
don't force yourself out of anything love,
Hello @Stellabelle
This is a very insightful and detailed article by you. And I found your summation under the below quoted context very useful:
It was as though you're speaking directly to me. I will certainly put your advice to good use in terms of not seeing Steemit as only a means to earn more money but to pursue worthwhile projects that will have a great impact to humanity. Thanks for sharing.
This Little Internet Town really Rocks!Hi @stellabelle , Hi steemian! I'm using internet since 1995 and Steemit is the FIRST social network or that makes me have the desire of be a part of this and envourage me to be so exposed as i think.
self actualization is a major key to achieve more success and greatness in life. An individual might have dreams, goals and aspirations but without the realization of the type of strength you posses within, all those plans and goals becomes absolutely unrealistic. It begins with waking up everyday and telling yourself that you are great and you can do all that you plan to do without fear.
Lol, yeah you kinda wandered off there starting to talk about the higher self xD Steemit is like a gateway for me finally enabling to be part of this change in the world.
This is wonderful. Truly acquisition of money does not bring happiness. Self actualisation or fulfilment is what many strive towards but how many can really achieve it?
Very interesting post. Definitely gave me some 'food' for thought.
Steemit has opened my eyes to re-establishing myself as a writer as well as introducing me to others that I was unaware even existed.
As far as FB, I have no use for the platform's division of life, religious beliefs or political preference.
yeah, that's what i am feeling as well. Steemit gives us a reset in our own awakening...
I have thought about this and one thing that springs to mind is many are here for the same reason. I find most of the ones I have shared interest with view it as a place to try new things and making a little "money" while also having some degree of "faith" in the concept of crypto.
I think that alone is very much a building stone for many aspects of a positive community.
That is usually the first layer of understanding.....but after one spends more time, and accumulates enough to sustain one's self, (which is difficult, I know at this stage), the other ideas filter in about it being a DAO.
I enjoyed your post. Although we may take different paths on the journey as long as self realization and compassionate contributions are the goal its a win-win interaction, I feel. Thanks for sharing your insight...
What we hope is, steem as a unifier, remains decentralized and universal. Nice @stellabelle
Interesting and correct article. Thank you very much.
How I wish I can motivate or think half of the way you do. You're always impressive dear. Keep the good work
Money is a dissatisfier.
This video speaks the truth! Great little conversation there.
yeah, passion is the real thing that motivates!
When you use Maslow as a reference, the desire for water, food (and other physiological needs) are self limiting ... if you drink too much water you drown.
Ignore the commentary of "Gotcha" and examine this woman in terms of her motivations. People too often get positive reinforcement for the "dark" side of motivators. At some stage some person said that having pink hair and rings in the lips were "cool". This led this person down a very dark path of self-actualization.
This person (possibly living with her mother) has all of her basic needs covered. I suspect that any attempt at living with normalcy has been negatively reinforced. When friends invite a person to "party" it isn't to necessarily to help with people's needs but to establish group conformity.
My oh my, I love it when a post goes as deep as this one did without that being the original intention. Coming to Steemit was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Prior to coming I had refused to ever be involved in any social media although my experiences here haven't changed my mind. The reason being Steemit is so different to the other platforms, as you say there are so many people from so many places and walks of life working together in relative harmony. It's unique and I cherish it. I know it will change over time however I hope the respect and love shown in this community stays the same, it's changed my life.
Great work @stellabelle
It will change into trash if we let it. It takes all of us, working as a tribe to make it something valuable. People don't realize this....
Agreed, the battle against annoying spammers is an important one. Even since I came in May the appearance of worthless accounts has exploded, I'm happy to respect anyones right to be here and to post their thoughts and opinions for the rest of us to see however shameless spamming is the one thing I want to see discouraged to the point of extinction. The other concern of mine is the potential for big business to get involved, while it would be financially rewarding for some I'm sure a bigger say in how the platform operates would be the trade off, if that happens Steemit will end up like YT & FB. That would be a sad day and I'd be off. Thanks for the work you do to keep the platform true to its original idea. 😉
This had me thinking about the positive influence of money on Steemit. What is behind the money? What does money represent to most of us on Steemit?: Ownership. Regardless of account value, everyone has an asset with potential that we aren't even aware of yet. On other platforms, it's easy to misbehave- and it's contagious.. non-constructive attitudes and reactions.. to forget empathy, respect and that other people and relations with other people matter. It doesn't seem as "real" when nobody else is in the room. So what helps us stay mindful of our virtual workplace and our co workes- and how? A dollar on Steemit is a collective expression of our involvement. And "money" is emotionally tied to acquiring tangible rewards and material freedom. It is instinctual to scout about, gathering nuts and it's healthy when you've been able to mindfully "keep it real", operating from a higher perspective. So I see primal motive and collective need which in turn gives way to mutual support / development, and high appreciation for others (love and survival of the community).
The fact that we don't have a referral scheme here means we won't be in danger of becoming some MLM pyramid.
The fact that the big guys and the whales want to help the smaller guys speak a lot.
The fact that people here are positive AND real (hence not that woo-woo), makes for the possibility of a better life for all of us.
That's how inspiring Steemit has been for me.
"The great lie is this: if you get enough money to buy things, then your life will be full and happy."
I always believed money won't make you happy. It just makes life easier.
With that ease, it's all about, as you said, empowering yourself to make yourself better and not just buy useless shit that will create a void at the end.
We are all friends here. It's like a real online platform where we get to virtually travel to each other.
Thanks for the post @stellabelle. Looking forward to the news you have!
i love this part where you said
Omg, you are right Stella,
when I go on Facebook, I feel like I am in an echo chamber. I barely see posts by my friends anymore, and they rarely see mine. Facebook feels like.a mall.
this seems like an awesome music festival.
I love you guys
Can't be more agree with you! is totally true. I have to be in Fcbk for work twice a week, and is a suffering. Never used it for myself... really never did it maybe because I 'm a bit more form the old School chat... . And just can understand how people can be so blind of facebook....
Yeah, FaceMall. That's what we should call it. I read an article about Zuck the other day. He's a small thinker, and I was actually grossed out by his personality. It's weird to think that he has all that wealth.
Thanks for a very thought-provoking piece. As you make clear, the truth is found within. (And as writers, we strive to bring out some of that truth.)
Regarding your comment about hallucinogens, I recall a lyric by Mark E Smith of the Manchester post-punk band The Fall. He sang (actually ranted), "I don't need the acid factories. I've got mushrooms in the field."
That is, he didn't need chemical highs: his high was natural. Not to disparage chemical highs, but natural highs are definitely healthier.
Beautiful pictures in post. thanks friend for sharing.
a very interesting post and I really like it @stellbelle 👍👍
Great point! "Our loyalties come in different flavors and shades, based our unique belief systems." @stellabelle
Your question in the post are 100% genuine and legit...this post is somethings which have pushed my mind to think more on next level....and i am daammmn sure that your next project will fire out everything....i am very exicted and good luck for your coming future....
Steem is still the only adequate resource, with simple and sane people, I very much hope that it will remain so.
Beautifully written! You have a way with words and it is great to see how able and comfortable you are writing deep content now compared to before you started steeming. Thank you for sharing and I hope we can all continue contributing great content to this wonderful community.
good post @stellabelle
How beautiful. :,)
Steem on! <3
Waiting for you big project ma'am :) cheers!
Absolutely right,i agree on that @stellabelle
Fascinating tour de stream of consciousness - thank you for not editing your detour out, @stellabelle 😊😊
We need and waiting your new projects in the next post....
Success is always for you @stellabelle....
Great post @stellabelle 😊
if you are involved of course the project is gonna be epic and absurd! you'll totally rock it. thank you for this thought provoking piece. i'm happy to be a co-worker on this platform ANY day! oh btw? up for doing another LINE of video? we have a video #2 up! :)
as my project is literally going to eat up all my energy, i have to decline.....good luck to you though.
not a problem! :) totally understand. likewise! :) if i can help or assist you know where i am.
Ok, this is great news. I probably will need help once I put it all together....
1000% count on me. whatever ya need. if i can do it. i'll be there.
Lovely post , unity is so stick at steemit. Steemians have one common goal "money" , so one have to play along in other to have quality friend. Apart from money, steemians talks about quality and originality so everyone love to see whats new because everything each day each seconds is new. One love at @stellabelle
I would have to disagree with that . I have no monetary goals on steemit right now. I know that may change, but right now more interested in the social growth of steemit, of the community, and of connecting people to people.
We are our own struggles, even when people get together for the empowerment some people still go through the back door to overshadow others... I believe the betterment of anything/place or organisation starts with you and i, where no one can be greedy enough to backstab others.
Dunno why i wrote an off point comment, maybe cos i'm mad about my dear country... The current situation and celebrating its independence day.. Lol.
this is quite funny.
good post @stellabelle
Yea, the most inspired community I've ever seen! Since you don't get any money from comments, you get raising growth in rate and your upvotes become heavier with time. So there's no time spent without use on Steemit)
This is powerful! Poverty is a problem first and most of the things we do as human rest on how financially independent we are.
Self actualization is another thing i want to achieve myself too. I always imagine a world with no boundaries, where nothing stops my imagination and where i am free to to do anything noble.
This is one piece with so many messages in it.
Weldone @stellabelle...I love the part where you mentioned that money does not solve all problem.....and the self empowerment aspct... I totally agree with you on those part. Keep the good work up...
I like that you make your own religion. I also make my own religion, mostly from pieces of other religions.
I've looked in Google for the definition of self-actualization:
The realization or fulfilment of one's talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.
Cutting away what has formed our personalities through conditioning is the most important goal one can have, IMO. Very nice read.
Looks preety post
Totally agree
For too long our government has used poverty and ignorance to control people. It's appalling
During elections in Nigeria you see people voting for a candidate because they were given a bag of rice. Smh
I'm already excited about your project @stellabelle
During your next election, the politicians may need to be giving away free steem if they want to be elected. Such a large and loving community from Nigeria on Steemit.
Thank you @stellabelle you are one of the rеаsons to get me here in steemit platform. A week ago I watched your interview on youtube with Terry L Brock. I listen to your story. It touched and inspired me. I had my account registered here for more then a month but I didn't do any interaction until critical point was reached and your interview and your passion helped me a lot. Thank you stellabelle you are a true steemit actvist and supporter. I followed one of your wise advise and for the last 4 days just kept connecting with people and i see that the steemit community is very supportive and generous. connecting is a very smart way to get some new friends when you are still a newbie.
U led bare the inner man. This post has left me reflecting on my Life. I admire artistry when I see one.
Quite inspiring. Thanks a lot @stellabelle
Very good Post :) I like it :) I go and read more time :)