Support - Missing Posting Authority

in #steemit-help8 years ago

While trying to post a new article, I get an error that I'm "Missing Posting Authority".

Because I can't tell if it's something in my post that's causing the issue, I'm trying one without html.

Anyone who's had this issue able to help?



we just ran into the same issue and in our case we had a ü (german umlaut) within the square brackets of an image (the alt tag) like so ! [müll] (https..image-url..) (without the spaces of course)
changing it to "muell" solved it (that's german convention, any "normal" latin characters should work)

you have to delete additional characters

So it is something in my post. Ugh... now to figure it out. If anyone has some insight, I'd appreciate help. Thanks!!

Thanks for trying to help out. I found the issue. After pouring through the html repeatedly, using different conversion tools and otherwise banging my head against the keyboard, I started looking for possible character conflicts.
In my image descriptions, I used the enya (ñ), because that's how it's spelled. Apparently the html on Steemit doesn't want to recognize it or something. It'll recognize it in text no problem. But when it was part of the image url, it caused an issue. Odd error code for it, but glad that's behind me. :)

100% that was the issue. I had that character on Jalapeno and bc i copied it and pasted the word it didn't work. I've used it a million times before and never once had that issue until today.... thanks for the help tho! Sincerely appreciate it!

How ironic. I never had the issue until right now either. A quick google search led me to this post and I see you commented just 7 minutes ago with the same issue....
There might be something goin' on.

Ya that's how i discovered the solution !

It's a glitch of some sort, because I have been posting this:
Sign Up to Mene for $5 towards 24K Gold Jewelry
at the bottom of every single one of my posts lately (usually there is an accent on the second 'E' in Mene), but today they made me take the accent off in order to send it through.

you can insert it by editing after posting in both blog and comment... just tired that

I have the same problem guys, but don't think it is an enya

could a % amidst the picture link be the same problem, whatcha think?

Happening to me too and I only have text and photos using the uploader in my post.

Hmm, any odd symbols within your links or image code?

Nope, and it posted fine about two hours later LoL
Weird glitch!

Heh, look what's on the blockchain. Nice to see it helping folks. :)

I had this issue too i fixed it by either re-logging in with the correct key after i changed it. or it was fixed because one of my tags had ( / ) within it which might have caused some problems with the html. either way thanks for this discussion and tips.

One other thing to consider is that if you are doing this programmatically, be sure that you are using the correct chain_id - mainnet vs testnet

Since this comes up first or second in some searches, I figure it is good to note that here.

Hey @anotherjoe, it sounds like you are not logged in with your posting key. Which key are you using to log in?

I was able to post this. I think it's something in my post itself. But no matter how much I edit it, it still won't post.

I just exit the screen and head back to my blog, then, when I return to "submit post", I click "post" and it usually lets me. I haven't personally had this problem in a week or so, but it was a pain when I did. Otherwise, try relogging into your account with the master code (password) to get the access to the posting password. Best wishes!

Since I was able to make this post, I can't image it's the posting password is an issue. I'm thinking it's html now. I asked in the forums, and someone told me it can happen. But I just can't track it down. I've changed browsers, restarted, etc., it's just not cooperating. The html isn't complicated and it's all responding in the preview just fine. It's just not letting me post. :/
I think if it was a permission issue, I couldn't even respond here.

Good point. I have no further advice that would be valid on this issue then. But, if you ever need me, know that you've got another weed in @papa-pepper.

Since you can make replies, why don't you check out THIS POST I just made.

If you can tell me what wild edible plant (besides stinging nettle) is in photo #3, I'll transfer you 1 STEEM Token immediately. (I was hoping to get my last winner before going to bed).

Yes I am having the same problem for a week now...

Go to steemd, you will find your handler key there

I had the same issue. Trying to see if I can post comment.

i am tring too~

The problem is almost surely an invalid character in the text. If you are using any special characters, you will likely see this error.

This is particularly annoying if you've cut and pasted the text from somewhere. The only way to check this is to find a text editor that allows you to check against a limited set of characters.

The other option, of course, is to type everything out yourself into the text field manually, if possible.

Yes, that's true. It was exact the issue I have. I needed to change mode of editor to HTML mode. In that mode, I could see the invalid character I have. After removing it, everything worked well.

Anyway, Steemit need a clearer way / message to inform their users about the exact problem they are dealing instead of a very confusing error.

checking if i can comment

i could comment lol

how does one do that at all?
change mode of editor

Same problem

me too.
no solution yet :(.

try without emoticons
I think this is the problem here

no, that's not it.
I tryed another post with links again and it didn't work as well. no emoticons

somewhere is a problem...
must be a solution to this strange situation

first I couldn't comment as well
log out and log in and then restart browser. after that it worked.

but not the blog post...

seems to have recovered....ok from what see i can comment and post but can not use emoticons in the post
try without linking inside your post

Just had the Same issue, it was a special architecture hidden as a space.


Copy your text, go here:

Paste your text and look for the RED blocks.

Go edit out the red out of your post, you should be ok!

Same nonsense here, HUGE post, and no idea what is causing the bug.

Same nonsense here, HUGE
Post, and no idea what
Is causing the bug.

                 - mfmp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.