
Based upon the response I got from my own articles, there are several more who feel this way, however, it seems we are in the minority. For some strange reason, people prefer to chase the gimmicks rather than simply do what the platform was originally designed to do... interact with and vote for each other. As an example, take Steem Basic Income (SBI): for 1 Steem, you and someone you sponsor will receive a vote worth roughly 0.5 cent. If we assume Steem is valued at $2USD, it will take 400 posts just to recover your initial investment. At 1 post per day, and 365 days in a year, it will take more than a year just to break even! I have been sponsored twice and receive about 1 cent per vote for 2 shares of SBI and my sponsor spent 2 Steem to buy that, thinking it was a good deal. It is for me, because I paid nothing for it and obtain the extra votes, but for my sponsor, I think it is a terrible deal because that 2 Steem they paid is now gone and the sponsor must wait a long time to recover it. In the meantime, Steem could double or triple in value, yet my sponsor will not have that 2 Steem in their wallet, so they lose out on the increased value of Steem for that 2 Steem they are still waiting to get back.

Besides the loss of earning power, their own votes are 2 SP less! Instead of sponsoring me, my sponsor could have simply used their SP to vote for one of my articles and written a comment to which I would return a vote. My votes are worth 4 to 8 cents each (many times more than the vote from SBI), so their earnings would be far greater and without any cost outlay whatsoever!

I run a zombie adventure game that requires daily participation. Each player generally receives a 75% up-vote from me on a daily basis and there is another player with double my own SP that generally gives 100% up-votes to the players. People are earning quite a decent amount of Steem daily just for having fun playing the game, yet, I am shocked that so few are wanting to participate. I'm truly baffled by this phenomenon.

Hmm, this numbers are a bit disappointing to see - I know of quite a few people who are signed up.

I think visibility is what you need a bit more of, I wasn't aware of your game until just now and will go take a look..

When I first saw the SBI idea, I too thought it was worth looking into. Thankfully I had a sponsor who allowed me to see what the actual rewards were like. After doing some calculations and carefully reading what the creator of SBI wrote, I realized that the value of the votes will never increase because more people signing up just means the SP of SBI must be divided up between more recipients and everyone gets a smaller cut. The only beneficiaries are the owner and those who had been sponsored.

Visibility is absolutely everyone's problem starting out. I also started a web-store for people to list items that they want to buy, sell, or donate (Steems own version of kijiji) under the #happystore tag. It is a free service to allow people to post ads for items they need or want to get rid of. I thought that people would enthusiastically re-steem something like that to get greater exposure for such services, yet it struggles to find a larger audience. The way things are set up here make it difficult for innovative ideas to get exposure unless they are backed by a lot of money.

Please do take a look at the zombie game and join in if you think you may enjoy playing. There is also another game run by @daclawboyz that was inspired by my game and the Warhammer 40K game. His game can be joined at any point in time.