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RE: Message to the whales

in #steemit8 years ago

@abit and @smooth decided that it was time to flag my post.

I saw it this morning and feeling angry and confused I think this will be my last post here

So you noticed some flags and instantly quit? Not even re-search why those flags were given?

I mean, I would understand the frustration from unfair flags or flags that come out of nowhere - but the experiment by @abit has been happening for so long its weird how some users still haven't heard of it.


Well you are right it has been going on for some time, so by now people should get used to making less money because of flagging by whales. That's a nice thought for you, I think you should realize that having someone make less money isn't going to have that someone side with you, in fact mallorcaman is just saying that he will do what many have already done, leave. Now in what way does these people leaving help Steemit? All because @abit and @smooth decided they needed to do an experiment, who gave them the go ahead?

Every person who gives up on Steemit is one less person talking good about it, I have spent too much time talking to people about it, having convinced 3 business owners to accept steem as currency, and convincing a few dozen people to invest in steem as well. I guess the whales feel they own steemit and do as they please, its a sad sorry that has been happening in the cryptocurrency space and I guess Steemit is no diferent. I wish you the best of luck @gduran

I'm not posting anymore, but I will be around commenting and participating with some wonderful people I found in this beautiful community.
The flag war just shows that some people fighting for power and dominance think of Steemians as numbers and not human beings.
To have or to be, that's the question for Steemit.
Flags are not the tool to repair steemit but to create a reign of fear and force people to accept voluntary servitude.

So you noticed some flags and instantly quit? Not even re-search why those flags were given?

Do you believe that these flags were justified? @acidyo

I haven't checked them - but its not like they are going around manually flagging people - they have a bot running that automatically flags posts that have received a big upvote, they aren't flagging it 100% or 150% of the original vote, just so it drops below the 700 MV threshold.

Let's say votes and flags didn't have transactions and users wouldn't have noticed them going up from 2$ to 20$ but instead only noticed the rewards after the flags which had put it back to 5-6. Do you think they would lose their shit the same way then and complain about something that is happening to everyone on the platform?

Do you think they would lose their shit the same way then and complain about something that is happening to everyone on the platform?

  • Is @steemit a social network or is a playground for crypto geeks to experiment with crowds?
  • Is @steem all about machine to machine & bot to bot interaction?

What say you? @acidyo

They flagged a post from my daughter a couple weeks ago, this already pissed me off bigtime. Im starting to see steemit as it is, I had high hopes but looks like these people are just out to serve themselves. The experiment is a very clear way of seeying that, getting people excited for a brief period of time along with the recent P and D price manipulation and collusion is more than obvious. There will be other social media blockchains to look out for in the future and as far as Im concerned Im done here.
sorry to be negative this is just my personal opinion and the truth is Im going through a terrible time so maybe this is clouding my judgement but this is my way of expressing myself.


like I said its been stated what the experiment does, if someone with over 700 MV upvotes something at full weight - smooth and abit downvote it accordingly.

like I said its been stated what the experiment does, if someone with over 700 MV upvotes something at full weight - smooth and abit downvote it accordingly.

And how does this help build @steemit? @acidyo

The whales with 700+ MV can only vote on a certain amount of posts per day - which means that the majority of people who don't get whale votes will get a lot lower payouts in comparison. It literally makes more users votes more value-able.

Most whales have respected it and started voting more often instead and with a lower % which means a wider distribution to more users. How does that NOT help build the platform?

Most whales have respected it and started voting more often instead and with a lower % which means a wider distribution to more users. How does that NOT help build the platform?

Do you sincerely believe that a person looking to join & actively contribute to @steemit would waste their time with a preponderance of flag war posts? @acidyo

They will because instead of earning next to nothing on their posts they will actually see some rewards because the flagging experiment is actually evening out the rewards distribution for everyone. It's not aimed at people personally.

They will because instead of earning next to nothing on their posts they will actually see some rewards because the flagging experiment is actually evening out the rewards distribution for everyone. It's not aimed at people personally.

And how would a new person know that?
Is there any explainer post or video easily accessible?

Let's see how far we can run with this argumentum ad absurdum, @meesterboom

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