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RE: Flags of the world

in #steemit7 years ago

Actually @booster issued a refund and it was already on its way before THIS inaccurate slanderous post was made..... so yes Its safe to use Steemit's VERY first Vote selling bot, @booster .,Just keep in mind that @kingscrown was just spamming in @fyrstikken 's discord server and kingscrown just kept posting his link without responding to any of our comoplaints in text or in voice about his unending spamming of our community and NEVER interacting which is just so rude and shows his real intentions as a spammer, and he CROSSED THE LINE when he double posted it without ever even talking in the chat just interrupting text chat conversation and totally pushing aside MY post which I was trying to show peopel WHICH i had posted AFTER his, and its like he posted his OWN fucking shit AGAIN just to push mine ut of the way! He posts his spam links without even looking to see the responses, and it got on our nerves,. we don't feel that everyone is always entitled to get paid thousands of dollars a day just because they are on an autovote list... a flag is a vote to, people get downvoted, deal with it, oh and remember that @booster was the FIRST Upvote Bot that all the rest copied from since @inertia made the source doe for his bots public on github so peopel should realize who came first and whose actually CONTYRIBUTING to steem

Fyrstikken and Booster have CONTRIBUTED to steem theyve IMPROVED this place AND hes done AMAZING things for Golos SINGLE HANDEDLY bringing that blockchains price up from 10 to 20 cents imself! Hes also invested over a million dollars of his own money about into steeit while taking a huge loss on the money he COULD have made just holding BTC instead, so hes SACRIFICD A:OT for steem to keep it VALUABLE

and what has fuckin KingsCrown done? HUH just LEACHED off the Tit that is the reward pool and ALWAYS powering down ALWAYS just SELLING SELLING SELLING why does he only have barely 30K steempower? He should fucking have a few hundred by now! so when someone like this who doesnt even interact with his own commenters calls @fyrstikken a SCAMMER it really makes me mad and i KNOW that makes him mad when he helps people AVOID scammers, he ONLY gives valuable advice , advice that has helped me make more money than any of KINGCROWNS advice,

in fact kingscrown has recomended MANY ANY Shitcoinsand its like all he DOES is show the coinmarketcap list! i guess noobs love seeing that shita nd feel smart looking at what they think is "cool complicated looking finance stuff" that will help them amke money i can see them ow in the morning with a cup of cofee pretending like thy are some wall street trader reading indgcrown posts and investing thousands of their savings into some shitcoin XD Noobs have no idea that they can just go check themselves We dont need someone posting the days Crypto prices as a steemit post everyday!

Kingscrown seems like he is just promoting his referal links and is just using steemit instead of really trying to get involved so i really feel like he should apologize to someone like fyrstikken who OBVIOUSLY believes more in the blockchain since he has over 700,000 Steempower compared to kingscrowns 36,000 Steempower .... its ONVIOUS that fyrtsikken is doing MUCH more for steem JUST based on his steempower alone!


i guess noobs love seeing that shita nd feel smart looking at what they think is "cool complicated looking finance stuff" that will help them amke money i can see them ow in the morning with a cup of cofee pretending like thy are some wall street trader reading indgcrown posts and investing thousands of their savings into some shitcoin XD Noobs have no idea that they can just go check themselves We dont need someone posting the days Crypto prices as a steemit post everyday!

I understand your point but don't take it out on the noobs please. What does this have to do with his follower. I understand how you feel but please try to reason without emotions; thanks!

Ackza, some friendly advice since we've talked before, this post aside Fyrstikken is not someone you should trust. Time and time again he has shown how badly he can behave when given an opportunity.

there are many other bots that you never have to worry about self voting and wasting VP. Also booster was not the first. Randowhale was released almost a month prior.