Valid points, I am close to going to bed and you just made that task harder. Well, we can be on our toes and we can have discussions into how to counter that. Solutions are not always perfect, but we can devise something. I guess that we could have meetings to promote ideas, I just don't know if anyone in control will ever listen to them!
For example I don't know why the "views" was removed, but I suspect it was because of the few whales posting well-voted content (triple figures) while only having under 10 views. I saw a few of those in these months.
Congrats for the steemSTEM vote earlier :P
Keep up the good work!
The views was brokan and easy to game, just refresh the page a few times. I am hoping they are repairing it but I suspect it was removed because even broken, manybidbot voted posts weren't getting the views they were claiming to provide.
Thanks, It was a nice surprise :)
Yes because a "view" should be equal to a unique IP or even a unique username.
If your suspicion turns out to be right isn't it funny how fast something can happen if it's hurting those making the most money. Now if views were hurting the little guy some how we'd still be talking about it three years down the road.
This is what we have to counter. I think that if the many are organized we are easier to be seen as a single entity.