Taking pics from the web didn't work out for a few post of mine, then simply asked to someone in a reply. I had confirmation that it was why the pics didn't show up.
Center with the command: < center>text/pic< /center>
Taking pics from the web didn't work out for a few post of mine, then simply asked to someone in a reply. I had confirmation that it was why the pics didn't show up.
Center with the command: < center>text/pic< /center>
Hi there, I'm wanting to upload a photo to my post and ran upon your comment. Would you be able to tell me if my photo link was ' https://postimg.org/image/o7jm2skjp/ ' How would I write it to have the photo show up on my post. I tried a few times just adding the link as is but nothing showed up. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
you need to use the 'direct link' on postimage and paste it into the 'write your story' panel
for your image it should be #https://s10.postimg.org/rr5jsln9l/image.jpg (without the #)
Thank you for you advice. I will try to post up a photo. 😊👍🏼