Why you should STOP voting for your own posts? - From one minnow to another

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Seeing how HF19 made us a bit selfish, I started an experiment 5 days ago: I stopped voting my own content.


Let´s face it, if your vote is worth $.20 you are not getting any richer by voting for yourself. Even if you post ten times a day and upvote each post with a 100% of your SP, then wait 24 hours for it to recharge and repeat the process, you´ll end up with 2 more bucks a day. 

Here, I am not lying, you can also check steemdb to see I didn´t cancel my upvotes. I just stopped. Fifteen posts without my vote.

Instead of upvoting my own content I decided to share the love with my fellow minnows.

You see, we care so much about our own content getting those precious dollars that we forget about the most important thing: We are a community. The members of a community are supposed to help each other, to have each other´s back. To lend a hand when we need it.

My vote is worth around 32 cents when I am at 100% SP. It does not matter if I vote for myself or not, sometimes my posts make 2 dollars and sometimes I fall off my chair when I make $50. 

I started to get $50 dollar posts when I changed the way I look at Steemit. I even wrote an article about it and then my fate here changed, that post made more than all of my previous posts together. Why? Because I changed my mentality.

I started to think of me as a whale and I started to act as one.

I am nowhere close to being even a small piranha but my attitude towards the community changed. I became a whale in my mind.

You see, whales read a lot of posts, evaluate the quality of each of them and then decide which one they should curate and with how much percentage. They get INVOLVED, they reply with quality comments and reward those who deserve it. But the most important reason is the WHY.

They do this because they care about the community, they have so much money invested on Steemit that it is in their best interest that the platform keeps growing. If Steemit grows, their investment grows.

Wait a minute, aren´t we all in the same ship? Don´t we all want the community and the value of Steem to grow?

Then why are you upvoting your own content? 

The moment you stop voting for yourself you end up with a lot more SP in your hands to share with other people thus you read more content and reply more often to more people, then you get more involved and people start to become close to you, and sometimes, when you post, they will upvote your content.

Stop the shameless auto-vote! Be a whale, at least in your mind. It doesn´t matter if your vote is worth $.10 or $10.

Read posts, reward the ones that deserve it, comment on them, reply with more than just a smiley face and a LOL.

Forget about your usual reply "good post, upvoted, I follow you let´s help each other, follow me at @Iamsoselfish"

So what are you waiting for? Get that SP recharged and vote for you community, reply for your pal´s growth, resteem for steemit´s health.

And when I upvote your content, I don´t ever want to see your username on the list of people who upvoted.

 Not a single time.

Do you like this idea? Resteem it. Or better yet, Make your own post about it. Steal my phrases and thoughts. What the hell, plagiarize the whole article I don´t care. The point is to make all of us minnows aware of this and they get on board!

There are 2 pages

This makes sense and I'll consider it.
May not make sense if you invest your coin in SP, to accelerate one's integration in the community..
But the vibe is what should be respected.
We are all in this together, or we perish together.

It depends on the game theory aspect. Will your SP increase faster if you use your votes on yourself, or to foster a community around you?

Like the chain theory right? The chain is as weak as its weakest link...

It might be related. Game theory gets quite complex. It explains various behaviours in terms of games with various rule sets. This includes everything from the economy and international relations, to things as mundane as group board games. I'm no expert in the theory though, so I'm sure I'm giving a 'bluffers guide' description... ;)

Yess, that last phrase man, that is what steemit is about (at least in my mind). Maybe this is comming from a minnow who got a lot of support from the beginning therefore I think like that (check my privilege huh? hehe) but hey, we are all free to do whatever we want here, I just happen to think this is the better behaviour in order to break the bubble and grow, at least it worked for me :D

I don't understand what you mean; please elaborate.. "Break the bubble and grow", how? How did it work for you?

Seems to me, I paid a lot for some SP, so I want to use it to my advantage, when I take the time to read other's work and comment on it... if I feel I have put in a lot of time, I want to be paid for that time, to contribute my focused attention on the community. It feels fair to me.

And it's an entirely different thing, a different part, of steemit.
There is posting, then there is commenting and curating, they all get paid out based on different metrics.

What I mean by that term is: I´ve seen some great authors that post regularly and have great content "get stuck" between 200-400 followers and not getting a lot of rewards. Every time I see a post I really like I go into the authors blog (I navigate a lot the tags travel, photography, nature, spanish and life). I enjoy, when I have the time, to read some posts from the author but I also get into the comment section of the blog.

Sometimes this authors have only been here for a month and sometimes they´ve been here for almost a year. For those who I noticed they´ve been for a long time i´ve seen one common denominator (and again, this is only based on the sample I´ve seen, I am no expert and this is my opinion which can be wrong and if with arguments you make me see my mistake I am always up for a good sicussion): They post good content and they reply to comments on their content but I´ve seen so few comments in other people´s content.

So to answer both of your q´s. The bubble one and the correlation of success in writing with no voting for your own content:

The moment you stop autovoting you find yourself with a lot more SP than when you were spending 10 or 15% of your total SP (bearing in mind that you have around 20% daily to always have 100% the next day)... That means you have more SP to spend on other people. If you are a minnow like me, that means you have like $5 more to vote everyday on other people´s content.

With that in mind, you navigate your feed and your favorite tags to find good content and actually read the content in order to see if you vote for it or not. When you read more content you comment more and engage more. By engaging more you gain more visibility, that people that you voted for and commented in a meaningful way might see your blog and if they like it, they may follow you. That means more visibility again. So when you post quality content you have an exponencial growth because you have more viewers and potentialy more resteems and more votes.

So yes, in my humble experience, saving your SP to vote for other people´s content, gives you more SP to interact with other people and gaining more potential upvotes, more followers, more visibility and you become a "regular" in other user´s content. And then, you break the invisible bubble I´ve seen some people stucked in, the 200-400 follower and 10-20 reward posts...

For me it started when I wrote a piece about "why you should follow and upvote small accounts" about a month ago. Thinking about that subject before writing it, it changed my mentality and decided to engage more with other fellow minnows in a meaningful way. It gave me like 450 followers and my posts went from 5 SBD to 20-25 in a matter of maybe 3-4 weeks. Just that mentality change.

Again, this worked for me and I wanted to share my experience, it doesn´t mean it is a rule for succes or to live by and it may not be the same for other people. But I can sincerely say I do believe it is one way to grow, and of course I don´t consider myself big deal or an example of success here, but i do think I am doing good with these 3 things: Trying to make good content, giving rewards where rewards are due and engaging as much as possible, not only with replies to my content but also replying in a meaningful and helpful way in other content.

Thanks for asking me those questions, I don´t know if I expressed correctly but at least you made me put into words what I didn´t include in the post.

By reading your comments I can assume that you are an investor with some serious money and obviously we might think differently because I have no investment here, my SP is no big deal and It didn´t "cost" me anything so I can relate to your last comment, the onse about being paid for that investment and time... I totally understand your point of view and is as respectable as any other, primarily because we come from different neighbourhoods. You could say i am from the gheto trying to make my way into corporate, and you are an investor in that same company, so obviously our way of thinking about Steemit can have some common ground but I am seeing it from the stairs, you are seeing it from your office with a view :D Of course we might disagree in some points but the important thing is as you said, we are in this together, or we perish together.

This is a very good post.

"Be a whale, at least in your mind." Great line! Very interesting concept, and well written. Not sure yet if I completely agree or will do it, but I appreciate you putting the idea out here in the community for us all to consider and then make our own decisions.

Thank you the compliment on the line and the piece :D I know, not everyone has to agree with it, maybe I have this train of thought because it wroked out for me and that is one of the reasons I broke some barriers in followers and rewards but I guess it might not work for everyone and I respect if people prefer another way to use their SP :D

I don't understand how you directly relate "not voting for your own comments" with the success your writing receives from your followers?
You are directly relating this as cause and effect, how?


I curate poetry with the tag #onehumanbasket
Find out about it here where there is also a poetry dice challenge!

Self-voting is also bad game theory. If you spread your votes around, people appreciate it and you are more likely to attract multiple upvotes from others. I've been starting to think this way for a while. I haven't fully adopted this strategy yet. I rarely vote on my own comments, and I have autovote turned off for my posts. But I have been upvoting my posts after a few days. I may stop that and try and share more of my upvote with people I follow.

You just summarize my post in a paragraph. Thanks for that, uptvoting to take it above. Thanks for jumping on board mate. Also followed you, you have some serious posts, I couldnt navigate to a magic post, can you link me to one?

Nothing for over a week on #magick by myself, so here is some from my archive...

This one is more alchemical symbolism than magic: https://steemit.com/painting/@antonchanning/chemical-serpents-illustration-commentary-hen-to-pan

It has links to the first chapter of my second book (published 2012). I intend to start sharing chapter 2 tonight, or later this week. So if you catch up on chapter 1, you don't have to dip into the middle! Although it can be read out of order.

Also started writing a series on how I got into the subject, starting with childhood experiences: https://steemit.com/dreams/@antonchanning/memoires-of-an-invisible-agent-part-2

That is part 2, has links to part 1.

I have one recent one that is more practical/artistic than writing, but it has a magickal intent to help out another magical steemian I met here on the platform: https://steemit.com/art/@antonchanning/coloured-success-sigil-for-joanna-whitney-in2itiveart

That is some serious talent my friend. I cant upvote and it is no use to resteem it because no one can upvote it... when you do a new one I will resteem it. Please leave a link to it in case i dont see it :D

Thanks for taking the time pal, just resteemed it. It is very good and seems that you put a lot of effort.

Very good post with a very good point. It is well thought out and well written. I would tend to think that this applies more to those that make more than just one or two post's a day though.

He says, then up votes his own comment on a post about not doing so. Lmao.

Ironic wasn't it.

And a little clever, I think I've wandered into an endless trap where you get a little richer each step.

That is not possible...It would be like having a perpetual motion machine.

Lmao tooo true, why dont we have groups or clans where we can constantly like each others posts?

There are many FB groups created to serve that purpose.

You are probably right here, I don´t see any bad on autovoting your single daily post... but we have seen people that posts 8 times a day and on every one we can see his her name on the voting list hehe

Devils advocate, what is a good reason for upvoting your own post?

  • Paying yourself to participate in a lively discussion that might help others learn more about the subject.
  • Taking the time to read and comment on another user's work, I will take the time to comment, and then pay myself to do so.
  • Being able to have the time, because I'm not working 9 to 5, to participate in the community.

Since I've started, I looked at steem as a place where I can just write whatever is in my mind, or whatever question I have about different subjects... I don't have many followers, but it's ok for me... I am here for my mind peace, not for the bucks... If at some point I start producing any value, then so be it...

I also hate the "follow for follow" concept, wrote about that, but nobody gave a shit (or nobody saw it lol).

Also, it's the first time when I actually feel that staying on anything else then facebook and read different posts about different subjects it's a lot more constructive then wasting time on 9gag or other bullshit websites designed to waste your time and transform you into a mindless unproductive organic robot.

I never follow someone because they followed me.. I agree that makes little sense.
Just actively participating, commenting, and posting 1 or 2 times a day, seems to grow followers quickly enough.
According to some, having a lot of followers commenting can dilute what you make from your posts; so that's interesting. You don't want a bunch of bots following you, and you want people that will upvote, but not comment too much as well.

Yes a hundred times! We are not investors, if we aim to live off of steemit it´s like gambling in Vegas to become a millionaire... it is highly improbable to succeed. But if we look at this as gas money or grocery money or even diaper money and try to have as much fun as we can then we are in for a ride!

Most whales are doing nothing close to what you've described, and all you have to do to prove it to yourself is take a cursory glance at the trending page.

I have to agree with you... Most trending posts are always from the same people and with the same votes... but hey, not everything is negative... I actually did this post because I happen to know some serious whales like @acidyo @ausbitbank, @canadian-coconut, @neoxian and some dolphins like @mindhunter, @cervantes among others that actually make quality curation and live by their rules. Every post I make about whales I do it thinking of whales using them as example.

But yeah, there are some whales that act as you say... Oh well, every platform has both sides od the coin.

There are definitely some good whales out there.

A great and interesting read thanks for taking the time to share it

I blew out my upvote power in the first few days and since I am only on my 6th day still building it up and in fact being so new its not worth much at all, but your post has confirmed what I had planned to use them on others

I did the same, it was on purpose but still, getting it back was hard. I already have the bar to determine with how much SP I vote so I am making good use of that 20% daily :D

Yes! You might think you are losing your time, reading a bunch of posts and only giving 15 cents but really, making a habit out of it will pay off in the future and you might end up with some hidden treasures in your hands, there is a lot of underrated content out there.

You make some really valid points here! Way to make feel guilty for clicking the auto upvote on my post to give myself 8 cents, lol!

Hehehe nooo!!! I wasn´t aiming to make people feel guilty, I guess my drama levels are off the charts and I was overly exagerating! hehehehe

I don't disagree with you! I honestly hadn't thought about it since my vote is so tiny. Lol.

In my experience I've found that it doesn't actually make too much of a difference, lol. My stance is that you should start your day by upvoting good content if you see any - first on your feed and then on the new tab to spot any new potential.

Then feel free to give yourself what's left.

I could see waiting to upvote your new posts. It might be better to give others a chance at first vote. I don't do this as it's too much of a pain to remember after.

Ultimately, no matter how you vote, content and consistency are still king. No two ways about it, no other tricks will work.

Yes, it might not make too much of a difference as you say. But 95% or more of the steemit community are minnows, if they all think like you say, about giving themselves an upvote on at least 1 post that means that the community is losing 195,000 extra interactions between users.

For you it might not mean a lot that upvote you gave yourself... but we are talking about the community, Steemit Platform, the one that is actually paying us for content via other users upvotes. By increasing interaction we increase Steem´s value.

But I mean, how you describe it is waay better than just auto-voting automatically haha so I guess it is better than nothing :D

I understand your point and get why you're going about it this way, I just happen to disagree.

Steemit isn't 'paying us' anything. We create the value ourselves and can do what we like with it. 10 full upvotes per day means that you can still upvote yourself several times and have plenty left over to be generous with other posters.

Just my opinion! Good luck to you, sir :).

I also get your point, this is not a fight I really like argument based discussions hehe

Well, the money we get comes from a daily fixed amount creation of STEEM and Steemit gives it to the users based on the proportion they get from the daily upvotes... so techincally yes, Steemit is giving the money to us.

You create value with your posts but without this platform, your posts and mine are worth zero on facebook. So yeah, we are all getting paid by steemit, it is only a matter of trying to keep the community healthy, upvoting your own posts does not add anything for the platform, just for you :(

Again, I disagree. We get money from the platform and blockchain, not from Steemit Inc. The whole point is that it is worth something on fb... We just don't get paid for that value, it goes to fb instead. Steemit's whole point is that the value belongs to us.

Keeping the community healthy means different things to different people. To me it means honoring value where you find it... yes, even your own. Also there seemed to be an insinuation that you were getting more upvotes because you stopped upvoting yourself. My main point is that it makes little to no difference. I've been here a while and have done a LOT of research on this point.

It's not a fight for me, lol. I'm just pointing out a counter-opinion based on my experiences. I don't want you to make newbies feel bad about upping themselves, especially if they deliver value. That is a personal decision, and doesn't really effect the platform that much if you're a minnow (I don't think it really effects it negatively even if you're larger).

Upping your own posts does add value to the community. Remember, you get SP from those posts which will make your votes towards others even more powerful. Again, it's a bit of a moot point if you're under a 1,000 SP.

I like argument-based discussions, too :). Hope this helps.

I agree with @jenkinrocket
My posts are worth something, your posts are worth something. But I AM MUCH MORE LIKELY TO VOTE FOR MYSELF than anyone else is, at first, especially. Just trying to get the ball rolling around here has been a great labor (of love). But while I'm still looking for my audience and followers, and my own writing style, I'll keep voting for those I enjoy, and myself.

When I wrote my introduceyourself post, I was filled with the hope that my post would break the bank, then 16hrs later it was not even worth $0.10.I was totally disappointed because I have seen this type of posts generate a couple of $$$ for the author, so in my mind I was thinking it's because I'm Nigerian (due to the believe tha virtually all Nigerian on the internet are scammers) then I came across this post https://steemit.com/steemit/@dwinblood/joining-in-on-the-self-voting-on-comments-fray. After reading,my orientation changed that was when I stopped self-voting my own comments, disabled the auto upvote and even removed a couple of self voting I have done. Then I made my next post, and the next one(all still under $0.10), then yesterday I made a post about "religion and logic" sombody(I guess the person found it to be Intresting) upvoted the post and it was worth $25.That was when it dawn on me that if my post isn't generating enough votes it means people don't like it enough to recommend it(lift it up) for other members of the community and what I need to do is improve on the content I deliver and leave it to steemians to decide whether my effort is worth certain rewards.

And when you show you care about the community sometimes you get a vote and a resteem.

I've decided I will not be following people that up vote themselves, it is good to see you share this advice.

EDIT: Actually people voting for their own post when they SUBMIT it I am okay with. It is when they up vote their own comments that I see a problem forming.

EDIT 2: I don't think most people even notice that check box for auto-vote since it is checked by default. Interesting experiment. I do see that you use @randowhale on your own posts, so technically you kind of are still voting on your own posts. You just are paying @randowhale for kind a random gamble vote. You also don't do it on all of your posts. Have you checked to see if the payout you are getting from that 2.00 SBD actually gets you at least 2.00 SBD in return? I haven't been doing the math so I don't know if it does or not. I did send a few votes to other people via @randowhale.

Have to agree with Dwinblood on this one, I find people who send randowhale or minnowsupport their own way to be more egregious then someone with a good comment who up votes it just to get it seen. If I appreciate a comment I'll send it farther up the line. (Full disclosure, I minnow supported myself the first time to see how it worked)
Edit add: I also upvote my own posts automatically, so do whales. Think your looking for problems when there are bigger fish in the sea 🐬🐳🐋

To be honest I think the message was misinterpeted, I was overly dramatizing the subject to make a point, of course everyone can do whatever they please. I use randowhale as a tool, explanation tight below in other reply to this comment.

I think randowhale and minnowsupport are useful tools to grow but we should (not can or must) with restrictions...

I´ve seen so too, maybe my vote is not worth much but I think it´s worth more for a newbie than for me...

The auto-vote box is tricky, I didn´t see it until I was like one month in hehe.

Yes! I sometimes do that, randowhale is a useful tool but we should use it with some restrictions (The line we draw it ourselves). It is my way of not wasting my SP and spending SBD , that way I still have SP to share the love. It is actually pretty much the same, the reward is like 2 SBD and 1 SP if you get a 3-4% vote so you are pretty much even, but you have apost that is not worth 2, is worth 6 hehe

i love people like you <3 follow and upvote from me. keep it up

I think that's why I am .. Nice perspective ... No Upvoting my own content or comment right from this moment .

Let´s all stop auto-voting! It might help you a tiny bit in the short term but we are all here for the long term right? Perhaps my 32 cents don´t mean a lot to me but they might mean something for a newbie, she might not quit steemit because her third post made 2 dollars thanks to you and me...

I am new here and thanks to this post I understand how the community is supposed to work. I joined this platform with the aim of making cool bucks and it's been discouraging because apparently my contents are not up to par but seeing intelligent comments like this is encouraging me to keep pushing and I also intend to stop upvoting my posts also even if they are not worth anything yet. But I still do appreciate gaining new followers because how else do you connect anyway?

Those new followers you get them by interacting and engaging with people, just like you did right now, and just like that you got my curiosity, went through your blog and liked. And as simple as that you have a new follower. Without beging for votes or follows...

thats very true @anomadsoul thank you for sharing .Which tool did you use for checking your vote worth?

Hello Tina! I am so sorry I haven´t reply on steemit.chat, my account is having some problems but I am still doing that post once I get more visibility to make it worth it :)
The webpage I used was www.steemdollar.com/dollar_per_vote.php just put your username on the box and it will give you your vote´s worth :D

ohk thanks, its fine.

Hey Tina I also use steemnow.com that is the best and most user friendly to check what power and what awards you've received

yet its awesome i actually bookmarked it.

i salute you @anomadsoul 😘😘😘

This Banner is Clickable :)

Hehehehe nice GIF! Well well, if you think so why don´t you resteem it so your 500 followers read it too?

Let´s change the way we all minnows think, the real change comes from the masses, from that 95% of the community formed by us, the small fishes.

The community grows because of us and thanks to whales upvotes, but without whales there is still a community, without minnows, the community disappears. Let´s keep other newbies coming back and settling down on Steemit!

Would you mind answering a few questions for me? Who are minnows? And would you lose your steempower if you upvote posts too constantly? Thanks

Mhh I always though it is ok when I post only 1-2 times a day to let the auto-vote on. But you are right, I am even wielding @neoxian's delegated power so I should rally disable the autovote. I don't vote for my comments so I should do the same for my posts.

With great power comes great responsibility man.
It is tempting to give yourself 5 dollars on every post you make. It is going to be hard, but just imagine what those five bucks means to someone else? Or 20% of that vote means to a newbie, you might make him stay on the platform due to her 4th post finally breached the 3 dollar barrier!

Can you imagine the community growth and sinergies created if we only voted for other people? That money is coming back to you, one way or another.

yeah, I am with you 100%. I want my posts to pay because people liked them, I will miss those easy $0.50 on my posts, but I removed my vote from all of my posts that are still due to payout ;).

I cannot vote 20%, I have 280SP and 1000Sp borrowed from neox, here take a 100% upvote on your inspiring reply! :D

Hehehe thanks man! Appreciate the piranha upvote! It will come fast, 500 SP is one of the first milestones that really makes you happy :D I you want you can resteem this, or even better you can steal the idea and write your own post. If you don´t feel like writing you can plagiarize the post hehe i fon´t mind and won´t flag, the point is to get everyone on board to this way of thinking.

I wanted to make a post about HF19 and my voting patter anyway at some point anyway. I was a little shell shocked at first, but I think I am getting a handle of how to use a 50 cent upvote. I just hope HF19 does not cause too much further inflation.

oh and btw I really like HF19, it gives me the opportunity to read everything from beginning to end before I vote it, I think I will keep voting 100% even after I breach 500SP

You convinced me, BRAVO :)

Yes!! I am going to believe you, in fact I am going to follow you. If I ever see your upvote in your content my heart will be broken lol. But seriously, I´m glad you got on board pal.

From now on you will never see a new upcoming vote for myself, I will share all the little power I have with others!! Thanks for making me change my mind.

Thank you my friend!! Feel free to resteem this or even better, write a post about it, if you want you can steal the ideas or even the whole post, I don´t care and won´t flag, the purpose is to make everyone get on board with us.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by voghera from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

If everybody in the community has the heart and mind like yours, how wonderful it would be.

Let´s try to make it change! I mean, This post might not reach many people as I only have 650 followers but maybe, maybe someone else wants to do their own version and it will get to more people. In a matter of days we can change the minds of at least 5% of us minnows here, that´s a start huh?

That would not be a problem :)

I don't think it's too bad to get curation rewards for your own post. But i do personally prefer giving all the votes to other people 😊

Naahhh it is not bad, I just over dramatized to make a statement. It is not that bad to upvote yourself, I just found myself more comfortable not voting for mine and still get some curatino rewards and help a fellow pal on the way :D

For example, I have a lot of people, including you, on autovote on the first minute they upload a post because I know it is good content. I do not care about the curation reward because the curation reward is 0.001 SP so by voting ont the first minute I deny all curation rewards... curation reards only get big if you have 10,000 SP and you actually define if a post goes viral or not :O


To be perfectly honest i haven't even studied curation rewards in any great depth (unless someone happens to write an article about it and i happen to read it out of curiousity), much too enamoured about being able to add several cents to a post 😆

Great post as always bro, I will do the same experiment on myself. Although I am already upvoting everyone I like!

Thank for jumping in man, actually you are one of the people I already have on autovote on minute one of the post. The curation rewards I dont care about, aI care abou giving to people who deserves it.

Buen consejo.

Este es el primer post al que le doy resteem en dias, Dios! cuanta razon, el cambio de mentalidad comienza así simplemente genial.

Hey! Gracias por el resteem! El post ha subido el doble despues de 12 horas publicado, nunca había visto eso! Las primeras 12 horas son cruciales pero los resteems son como una bocanada de vida para las publicaciones, me pasaré por tu blog a ver que traes :D

Hola, ¿te parece si nos seguimos? te dejo mi voto :)

Amigo! Justo eso es lo que intento evitar! Mejor vota por contenido de calidad y tu contenido, si tiene calidad, será votado sin necesidad de estos comentarios!

Excelente articulo, el autovoto te resta poder para hacer el trabajo mas valioso de la red, esto se mantendra con el valor de los articulos. Gracias por tu analisis

You have a good heart, deserves upvotes more!

I heard your plead👏

No lo había visto de esta forma, me agrada la perspectiva. A pesar de que igual apoyo a mi comunidad y círculos de amigos o nuevos usuarios. Quizás deje de votar todo mi contenido. Gracias por estos consejos.

Odin approves of this message

Well said well done! Resteemit!

Thanks my friend! It will be nice to read your thought about this... do you agree with everything or do youthink I am wrong in some arguments? I love a good reply :D

Pretty much on target! I am here to grow a community, less about the money then being the change I want to see. Culturally my background is we do not break our arms to pat our self on the back, your works will speak for you. If channels you follow do not bother to be supportive of folks then unfollow them, without supporters of your channel you won't grow so to me it speaks volumes when you support those supporting you. I could do a whole 50 volume set of books on this topic, but I won't :-)

That's some good life advice there Brah.

Hello @anomadsoul

This is a very nice concept you just recommended.

You just got my whale upvote.


That's a great perpective, I think I'm going to stop upvoting myself. You are right about my self-upvote being a joke... hahaha... all 2 pennies worth ;)

It will get higher my friend... with great SP comes great responsibility hahaha

Changing that from today. And I've only made 2 posts so far being new, but I didn't consider exactly what voting on my own post meant before this.

This post reminded me so much of my time regularly meditating, and theory of attraction, and how positivity draws in positivity. Feeling and acting like a whale will only make you one!.

Great post and we'll said, will not be upvoting myself .. if I do tell me off!

Lets let the community grow! Every minnow should shout "I am a whale"

Do you meditate? Awesome! Do you do Yoga or how do you do it?
Exactly!!! Get that idea so deep into your mind that it rules your actions here :D

Check out my page, I have several posts and methods included, I used to meditate daily but now I meditate at least 3 times a week. Yoga not so much but I need to start .. will definitely stop upvoting myself I can give $0.12 to someone else which won't make much difference to myself. However on odd occasions i think it's just forgetfulness that leads to people don't so as it's automatically set to it.

But, if I don't vote for my posts, who will?


Voting on your blog posts can sometimes make the difference between being seen and obscurity. Or, probably not. Often it is obscurity either way.
I like your thoughts and logic on this issue.

Yes, I understand and I can relate to that thought... although... Are your 50 cents really making a difference in your posts...? Or can they make a true difference for that 3 day old minnow exploring the waters?

You're making me think about how I proceed. I can earn a few dollars b voting on my posts, but then I make more from others anyway. Most of my votes go to helping others.

Yes!! I mean, even if our reputation is considerable high, your more than mine, but in terms of SP we are worlds apart, your vote is worth at least 20 times more than mine, so having people like you on board makes a difference...

And yeah, there is nothing wrong about voting for yourfsel once or twice a day, but not every comment and post you make like Ive seen some people do...

I follow you, how about you follow me back and help each other? hehehehehehe just kidding, got you there for a second huh?

LOL. I've seen whales vote up their own comments 100% to gain a large amount. They can earn well from curation anyway. I don't give myself 100% even though I could make a nice income from that.

Thank You for this. As I am only a few days into steam it and trying to figure out and understand how this platform works.

There are a lot of opinions and I wouldn´t adivce to stick with mine from the start! Read a lot about it and then make your own conclussions :D But yeah, mine is better, puts on shades yeeeeahhhh! haha

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If the developers / witnesses / founders of steemit thought that your own content should not be upvoted, then why does the system permit it? Obviously the latest hardfork encourages more self-upvoting with the linear distribution of voting power, but why was the option included in the system from the start? Why wasn't it removed in the latest hardfork? Have they failed morally for including it? Could there be a reason for including it?

I don't think the best approach is to make a big deal out of self-upvoting, especially minnows upvoting their own articles. Minnows need every bit of vesting they can get. That 20 cent upvote may be worth $20 someday.

Even for a whale, when you bring your own money into this platform then you would be wise to seek out the greatest return possible given the boundaries set by the platform. See this whale's article: https://steemit.com/steem/@tamim/is-self-voting-really-bad-why-is-it-shameful-what-s-with-the-public-shaming

I have seen abuse of self-upvoting comments, but there is also a proper time to self-upvote your own comment, like when you think what you have written is important and you want to see it at the top of all the other comments. Perhaps that's one reason the system permits it.

Of course, you are free to upvote and ignore whomever you choose, but in my opinion, if the community has a problem with self-upvoting, take it to the witnesses and if they think it's a smart move, they can remove the option in a future hardfork.

Until then, let the boundaries of the system determine what is and is not permissable.

Edit: Sorry, I meant to also say I really appreciate your heart that this post came out of - a desire to lift up others in the community as a priority. I respect that and am 100% on the same page.

You are entirely rational.
I like your line of reason.
Thanks for posting.

You have some serious and plausible arguments here. And I have always liked a good argument based discussione without turning it into a fight. puts on his box gloves hehehe kidding. Ok, ill respond to every argument in order to make it readable:

That is why I said "should" not can or must, because the option is there and we can use it as we please. I don´t think it must go away the option of autovoting, I think it is there because sometimes it is useful or right to use.

My intention was not to make a big deal, my intention was to show what worked for me and try to make people adopt it. Personally, I think that is the best way to impprove our community, there might be others, but this one is my chosen one.

I agree, self voting is healthy some times but it is the abuse that might end up killing steemit due to new people not sticking and coming back...

I don´t want to take it down, witnesses know better and I think if they deem it necessary, at some point they will but I highly doubt it will happen, especially with the growth rate we have right now.

For the edit: Dont worry! Never read it as an attack! :D

Not sure if you've read this, but here's a helpful and balanced perspective on the topic: https://steemit.com/selfvotes/@stellabelle/partial-solution-to-self-upvote-stampede

Thanks for posting this; I think it's interesting, and important to our community.

I just sent you a line to the OCD channel. It is in your chat DMs

Indeed, stop the circle jerk...

awesome tips, totally worthy of my few pennies upvote and I have resteemed this too. And sorry I don't plagiarize even with permission.

I'm on board! I already haven't voted on several of my posts. I agree with you, we should share the wealth. It does let you see a lot more of what is offered here on steemit. I have even gone as far as delegating some of my SP to help more minnows grow.
Good post, upvoted, I follow you, let's help each other follow me back @Iamsoselfish . Lol !

Got my upvote and resteem! :) Thanks for the reminder.

agreed with you..i am also not upvoting my post from today...thank for the effort to share this post:))

STEEMIT novice- Is there a way to turn off the automatic upvote when you create a post? Not interested in upvoting myself but as I understand it, once a vote is cast you can't that Steem Power back by taking it away.

Found it... lol

You make good points, but I vote so much my vote is only like 4 cents now; not sure what it is fully charged, it was 14 but my steempower is going up. I leave the automatic vote sometimes because it helps my self esteem to see the upvotes and I assume others feel the same so I just keep upvoting and don't think about the money.

Perfectly written! It's easy for me to follow these rules so far. But if I ever become a whale, it will be so hard not to vote for my comments :)

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