Stop Asking for Help and Give Your Help Away (How to Communicate)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi Everybody !

Lately I've been pretty often receiving a lot of positive messages in (before it went down) about the recent success I had in Steemit. To those I must say thank you so much to all of you !!

The reputation and influence that I acquire I am going to use it for helping as many people (artists mostly) in as many ways I as can.


Credit: Anritco

But on the other hand, I've been also had an issue with many other users... Many people were spamming me with messages "PLEASE HELP ME, HELP, HELP I NEED YOUR HELP!"... Yes? How can I help you? ...."UPVOTE MY POST, RESTEEM IT, THANKS!...HEY YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW ME!.

Even tho' I understand how it feels to live in hell and to desperately need a rope to get out from the hole you are living at. This is not the way.

Please don't misunderstand what I am saying. I don't plan to offend you, but actually give you some tools that may help you to get that help you are in need of.

To make it easier let's put some rules

  • Not "I Need", Yes "I Give": There was a person that spammed me few days ago (I won't give names but I will say a lot "person" to neither clarify the genre) begging me for help and tagging me sarcastically of "helper of community" for not answering to his messages 2 minutes after he tagged me six times in an open chat in less than 10 minutes. I attended this artist's questions (because it was an artist and so on got particularly my attention): It was its second post (the first one was an #introduceyourself without the proper proofs of identity) and it was titled "Can I go selfish for a while?" or something like that. He was asking for donations for buying a luxury digitalizer tablet that I don't even have (after 7 years of profession).


As you may guess, this artist didn't do much money. Even tho' at the end I upvoted and supported this person. And of course the spam continued until I gave my reasons and started ignoring all the messages.

  • You Know Nothing Jonh Snow: See, you don't really know what the person you are talking to is going through. In most of cases you don't even know the name of the person (and sometimes bots) you are talking to. Therefore you don't know his/her schedule. I know it's hard, but you have to try at least to be more patient, and not a pain in the butt. Everybody has different times and being too insistent in the wrong way will not only not provide the result you want but also generate a negative impact in your image.

Yes, even if you are not a politician you have a social image.

Which means that every time those that remember you as a spammer will see you posting or commenting, they will instantly ignore and bloq you in their heads (if not in the platform itself). Remember that Steemit has not only upvotes, but downvotes.

Don't play with fire.

  • Improve the Community, Improve WITH the Community: See, we are all humans, are all in the same race of becoming the best version of ourselves, the best we can both in soul and physically. It is a race that each one of us have with him/herself. But we are not alone.

By this I don't mean that there's plenty of people that will help you, but actually there s plenty of people that you should help.

The more people gets your help, the more you are improving as a human being and (your image grows). And Steemit, luckily enough, makes also possible to get some materialistic tools (such as money) in return. So instead bombing others with your problems and needs, offer them a hand.

See, people have enough problems with managing their own lives. In most of cases they don't want more problems into their lives. So in essence what I mean with this is:

Contribute somehow to the community instead just taking advantage of it.

I promise you that sooner or later you will get your reward. And finally, all this doesn't mean that you shouldn't ask for help if you need that. I'm just being terribly sincere about how people in most of cases (not ALL the cases) will react: They wont give a s%!t care about you if you are no one for them. Look:

  • Try to be Objective: Let's put things in perspective. Two possible scenarios:

** Scenario #1. Say, you had an average hard day of work. You come back to home super tired and get into your pc, Steemit, (You already have your influence -high number of steempower- in the platform).Suddenly you have five new private messages from a guy that you never heard about in your life before. And it goes like this:

"-Please upvote, follow and resteem."
"-Follow x follow"
"-I ll upvote you."

** Scenario #2. You had an average hard day of work. You come back to home super tired and get into your pc, Steemit, (You already have your influence -high number of steempower- in the platform). Suddenly you have one new private message from a guy that you saw giving some feedback and help to others in general room chat. And it goes like this:

"-Hey! How are you doing! I'm sorry I'm bothering you but, I've been trying to promote this post of mine in many ways... I've been looking at your posts and they are truly good. I would like to ask you if you have any advice for making mine better? So maybe they will catch more the attention."

Waits for an answer.

Tell me then... Which one would you like to help more?.

Now that you got the point. Let's improve the community together =)



Very succinctly put. These kinds of messages have started being attracted to me too recently. I posted about it yesterday.

There are right ways of doing things and many wrong ways. I was particularly taken with your message to give to the community: I was doing ok in my first few weeks but since I started helping at the #minnowsupport project and actively helping, advising and supporting newbies, these past 2 weeks have been a phenomenal growth for me.

Show the community that you are here to help it grow. You will be rewarded - and not just by money .

Best words I've read in this post so far.

It's like this! Getting a good and cooperative role in the community drives you far, far away. Sometimes the result is even better than money itself. Because we, humans, we feel the best pleasure of our lives in being accepted and admired by others.

This is the best gift that this platform can give =)

Thank you. I truly believe this to be true. My first few days here I stumbled around making newbie mistakes but quickly came to realise that community and engagement here are of paramount importance importance.

The more you give of yourself the further you will go. Don't focus on the monetary aspect, don't let that be your drive.

Precisely! If you are humble enough to leave your ego back, learn from your mistakes and keep contributing giving your best... there's no way you don't succeed!

As a new user it is handy to read this post, I have seen a lot of annoying comments of people spamming and begging. Didn't think it was a good look.

Thanks Again!


Thank you for being so open to the idea itself! Welcome to Steemit and I hope you will find a lot of what you are looking for in this amazing community! =))

giphy (11).gif

All Good

Very Good

Surprisingly Good

Resteemed in Blocks of 3s

Frank III

Thank you so much Frank! I really appreciate it!

The saying my house is your house...

My blog is your blog...


Frank III you kill me ! I'm following you now because YOU deserve it !

Lol, not the violent type!

It's an honor to have you following me and @anritco YOU sir deserve more recognition with your talents and artistic abilities.

I am a new user and I have already seen much of what you are talking about in your article.

It is very annoying. If everyone creates quality content we will certainly grow together, because the community in the future will have the strength to compete with the market giants.

Let's stop thinking about today and create a strategy for the future. Surely we'll all be fine.

Excellent article!

Dude, you just won a follower.

I great article to read, as a newcomer! Mahalo!

Welcome @ko-kahuna! =))

Thank you @anritco! I read your post prior to writing my into. Much appreciated in my start on Steemit!

My favorite part is that if u help people and never ends up helping u in ways u never would have imagined...

Precisely! once you open yourself everything is possible. The world is filled with people that thing otherwise, and this is why not really many things are working in the right way.

I feel you 100. I try to understand that sometimes people don;t get it and with a little patience, maybe I can help them out and fulfill my nice deed for the day. I do wonder if maybe it's just a waste of time and I'm really just talking to a bot... That gives me an idea, I should end my post with, don't just view and not upvote, CRITICIZE IT!!! Have a nice day!

Completely agree with you. Every time people misses an interesting post just for curation's rewards, they are missing the opportunity of meeting a beautiful feature of another person. A whole new world and learn from it.

Sad AF.

Absolutely. When someone sounds desperate instead of genuine, that's the biggest turn off in the world. Same principle in dating right? NOBODY, I mean NOBODY is attracted to "desperate" haha. Thanks for good content.

That s EXACTLY what I mean! It can be applied at ANY level!

Good post, very well written. Thanks for sharing :) Keep on Steeming.

Thank @firepower! Will do ;)

Nice post. As for me, i'd pay my attention to the one who sent you the message in scenario # 2. At least he sincere in asking you for help in a polite way and being so demanding.

Precisely! And this is how it always works!

I just read everything. well. I think this idea needs to figure out for everyone. I believe a time everyone is a new start. someone may buy high steem power. however. everyone try to make money here. the better idea always is. if you work hard and then come to the home. and open steemit. which is completely wrong idea. another thing if for example you work hard and come back open steemit and chat. and someone messaging. well. simple 1 or 2 words you can say. right now busy talk later. Or best way you can hide yourself profile.and should not post in the chat room. in my sense who are posting in the chat room. people try to vote then and notify. few people reply few people not. in this case, make pm. So multiple logic. But the best idea. provide a short message the understand correctly.

I don't really agree with you @rarcntv. If you are here just for making money, then you are in the wrong place... if you only want to make money, stay working, go back home and watch TV.

This is a social platform where the reward is to give something to the community. Of course it has its counterpart where people have the chances to put money and start from much further place. But if you come from the bank system (which is the one that we live daily) and you want to start to getting involved in this platform and new system.

So you gotta eat, and for that buying food. This is why you have to keep a balance between real world and the "Steemit world".

I don't know how it is for you, but every time I receive a message I interrupt my work for giving a hand, and when it is only (and inconsiderately) a post, assuming to vote it. I feel like I'm losing my time for someone that doesn't even take the time to tip something else than ctrl+v.

Maybe marketing works in many ways. But cooperative society works in another: Marketing creates needs where there isn't while coop society is based in solving the real (or virtual) needs.

seems you talk like. after you born. you help yourself not your family help you! So if it real world. then why your family support to until you become a child to young? Everyone need help even bill gates. you also helping other. So helping is the actual way. if you can not help surely you should ignore. But it is a natural system. no one ever makes its own without God. So if you think deeper get a clear idea. When you born how and who help you? don't you ask money to your family? if not then may be steemit also same. from the first no one helping you. you never go chat support. looks like you may create steemit. wrong idea. you should think deeper.

I'm not seeing your point.

  • We are not babies anymore, you are actually these parents that help another babies (if you want to see this community as a bloodline family, which is not). I don't believe in god, but in human will, so I don't really share your thoughts about your divine entity.

Once again, we are fully developed humans in most of cases with access to internet and hopefully free way of thinking.

  • Steemit is not your blood-line family, you may ask to your parents for money, but you see your parents, you know them since you were born... damn man, you know their names and their voices. All this things make the relation between you and your parents different that between you and a completely foreign for you like me.

Just think about this: how would you respond to a totally random average looking guy that comes in the street, stops you and asks you "Buy me this shoe". (the shoe is the post).

It take you time to learn. how much you earn? even apple ceo before died. look here message. he billion $ successfully company why said humanity is important? before death. you do not believe in god because god do not give you idea yet. if you can try to keep your life for ever. why you will death? who make the system. Even scientist research everyone now see the sky. and how it is. without research it is impossible to get that knowledge. why human can not protect a simple earthquake and dead thousand people? Because some power from god. what example I give you you do not understand yet. however private message is good.

Do you ever know a surprising thing regarding facebook? Even facebook offer me 10$ to join their network when they start? you are still behind. you have to think for example google or facebook. Do we email million times? how they avoid you? Even I have most probably few million email how to handle that? Because Most time we ignore with is nonimportant. only important are we reply. So similar here too. In any platform not create overnight. it needs everyone help each and every time. including steemit. Steemit work with Forbes. Another interview channel etc. Because they have idea need to help for publicity. if never do know one ever know steemit. They do a conference , steem fest why? it is only for publicity nothing else. even take interview from some person and send them gift or money why? all is to bring people in their platform. So not just steemit. Billion $ company. even bill gates always do publicity. and that is the reason you post in a channel? why because you need help. if the platform. I think a whale talk so negatively . and after he miss behave with me. then go to General chat support and Talk about me with rough language. Then another whale solves his problem. later he asks sorry to me.

Then maybe you should stay in Facebook, good luck @rarcntv ! =)

you do not get the idea what I am trying to say. a time later you get the idea. you are so busy. I believe you are a millionaire. not even have enough time to chat? but may real earning very bad why? because there is some reason. you can not help people and do not learn from people. I am earning well. and I have enough time to chat. People are here not to make money!. actually, everyone makes money. But yea physical work is too hard. rather than writing article. if make extra money that is helpful I hope you get the idea.or you will get the idea.

I have Poland client. earning very bad and work too hard. you may be in similar condition. my advice for you. try to help each other. someone can show you some creative way. which help you to make good money. rather than hardwork. I do not earn many. but in my life age already earn 100k. not only that free helping more than 1 years to a client by chatting. and I have permanent job too. why? because I help him.

and this is your earning secret. which is randowhale. So you see you asking help to him. yea ofcourse with money. So don't you think if your vote help to other they do not give you some gift?

@anritco Yay nice post, I'll surely consider this :D

Good point men, you deserve the follow. I also find out myself that giving will give you more in return. You want to be part and not gain something on the back of others. Never really understood f.e. scammers. Being rich without your own integrity is nothing you will enjoy.

Pretty much! This is how society should work and how the circle should be made! as @rtdcs said in beautiful words: "Let's stop thinking about today and create a strategy for the future."

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Anritco (Nic Morales) from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Good post and well stated. It's a hard life for new people here, everyone is grabbing straws to get into the action. But what they lack is content that really interests the people. The post should be useful (like this one). I do like your state of mind and reading this, I hope you will post something in the future again about the community. I love that topic a lot! Cheers mate!

:) yup. Generating social good-will is always a better strategy than asking for help

That's the spirit man!! This is what we should move to others and teach to everyone =))

Yes ..Thanks for pointing this out .. Most of the introduceyourself post are also like these :)

Precisely! But I believe it's just because of ignorance from the new member, which is not bad, but can be cured =)

Wow I learned this now