Very succinctly put. These kinds of messages have started being attracted to me too recently. I posted about it yesterday.
There are right ways of doing things and many wrong ways. I was particularly taken with your message to give to the community: I was doing ok in my first few weeks but since I started helping at the #minnowsupport project and actively helping, advising and supporting newbies, these past 2 weeks have been a phenomenal growth for me.
Show the community that you are here to help it grow. You will be rewarded - and not just by money .
Best words I've read in this post so far.
It's like this! Getting a good and cooperative role in the community drives you far, far away. Sometimes the result is even better than money itself. Because we, humans, we feel the best pleasure of our lives in being accepted and admired by others.
This is the best gift that this platform can give =)
Thank you. I truly believe this to be true. My first few days here I stumbled around making newbie mistakes but quickly came to realise that community and engagement here are of paramount importance importance.
The more you give of yourself the further you will go. Don't focus on the monetary aspect, don't let that be your drive.
Precisely! If you are humble enough to leave your ego back, learn from your mistakes and keep contributing giving your best... there's no way you don't succeed!