Why You Aren't on the Trending Page

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Welcome Steemitzen! How are you this amazing day? Let's get right down to it- you are not on the Trending page. You haven't even made it to the Hot page.

You spend hours writing a compelling post, find just the right images, double check your spelling and take a deep breath and publish. Your heart beats fast, this is it! This is The Post that will get you noticed, you can feel it! It is filled with golden information written in a witty way, totally worthy of sitting right in between @papa-pepper and @exyle's newest posts. Your info is fresh, unique, and will help and entertain every Steemian, you know it!

You refresh the page. 14 views in the last couple minutes, okay. You wait a minute, ok, a few seconds, and refresh again, and... two cents. You visit a post and speedread it to take your mind off things, leave a comment and rush to check your post. $0.17.



You know the drill, you do this every time. Your posts are making a few dollars or cents but you work so hard on them. You know they are worthy of more! What is wrong?

You keep asking yourself "Why am I not getting noticed?"

Have you tried blogging outside of Steemit? Purchased a domain name and installed wordpress? Posted every day and waited for an audience? Joined forums and advertised your new blog on facebook and Twitter and posted and posted?

At this point you are maybe getting a dozen visitors to your .com and you are down $20 for the domain name and hosting.

The audience doesn't just appear. Poof!

No, you have to work extremely hard to get www.i'manewbloggerwithsomethingfreshandimportanttosay.com noticed. Lots of marketing and advertising and daily effort. It takes months to years before your .com is making a decent income.

Steemit is no different! You cannot be egotistical to assume you can just register on Steemit, write a couple posts, and be earning $758.00 per each.

The world does not work that way, my friend. Not on Steemit, not anywhere.

Steemit, like anything, takes time to build. It takes daily effort.

Everyone on the trending page worked to get there. Posted daily. Yes- there are some who simply invested a load of money into STEEM, but if you had that kind of cash to spare you wouldn't be reading my words right now, would you?

Come for the money, stay for the community.

I'm sure you have read that a few times by now. It's so true.

When I first started, just like you I was lured by the shiny danglings of the Trending page. After a while I grew frustrated. I tried everything. I was growing for sure. But my $ rewards were not reflecting that. In my mind, anyway. I wrote killer posts! I spent hours typing and researching and making them pretty!

But soon I realized that the Trending page is not something to base my Steemit success upon.

The quality of my comments and interactions with my followers is what matters.

Every user who makes the Trending page consistently is there because they put in the time. Months and months of posting daily for pennies. Daily interaction with peers. Joining groups and getting involved in the community.

To make it on the Trending page, you must follow these steps:

  • Register and get approved on Steemit

  • Read a variety of Introduce Myself posts

  • Write an interesting and informative Introduce Myself post to introduce yourself to the community

  • Interact with each and every person who comments

  • Read a number of posts. Comment on each with a few thought provoking sentences.

  • Never comment "Great post!" You must talk with this person! You are building a community. You obviously enjoyed their article. Talk about it as you would a friend! Ask questions! Start a conversation- it may lead to a friendship ;)

  • Write your second post. Something you are passionate and know a lot about

  • Interact with everyone who comments

  • Read more posts. Interact genuinely with your fellow Steemmates.

  • Ask questions. Learn.

  • Join a group or two. Interact with the members.

  • Write more posts. Make sure your spelling and grammar are great. Use only legal images. Never plagarize or copy anyone's stuff. Be unique. Be consistent- write and post every day. Learn how to properly format your posts. Link them on all your other social media accounts. Research for more in depth posts. Be patient. Be yourself. Have fun!

  • Keep conversing with more and more people in the comments of their posts. Find likeminds and talk about your shared interests. Learn new things. Meet new people. Interact with your community.

  • Keep posting original, compelling articles. Be patient. Be consistent. Be real and be honest. And never badmouth another user. Be open. Relax. Improve your writing. Join a couple more groups. Enjoy the wealth of information your fellow Steemitzens give you. Treat them well- they are just like you. Be kind. And be patient.

You must believe in Steemit. You must have faith in STEEM, and see the unlimited potential of this amazing blockchain platform. You must believe in yoruself.

You want Steemit to pay your bills? This would make you a freelance writer. Your own boss. If you want to quit your job and live off your STEEM earnings and buy a car purely with crypto, well, then you must treat this as a job. Be dedicated. Work hard. Build a solid platform now that will support the huge growth you will attain by following my advice.

You cannot walk into a job and expect to make hundreds of dollars a day immediately. You have to work your way up! Steemit is the same!

If you build it, they will come. If you are consistent and dedicated you will grow. The more you give to Steemit, the more will come back to you. Nobody here owes you anything. You must earn it.

STEEM ever onward and upward!

And remember to be patient and kind with all users. You get what you give <3

may the cryptos be ever in your favor

Enter Week 3 Photography Contest- Humor- for a chance to win $10 SBD!

Images via Pexels and Pixabay

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡

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I like how you're reminding your readers about the reality of how things work, but at the same time remind us that perseverance and hard work will help us. After all, after that proverb "A journey of a thousand miles begon with a single step", puts things into perspective. Thanks :)

One step at a time. That's how you can get anywhere :)

i don't want appear in trending page... just want more followers and upvote jajajajajajaja

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